Chapter 10-Tray of food

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Hailey's POV,
            Riri just left for her house so I am gonna go take my bath and get dressed into my pjs. Well, let's just say I did my normal routine before going to bed. It's pretty funny how riri just lit up my mood in like seconds and I love her so much for that. When I was done freshening up, I just planned on jumping on my bed and binge watching comedy movies to get some sort of relaxation. Mental note " you need that" I thought, well another info my butt still hurts and that jerk is gonna pay. So I switched on the Tv and started watching the movie Girls trip but that was after a laid on my bed with my butt facing the air don't wanna hurt my buttchicks even more so I just stayed that way. I was lost in the movie when I heard a knock on the door indicating Mr Franco just had to show his face "Can't he just stop disturbing me what's it with him" I thought. You know he just had to show his face when I was watching my movie.
"You know you like that face" my subconscious said. "Oh shut your crap hole" I replied mentally.
         Knock knock knock
"WHAT?Who is there" I yelled knowing fully well it was Franco.
"It's me, Franco" He said. I didn't want to open the door but I also didn't want to argue so I just opened it.
"Hey" He said while coming into my room with a tray full of food.
"Franco what are those for" I said agitated.
"It's for playing basketball and wow your room is very tidy and well arranged, I guess you love cleaning after yourself considering you don't allow the staffs clean your room" He sarcastically said before he started talking about the room with a smile plastered on his handsome face and looking around my room arrrrrggghhhh.
"I thought I married somebody smart, I guess I was wrong and try cleaning after yourself sometime you gonna have the feeling of satisfaction" I said with a smirk.
"I don't have time for this today, I have to check some documents my brother sent over while you where at the mall, why am I even telling you this anyways so am gonna drop this little argument and go do some work but by the time I am back you better eat at least half of what's on the tray because I know you missed lunch and also dinner. I don't want my wife malnourished and you know I have a reputation to up hold and oh yeah take this lotion and apply it on your butt" He said handing the lotion over to me.
"Wait, is this is way of apologizing" I thought.
"Hey! I did eat lunch at the mall and I lost my appetite because my butt fuckin hurts so back off jerk ok" I said starting to get pissed.
"Well apply the lotion then and that's good to hear because of that, next time you won't be so rude to your husband" He said.
"Hmmmmmmm you think so, you know what I am gonna let you think like that dear husband" I said crossings my arms.
"You better fuckin eat the fuckin food bitch if you don't want me to get angry slut hmmm baby" he said through gritted teeth.

Did he just....................

No hailey don't..........................

Be mature don't do it........................

And I did it, poured all the food on franco

"WHAT the Fuck Hailey" He yelled and I just stood there smirking at him.

"Oh you gonna get it" He yelled and slammed the door when he went out of my room.
      But wait, what is he gonna do? Well who cares.

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