Chapter 10

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"Uh hi," I said nervously.

"Question!" Alex started. "Do you have any idea how to do any of this?!" Alex said throwing her hands up in the air frustrated.

"Duh, do I look retarded?" Carter said annoyed.

"What is it then?" Alex questioned, clearly doubting him.

My ears were shocked about what came next. Carter explained it perfectly, going in depth and everything.

"Whoa there Einstein. Where did that come from?"

"Sure I suck at language arts and history, but I can do math and science like its nobody's business."

I was completely shocked.

Alex was slumped in her chair giving both of us the evil grin. "Calm down love birds and help me with this stuff."

"How exactly does talking make us love birds?" I questioned.

"Oh please. You like him and he likes you you are just too afraid to admit it! Too bad Keeley has a boy-"

"-over protective dad," I quickly cut her off. I didn't want Carter to know that I had a boyfriend - at least not yet.

Carter eyed us suspiciously before turning his attention to Mr. Samuels who had just begun going over our homework.

That was a close call.


Finally Mr. Samuels finished his lesson that nearly put me to sleep. As the time before the bell rang ticked down I realized that I needed to make an excuse to leave before Carter or Collin see me with either one of them. I quickly ran up to the teacher and asked him if I could use the bathroom. he simply stated that I could hold it for five more minutes. Time to play the girl card.

"Mr. S, it's a girl thing," I whispered.

I wish I would have had a camera to take a picture of his facial expression. He was so horrified, he immediately excused me and took off out of the classroom. I didn't really need to go to bathroom, I just wanted to avoid the awkwardness between Carter, Collin, and I just a little longer.

I ran to my locker, and neatly set up my books. So that no teacher was suspicious of me just standing there, I decided to reorganize my locker. Once the bell rang, I quickly grabbed my paper bag with my name written on it in swirly letters, and slammed my locker shut. I tried to avoid Carter and Collin on my way to lunch, and thankfully succeeded.

I plopped down at our usual table in the far right corner of the cafeteria. Soon after I arrived, Liz came and sat down on my right.

"Hi, what's wrong with you?" Liz said pulling out a salad, noticing my face that showed so many emotions.

"Well Carter and Collin both go here!"


"WellIkindoflikeCarterandIthinkhelikesmebutIdidn'ttellhimIhaveaboyfriendthatImayormaynotstilllove!" I quickly said as I gasped for air.

"Girl, English please?"

"Well I kind of like Carter and I think he likes me but I didn't tell him I have a boyfriend that I may or may not still love!" I repeated, slower this time.

"Well your screwed." Liz said shoving salad into her mouth.

"Gee thanks for the support!" I said sarcastically.

"Speak of the devil. . ." Liz said as Collin made his way over, talking with Alex.

I quickly put on a smile, trying to act normal.

"Hey there beautiful," Collin said as he sat down next to me, kissing me on the cheek. He is just so sweet.

"Hi there."

"What happened to you in math? I got worried."

"Oh I just had to use the bathroom, but thanks for worrying," I said smiling.

"Enough couply stuff! You guys are reminding me of the date I don't have for Friday," Alex pouted.

"I'm sure you'll find one Al," I said as I took a bite of my favorite - Chicken Noodle Soup.

"Hey you know what? Alex do you want to go with me?" Collin asked.


"That is breaking girl code. Besides aren't you going with Keeley?"

"Well I was going to but her mom made her go with her neighbor so he would have a date."

Both Alex and Liz eyed me suspiciously but didn't say anything.

"As long as it's ok with Alex," she said looking at me.

"Sure." I mouthed a thanks to Collin before taking another bite of my soup. I was enjoying my lunch until Liz leaned down next to me and whispered, "Trouble at six o'clock."

I whipped my head around and saw Carter coming towards our table. My heart immediately began beating rapidly and my eyes widened.

"Everything alright babe? Your face got pale all of a sudden."

I turned back around and said, "It's okay. I-I'm fine."

He looked at me concerned but then continued to eat his lunch. I was sweating now, so afraid of what was to come. Finally my nightmare happened and Carter sat down across from me.

"Hey there Anderson."

"Um, h-hi," I stuttered.

"Oh this must be your new neighbor. Hey, I'm Collin," Collin said.

"Keeley, who is he?" Carter questioned furrowing his eyebrows.

Before I could answer, Collin said, "I'm Keeley's boyfriend. Didn't she tell you?"

Carter suddenly looked at me, anger and hurt flashing through his eyes. "Boyfriend?" he questioned clenching his jaw.


"Uh-huh," I managed to squeak out.

"That's funny. I don't remember that little detail," he said before picking up his tray and walking away. Not only was Carter pissed, but now Collin was confused.

"Well shit," Liz stated as I put my head on the table, not even bothering to scold her potty mouth.

Well that went well.

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