Chapter 2

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-----9 years ago-----

"Mommy, why did we have to move again?" I whined as grumpy old men in orange suits brought boxes into our house.

"Well honey, daddy's job has relocated him to this part of town. Don't worry though hun, this new school is great and the family next door seems wonderful. The family even has a son your same age."

"Ew yuck mommy, stop!" I said sticking out my tongue while my mom laughed.

"Oh come on. How about I take you over there to play while I take Alicia to her birthday party," my mom suggested.

"Fine," I huffed as I crossed my arms.

My mom then practically dragged me to our neighbors house and rang the bell.

"Well it's nice to see you again Stacey. Now what can I do for ya?" a short lady with chocolate brown hair said in a cheery tone.

"Well I have to take Alicia to a party and I was wondering if Keeley and Carter could play for a little bit until I get back?"

"Of course! Come in in sweetie, Carter is up in his room."

"Thanks again Carla," my mom said as she left. I had never met Carla or Carter but apparently mom knew Carla from some scrapbooking class.

"I'll be making you two some snacks and in the mean time, you can go join Carter in his room."

I nodded and trudged up the stairs with my arms still crossed. I made my way into the first room I saw but I quickly realized it wasn't Carter's. The walls were a bright shade of pink and Polly Pockets were scattered all over the floor.

After I realized that room wasn't Carter's I made my way to the next room to find Carter sitting in the middle if the room playing on an old fashioned game boy. His room was a dark shade of blue, trophies and medals were squished on multiple shelves, and clothes littered the floor.

I made my way into his room and said, "Umm hi. My name is Keeley and I just moved here."

"So?" he replied rudely.

"Well you are supposed to play with me," I said angrily marching over to him, my hands now on my hips.

"Alright, alright, but we are not, under any circumstances, playing some sissy game like house or Barbies," he said setting down his game boy.

"Fine, what do you have in mind?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Well have you ever been down by the creek?" he asked.


"Let's go there then, unless your scared," he cooed.

"I am not scared. Let's go," I replied jumping up, "lead the way."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of his house and next to his fence.

"Are we climbing that?" I asked.

"Yup," he said releasing my hand and swiftly climbing up. Although I hate to admit it, I liked it when we were holding hands, so I quickly climbed up, slightly ripping my skirt so I could hold his hand again.

Once I got over I could see his expression change and I smiled a little.

"How did you do that?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"Climb that? Most girls I know can't do that. They are sissies."

"Well I can assure you I'm not most girls - and I'm not a sissy either."

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