Chapter 15

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Today was Monday. Exactly three days since the accident - except it was midnight and I couldn't fall asleep.

I had been sleeping all freaking day so I wasn't sure how I was expected to sleep another ten hours. I laid in the lumpy hospital bed, gazing out the window in front of me. The hospital I was in was far from the city so I could make out the stars pretty easily. I was mesmerized by the gleaming stars.

Buy you can only stare at balls of gas for so long. Finally, I hopped out of my bed trying not to wake Nick who was on Keeley-patrol tonight. I tiptoed past him and quietly opened the door. It squeaked but to my delight, he didn't even budge.

I didn't even know where to begin to look in order to find Collin but I knew that I had to see him. So, I devised a plan. I took the elevator down to the main floor and walked up to the front desk.

"Excuse me but can someone please point me in the direction of Collin Harper's room?"

The nurses looked at me as if I was insane. "Visiting hours are over ma'am," one nurse said in a snotty tone. Crap! Plan a was fouled now for plan b - there is just one problem, I didn't have a plan b. Time to improvise.

"Do I look like a visitor?" I snapped pointing to my dress.

"No you looked like a patient dear, but you can't visit Mr. Harper. Visiting hours are over."

"Oh lord forgive my potty mouth," I said to myself before deciding to put on an act. "Well no shit Sherlock. Now, which one of you is going to point me to Collin's room?"

"Ma'am, I think it's best if you return to your room and get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning."

"Excuse me? No! I can't sleep because I left my pink teddy in Collin's room!! NOW WHO IS GOING TO TELL ME WHERE HIS ROOM IS SO I CAN GET MY TEDDY BEAR?!!!" I screamed, receiving strange looks from families in the waiting room.

The nurse looked slightly taken aback and afraid. Everyone was probably thinking the same thing, that I was a crazy person, but hey, that's what I was going for.

"Ma'am! People are trying to sleep!"

"Then I guess you better tell me his room number before I scream again," I said cracking up in my head. This lady's reactions were hysterical.

"Fine! He's in room 106. Now leave before I call someone."

"Thanks bye!" I said smiling sweetly. That was the most fun I had had in a long time.

I walked over to the elevator, still laughing in my head. I pushed the up arrow then waited patiently for the elevator to open. When I heard the ding, I began to walk towards it. However, inside the person who I really didn't want to see.

"Where the hell were you Keeley?!"

"Hey there Nick," I said my stomachs doing somersaults.



Thankfully he let the elevator doors close before he went berserk.

"Care too explain?"

"Well, I wanted to see Collin! I wanted to make sure he was okay so I came down here to get his room number."

He smacked his palm to his forehead. "What part of 'don't leave the hospital room' don't you get?" he sighed.

"The part where I have to stay in there every second of every day, expected to sleep all day. But news flash! I can't really do that."

He looked at me, apparently lost in thought. "So you really want to see this Collin dude?"

I nodded my head.

He sighed. "Alright, come on. I'll take you to his room."

I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed.

"What are big brothers for?"

"Nerf gun fights."

He just rolled his eyes as we heard the familiar ding of the elevator as it came to a stop.

He grabbed my hand and led me down to room 106. Before opening the door he paused and looked at me. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I felt like jelly inside, afraid of what I might see but I nodded my head. I had to see him. After all, he'd do the same for me - and so much more.

I solely opened the door and walked inside. My breath got caught in my throat and tears rushed to my eyes. My hand rushed to my mouth to keep me from letting out a loud scream or cry.

My sweet boyfriend was laying in his hospital bed, softly sleeping. But in fact, he looked nothing like my boyfriend at all. He had a neck brace on, several stitches on his face, casts on both arms and his face had multiple burns on it.

I grabbed his cold limp hand and tears began to stream down my face. I fell to my knees and I began to let it all out. Nick came by my side and held me in his arms.

It wasn't fair! It wasn't fair! Collin was so sweet. He had a big heart and was always there for me. He would always do whatever he could to please me. He was funny and kind and he would do anything to help others. But I guess that's what true love is. You lay yourself on the line for some you care deeply about. Or maybe it's just the way he was wired, to put others needs before his. Sure we had fights but I still loved him to the ends of the earth.

But, did I really?

He loved me without a doubt in his mind and I was to busy trying to convince myself to love him that I didn't really realize that maybe he wasn't the one for me. He deserved someone as dedicated to him as he was to me. And that person sadly wasn't me. My heart had been stolen already. And no matter how hard I worked to give it to him, I couldn't. It already belonged to Carter Trenton.

I laid there grasping his hand and crying my eyes out for what seemed like forever but then I realized that Collin loved me so much that he would want the best for me - even if it wasn't him. He said that someday when he died he wouldn't want people to cry over him forever. He said that he wanted people to be happy again - even if it was without him.

So I knew I had to say goodbye. Sure he wasn't dead he was only in a coma but he looked like he was fading fast and this might be the only time I had left with him.

I stood up and walked over to his forehead and I placed a light kiss. And I counted to three.

One. Breathe in, breathe out.

Two. Breathe in, breathe out.

Three. Breathe in, breathe out.

And then I walked away.

Goodbye Collin. I loved you.

******~Authors Note~******

Yes, I am aware that this is published before the chapter I just published and I meant it to be. I was going back through and reading my book and I realized, Keeley didn't ever really go to see Collin and I think he deserves a little more credit than that. I mean come on, they have dated for two years.

So I decided that she needed to care about him a little more.

Teaser (for chapter 17): Alex and Liz visit Keeley, and share some very interesting gossip. Plus more Carter and Keeley moments :)

Thank you guys for all of the support! <3

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