I see you
Every day I see you
When I close my eyes
Your smile wakes me up
Your laughter brings me life
I can see us through the two way mirror
Dancing and laughing
Hugging and crying
Sitting and wasting time
I can see the walks and talks
I can hear the singing cars
I can feel the air brush past your hair
As we stand on a stone bridge
Holding hands and staring at the canal
That I've floated through in the past
I see your smile flickering
I see your eyes blink
I can feel you with me
I can feel you near me
I can hear the dance and song
Barely a fingertip away
And all I wanna do
All I ever wanna do
Is to join the dancing with you
But I have to wait
Ill always have to wait
And you know what?
Nothing will ever be more satisfying
Than to no longer miss
those who I've never even seen
fallen leaves and zebra prints
PoetryA collection of bad poems (again.) "you can't be that desperate" is a collection of my older poems. My newer ones will go on here.