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I jump as I hear the sound of the front door opening. I was so focused on my school homework that I must have shut the rest of the world out. "I'm home!" my dad yells out through the half opened door. He seems to be struggling with the task of carrying something while opening the door at the same time. I stop looking at my homework and watch as my dad, dressed in his police uniform walks through the door carrying what seems to be a large, boxy chunk of metal. "Hey sport! you are never going to guess who I got this from!" He says as he smiles warmly. My young eyes widen and I get up and run over to him filled with curiosity and excitement. "This here is a smashed piece of an evil robot that a super villain used to try to rob a jewelry store!" I stare at the piece of smashed metal. "So who did you get this from dad?" I say as I feel the large cracks and dents of the hard steel. My dad smiles at me and says, "Well your old man was walking home after work and walked onto the scene of the robbery, when suddenly, out of nowhere, All Might swoops in and punches the robot and destroyed it in one hit!" My eyes gleam with excitement. "Wow! you got to see All Might, the symbol of peace, fighting crime in person?!" He smiles warmly and says, "Sure did and it was awesome! I wish you were there to see it son." I jump up and down with excitement and shout "Yeah! All Might is the BEST! When I grow up I wanna be a hero just like him!" My dad's face softens a bit as he kneels down and puts his hand on my shoulder. He looks at me with a half smile that was kind but stern and says, "Listen Yusara, I know that you love heros and what they do, but I want you to know that what they do to keep us safe is dangerous." I look into my dad's eyes and I can tell that what he is saying is important so I don't interrupt him. "Heros risk their life every time they go out and fight crime and I want you to know that, as your father, I want you to be happy and to follow your dreams, but I also want you to be safe." I look at him with a confused expression and say "So you don't want me to be a hero then? My dad sighs and pulls me in for a warm hug. "I just want you to stay safe Yusara, but know that no matter what you do I will always be proud of you and I'll support and love you no matter what!" I hug him back and say, "I know dad, you tell me like literally every day!" The image of my father hugging me starts to fade as an annoying ringing sound takes me away and back to reality. I wake up as my alarm goes off and continues its series of obnoxious noises. I reach my hand out and feebly flail my arm around my nightstand hoping to find the snooze button. My attempt doesn't work however and I slowly role over and stare at the blasted thing as I turn it off. I role on my back and look up at the ceiling. The sleepiness slowly starts to wear off, but I need to shield my eyes from the light coming in from my window. Once they adjust I sit up in my bed and look out the window to see a nice, bright, sunny morning. I think back to my dream that I was having before I was rudely interrupted by the true evil robot of this city. That moment I shared with my dad in the dream happened when I was 8 years old. I was so passionate about heros and so was my dad, so it's only natural that I grew up loving them. My dad's job as a cop meant that he got the chance to see superheroes in action, which was honestly really cool. That story he told me in the dream was one of many he witnessed while trying to keep our city safe. I looked up to him so much. Back then he WAS my hero, and I found myself eagerly awaiting his cop car pulling up to the driveway, hoping he had another story to tell me. I then look on to present day and my passion about heros hadn't changed a bit. In fact, once I got my quirk at age 9, all I did was try to practice and hone it so that I could use it to become a hero. I gained my quirk from my mother, since my dad was quirkless. My mother had left when I was very young, and I never got to know her at all. My dad doesn't like to talk about it, but ensures me that she loved me and did what was best. Now that I'm 15, I'm very in touch with my quirk, which I call Blink! I can fast forward myself through time in short bursts, while everything else around me stays in the present. This gives me a teleportation of sorts. I can also teleport objects that I touch to anywhere I want, as long as it's within my line of sight. However using my quirk too much gives me bad headaches or even migraines if I push myself too far. This effect also works with me teleporting other objects as well, so the bigger the object, the more strain it puts on my brain. I also spent lots of time watching fights and took martial arts for several years as I found out that my quirk was more meant for quick counter attacks and melee combat. In doing all of this I have developed a strong fighting style that I can use effectively, and with that style I chose to apply to the greatest hero training school there is, which is located right here in the city of Mustafu, Japan. The school that All Might graduated from and many other pro level heros as well. That school is UA High, also known as the Hero Acadamia! I knew that if I were to become a hero, then I was going to have to learn and train with the best of the best, so I applied. I'll never forget the day I was excepted, and since that day I have been preparing for this moment. Today was the day where my journey to becoming a hero would start off. Today is the day of the UA High School Enterance Exams. I clench my fist and nod to myself with confidence. Today is the day that I will prove that I have what it takes. I'll prove it by passing the exam and getting excepted into UA High. It's 7:00 right now and the exams start at 10:00, so I don't have much time to get ready. I throw on my clothes and pack some ibuprofen from the bathroom in case I get a headache or migraine. As I do this I glance in the mirror and see my face looking at me. I have bright blue eyes, spiky hair thats silver in color, and a young, average face with a sharp jawline.

New Beginnings (A My Hero Acadamia fan story)Where stories live. Discover now