it's not a statement, it's a commitment

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The light is too far away
The closer I get it to it the more it walks away from me
Hiding behind every corner
Peaking its soft head to check if I'm still there
Startled, terrified to see me stare at it
And then proceeds to run away again
But I'll run too
Longer than I can manage
Reach out to grab it and hold it tight in my arms
Hold it so it can't run away from me again
Hold it until we become one
A sentient being that is content
Comfortable in its new form and floating free from any hurtle
I've gone through worse, you know
I've managed and managed and managed again
And yet every time I open my eyes,
See that I haven't caught up yet,
See that I still have to chase it,
The more I'm scared
That it won't be there
On the other side
When I get up and running again

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