Chapter 17

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Oh my God.

I had only been locked in this place for six days and I was already going mad. It had been a week since the accident and I hate to say it but it was true. I was furious.

Furious at the world.

Furious that I couldn't read Eleanor and Park my new favorite book because of my concussion.

Furious that Liz and Alex still haven't visited me.

Furious that Collin had died.

All in all I was just enraged and furious.

The only thing I had to do was read magazines - or look at the pictures since I couldn't read. Everyday after school, Carter would bring me two new magazines to read, Dairy Queen, and, of course, waffles. Then, we would chat until he had to go to practice. Then it was just me, myself and I.

Sometimes I would even cry myself to sleep.

First of all because Collin is dead. The word dead dripping like a poison off of my tongue.

I would miss the freaking try out. Something I had worked my tail off.

I just couldn't stand being stuck in this stinky hospital. The current buzz and tears I could hear from outside my door and that terrible aroma of the place. The entire mood of the hospital was just depressing in general.

I was drowning in my own self pity, reading the latest magazine Carter had brought - soaking up the latest celebrity gossip.

Every couple of minutes I would glance up at the clock, watching the big hand slowly tick towards the 12. Once it hit the twelve it would be 4:00. Once it was 4:00, Carter would walk through those doors, smiling his award-winning smile that twinkled in the light.

Finally, at 4:01, the hospital doors burst open - but instead of Carter, Liz and Alex came running through the doors.

"KEELEY!" They squealed, rushing to my side.

"Hey you two. Where have you been?!"

"Trust me, we wanted to come see you but only family could see you until today."

"Then how on earth did Carter get to see me?!"

"He has his ways," Alex said laughing.

"Or they let him in because he said he was your boyfriend."

My heart stopped. "He said he was my boyfriend?"

"Yeah. You guys should have been dating anyway and it was just a matter of time . . ."

"Shut up. So how was homecoming?" I questioned, my cheeks beginning to flame up.

"Well, my date was a little busy but Liz had fun," Alex said glancing at Liz.

I turned my attention to Liz raising an eyebrow.

Her face immediately got cherry red as she said, "Well Nate and I won homecoming king and queen for some reason. I hate to say it but it was so romantic and special. But enough about us! How are you?"

"Oh ya know. Me and that old lady down the hall have been livin' it up," I said sarcastically.

They both laughed before Liz said, "So what's the scoop? How bad is it?"

"Well I can't do any physical activity for awhile and I haven't showered in a while."

"We can tell," Liz joked.

I elbowed her before continuing. "Yeah it's been tough but I'll live. So fill me in on what I missed in school."

"Well we had a history test-" Liz started.

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