Chapter 6

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"Hey there Anderson."

I whipped my head around seeing Carter leaning against a goal post. "Oh, hi."

"Nice game."

I was speechless. He had actually stayed to watch my game? " saw m..y game?" I said nervously.

"Don't act so surprised. I have a heart you know. Besides I like watching soccer and my practice was on the next field over."

"I knew you had a heart, I just thought it was too full for me."

"Ouch. Well you were wrong."

I smirked before turning to walk away.

"Are you planning on walking home?"

"Um no. I have a brain you know," I said in the same tone he just did. "I'm going with my parents."

"Nice one. But you should know your parents left assuming you we're getting a ride from Liz."

"Really?!" I asked dumbfounded. Now I had no ride. Well I guess I did... no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"Looks like you need a ride."

"You don't say," I pouted. I was so mad at my parents for leaving me with him.

"Calm down feisty. I can just give you a ride."

Yes that's why I'm mad.

"I would rather rott in jail than get a ride with you."

"Ouch," he said placing a hand over his heart. "I guess I'll just leave you here than......" he said walking off.


"I knew you would come crawling back to me darling."

I groaned before walking to catch up with him. "I guess I could use a ride," I groaned.

"On one condition."


"You need to get on your knees, and say, 'my royal prince that I am deeply in love with, won't you please give me a ride with the kindness of your heart?'"

"No way."

"Okay then, enjoy the walk home..."

"Ugh fine. My royal prince that I am deeply in love with, wont you please give me a ride with the kindness of your heart?" I said batting my eyelashes.

"No," Carter said before cracking up with laughter.

"Ugh!! You are infuriating Carter Trenton. I am officially walking home."

"I'm just kidding, come on my car is this way," he said as I turned around catching up with him.

We showed up at a neon green jeep. "This car is awesome!" I said sliding into the passenger seat.

"Holy shit, you stink! Don't even think about taking off those shoes or I will dump you on the side of the road." He said as he slid into the drivers seat, plugging his nose.

"Well I just played a soccer game. What did you expect?"

"I don't know. I guess I was just praying that you wouldn't smell that bad."

"First of all, that's offensive. Second of all, watch your language mister."

"Oh right I forgot I was talking to a five year old."

I shot him a glare before adjusting the radio.

"I don't think so missy. My car, my radio."

"Whatever," I said annoyed, as I slumped back down into his leather seats.

"Question, why does it bother you so much when people cuss?"

"I don't know. I guess I just think that people who cuss are too stupid to come up with another word."

"Are you calling me stupid?" he asked fidgeting with the radio.

"Maybe. Will you just keep your eyes on the road? You're going to kill someone! Just tell me what radio station you want and I'll put it on."

"Fine mother. Put it to 98.5."

"Huh, I don't think I've listened to that station before."

"It's 'cause you have horrible taste in music."

I smirked putting it to 98.5. As soon as I did a country song I had never heard started blaring through the speakers.

"It's a Friday night, it's a small town girl

Everything is right and we rule the world

Two twelve's in the truck back beating

A bunch of rock stars on a riverbank singing,

Whoa, whoa, everything, whoa, everything whoa, everything we wanna be.

We are, we are, we are, tonight!". Carter sang along to the song way off key.

"Aww you're a country boy at heart! That's adorable!" I squealed once the song ended.

"I'm 17 years old. I do not qualify as 'adorable'. And if you mention this to anyone, my reputation is ruined."

"So your reputation is in my hands?"


"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." I never thought the great Carter Trenton would still have a sensitive side - or that his reputation would lie in my hands.

"Why do you like country music so much?"

"Well, I like the rhythm and most country songs tell a story and have a meaning."

"I guess so. I never thought of it that way."

"It's cause that stupid pop music messed up your head."

"Whatever. For the record-"

"Shut up! I like this song!" Carter said cranking up the music. Although, I'm pretty sure he was just trying to drown me out.

By the time we pulled up to my house, we were both jamming out to country music. I never thought I would like it but I guess I was wrong.

"Thanks for the ride Carter," I said hopping out of the car.

"Anytime Anderson," he smiled.

"I haven't seen you do that."


"Smile at me. Like a real smile."

"Don't get used to it."

"There's the Carter I know," I said turning to walk to my door.

"Oh I was meaning to ask you, what are your plans this Friday?"

"Hopefully, I'll be dancing with someone at homecoming. I don't have a date yet though," I shrugged my cheeks flaming up. I must have been the only girl at our school who doesn't have a date.

"Cool. I'll pick you up at 8," Carter said as he pulled into his driveway and left.

What just happened?

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