Chapter 7 - First Girl Friend

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A/N: Credit for the book cover to @duahalgadi Thank you so much for the amazing cover <3



Fi-na-lly, I was waiting for this bell for forever to ring, yup you guessed it, it's lunch time. I shouldn't be this excited but I am. Since Ellie was the first girl friend I've made here, I am kinda excited to be able to sit with her at lunch.

I hurried out of class anxious to get to the lunch room, cafeteria, whatever. Once I entered the lunch room, I scanned the whole place looking for a short red headed girl, Ellie. I huffed in annoyance when I didn't find her. I went and sat down next to James shrugging. Guess I'll talk to her later. "Hey" I smiled at our new group of friends. "Sooo..?" James asked excitedly. "Sooo...what?" I asked confused. "Your tryout, did you get in?" he asked practically jumping on his seat. I squealed already showing off my answer. "YESSS" what yes I squealed, I couldn't help it. 'Congratulations' were chorused around our table. I smiled proudly about to tell them how great it was but just then I saw Ellie with her tray looking around. "ELLIE HERE" I said waving at her she looked at me but as quick as that she turned her gaze away and started walking away. Weird. I quickly got up and ran after her. "Ellie wait up." she turned around and looked at me with a scowl. "hey, what's wrong?" I asked concerned. "'s there." she said looking down with a light blush. "Ohhh, someone has a crush." I teased. "Lower your voice." she hissed. I chuckled and held up my hand in defense. "Come on, just act normal, maybe he'll just fall for you after all." I teased again dragging her to our table. "come on" I hissed. she sighed but started walking with me, her face still red. "Hey guys this is Ellie." "hey" Ellie said in a small voice. "Hey" "hi" "hello" "Hey there" Mark said pulling her to sit next to him, she blushed again and looked down, I gave her a 'see I told you' look and winked at her when no one was looking. "Soo, Little Emma will be a dancer ha?" Tristan said smirking. "Yes I will be a dancer gotta problem with that?" I raised an eyebrow. he chuckled and shook his head. "So what's up with your new friend?" Tristan whispered in my ear. "Um well she's got a little crush on mark" I said smiling. "Emma" he warned. "What?" I defended. "You aren't gonna play match maker now are you?" I huffed and crossed my arm. "your such a buzz kill" I muttered. "Ohh so now I'm the buzz kill..oh okay" he laughed loudly. "What's that suppose to mean" I whined hitting his chest. "nothing, nothing at all." He smirked. I looked at James for help but he just put on a knowing smile glancing between me and T. Okkaayyy.

"Omg come on Ellie were gonna be late for practice." I said jumping out of my seat. she got up and followed me out of the lunch room. "bye guys" we called after us. "Soo..?" I nudged her. "Soo what?" she asked playing dumb, but the blush on her face gave it away. "Mark." I squealed. "Shhhh" she glared at me. "sorry sorry" I muttered. "Okay so tell me, what happened?" "Nothing I promise, well not yet anyways." she grinned. "WHAT?" I practically screamed which earned me a glare from her. "He asked me out tonight." she whispered barely audible. I Started squealing and started jumping up and down from excitement. "wait" I said all of a sudden. "How did he ask you out if you just met." I said giving her a pointed look. "W-well...umm you s-see, we" she stuttered blushing deeply. "Elliot" I warned. "Fine" she sighed. "We used to know each other from before and well this year w-we kisses, and now he asked me out." she said blushing redder than before if that was even possible. I grinned widely and started wiggling my eyebrows at her. "Lets go we're gonna be late" she said smacking my arm lightly.


Once we entered the girl's locker room I changed into a pair of shorts, my sports bra and a white tank top. I gently laid my other clothes in my gym locker and locked it. "Alright girls were about to start." The dance captain, Lisa said. I quickly rushed out of the locker room and stood next to Ellie.

"Okay girls, we chose you here today because you were the best dancers from all." she grinned and we returned the gesture. "You will all be missing a lot of classes because we have the international dance competition coming up, so I expect you to catch up with your work but in bright side is you get to skip classes, yay right." we all laughed and continued listening to her. "I hope you do your best in practice cause the competition is 2 weeks away, thank you and enjoy." she said clapping. "2 weeks away, that's so little." Ellie whispered to me. I shrugged, used to it since we used to do these things a lot back then. "Have you ever been in a dance team?" she asked me. "Yup, 2 actually" I smiled proudly. she giggled and we continued stretching.


After 2 hours of torture, nah just kidding it wasn't that bad, they dismissed us. I walked out of the parking lot with Ellie and found Tristan waiting on his phone. "one sec I'm just gonna tell Tristan I'm leaving with you." I told Ellie she nodded and gestured towards a car. "I'm just gonna wait in my car." she smiled softly. i jogged sneakily up to Tristan planning to scare him, once I was close enough I- "Hey Emm" Tristan smirked not even taking his eyes away from his phone. "Damn you" I muttered, how did he do that. He laughed and looked up. "Oh I just wanted to tell you I'm leaving with Ellie today, don't need to wait up for me." "Oh okay, want a ride home after?" he asked. "Yup thanks I'll call you." I said walking away. I got in Ellie's car and we headed to her house.

Ellie's house was a two story house, not too big, not too small. We entered her room which was a light purple color that had a little quotes on the wall and sat down on her bed. "What time is the date?" I asked excitedly. "He said he'll pick me up at 7:00" "Okay so we have time to watch a movie and then get ready." I said and she nodded. "Okay what movie?" she asked, getting off the bed and walking to her TV. "I don't know, what do you have?" I asked. "Titanic, When in Rome, Fast and furious, The Noteboo-" "THE NOTEBOOK" I screamed. "Okay okay" she laughed and put the CD in. After that she walked to the bed and plopped herself on it. Okay I'm not the girly girly type but to tell you something, I'm actually into romance and believe in love, no not the cliche type but ya know. We laid down on our stomachs and started watching the movie.

About half way through the movie we were both bowling our eyes out. I quickly took out my phone not missing the chance to take a picture of us like this. I took a selfie me smiling sadly and Ellie crying in the back not noticing the picture. I immediately posted it on Facebook with the caption 'This is what The Notebook does to us'. I grabbed the remote and paused it checking the time. 5:36. "Come on Ellie We should start getting you ready, go take a shower and I'll pick out your clothes." She got up and headed for the bathroom, I also stood up and walked to her closet. I started going through her clothes until I picked out the perfect one. A long sleeved striped black and white crop top and a black leather skirt with her all star white high tops. She got out of the bathroom and took her clothes and undergarment with her and got back in. I sat in the bed waiting for her. when she got out she kept tugging at the bottom of the crop top. I went to her and slapped her hand away. "leave it, it looks perfect" I smiled. "Now sit down and let me do my magic." she sat down in front of her mirror. I got up and got her makeup and hair curler. I dried her hair a bit then started curling it at the end making loose curls. I then started on the makeup adding a bit of concealer, then adding eyeliner and a greyish/silver eye shadow. I gave her a nude colored lipstick and she applied it. I added a little blush and there, I was done. Just in time the doorbell rang. "I'll get it, you get ready, Wear your shoes and stuff." As I was walking down the stairs I texted Tristan to pick me up and the address. "hey there." I said opening the door for Mark. He looked surprised to see me there but got over it and smiled. "So where's Ellie?" he asked. "Shes coming." I then turned my smile into a glare and pointed a finger at him, I had to be the overprotective best friend since her parents weren't here tonight. "I swear if you hurt her or break hurt I'll fucking cut your balls off, understood?" I said in a deathly low voice. He visibly gulped and nodded. "Yes ma'am" I grinned and just then Ellie walked down. he was staring at her with his mouth hung open and she was blushing, how cute. "I'll be going now" I said once I heard a car honk outside. but none of them acknowledged me since they were too busy staring at each other.

I opened the passenger door and got in to Tristan's car. "Hey" I said giving him a side hug. "Hello, so where to?" He asked "home" I answered in a 'duh' tone. "Well nope not today, lets go on an adventure" he grinned mischievously. I've always loved this side of him. I smiled and nodded.


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