Chapter 8

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My body tensed up as I turned around to see Zach Maxwell standing behind me without a shirt on and in his blue boxers. His brown eyes looked sad, angry and they had a little sign of regret in them. His gorgeous brown hair was messy on top of his head - just like I remembered it.

"Hi," I said with a mouthful of waffles.

"How ladylike," he snickered.

I just turned around and continued. I wasn't going to allow a prick like him to ruin my perfect breakfast.

Zach, Liz, their mom, and I all ate breakfast in awkward silence, the tension in the air was suffocating everyone. Finally, their mom gave Liz a look and then said, "I should go finish the laundry," as she stood up to leave.

"Yeah and I have to go use the bathroom," Liz said also getting up. I looked up at her with pleading eyes begging her to stay but she avoided my gaze

Why did they do this to me?

I stabbed my waffle, not being able to bring it to my mouth.

"Look Keels, I'm sorry okay? We need to fix this. You're here practically every other day, and I can't stand the guilt I feel every time I look at you. But I wasn't the only one who was wrong you were too-"

"That's bullshit and you know it," I grumbled. I hated cussing but there wasn't anything to describe how mad I still am at him.

"You broke up with me without even letting me explain!"

"What was there to explain?! You took me to the dance only to lose me in the crowd, and kiss Rachael IN FRONT OF ME! Your girlfriend! Or was I even that? Was I just your toy?!"

"Hell no! You know I loved you I just screwed up! I regret it all and I will for the rest of my life. You actually have a personality you aren't just some blonde bimbo. I still love you and I always will!"

"Apparently that didn't cross your mind as you licked lips with Rachael," I said coldly.

"I'm sorry! I know that doesn't even begin to apologize but it's all I've got. Can't you just see that I still love you? Can't you forgive me!" he said as tears began slipping from his eyes.

I was still bitter about him cheating on me, but I couldn't stand seeing him like this. Oh screw it.

I ran up to him and wrapped him in a hug.

I whispered into his ear, "I know you're sorry but that doesn't make up for everything you put me through. I can't say that I can date you again but I'm willing to start over."

He wrapped his arms around me too just like I remembered. His arms felt so strong around me and I will admit it was nice but I would never go back to him.

"Thanks Keels."

"Yup," I said wiping away his tears with my thumb.

"I still care about you but not in the same way. But stop feeling guilty. I do forgive you okay?"


"My god, it took you long enough," Liz said barging into the kitchen.

"Um you heard that?" I questioned.

"Yup. I watched he whole thing. Do you really think I would miss my best friend knocking down my brothers huge ego?"

"I'm outta here. Goodbye ladies!" Zach said waking out and I could start breathing again. That was the hardest thing I had ever had to do - because way deep down I still had feeling for him. However, as I was telling him I couldn't date him again, I was also telling that to myself too. I looked like I was handling it well on the outside, but on the inside I was a big mess.

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