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A pair of eyes opened wide. The soft glow of the sun shining through a window shielded with translucent curtains. Birds were singing and all seemed calm until the sudden realisation.
Jeon Jungkook was late for school. Again.
This wasn't unusual for the boy, but, he had been trying to improve upon this bad habit for a while now. At least when his Mother was home, that is.
He reached to the floor, attempting to find his school uniform. Only to look up in his tired state and see it hung up all together as his Mother told him so many times it should be. His Mother must have hung it up as a way to finally ease the boy into the habit of doing so himself, he thought. In a rush, and through tired eyes, he put the clothes on and grabbed his bag by the door. His Mother must have moved that as well. He sped down the stairs, allowing his subconscious to carry him to school. Spending his time daydreaming instead and resisting the urge to fall asleep again.

Arriving to school, he had finally woken up somewhat. This made looking at the clock, and calculating which class he should be attending now, a lot easier. He found his classroom and stepped inside, ready to apologise for being late. But as he began to speak, he was interrupted by the voice of his teacher.
"What are you doing here? Your lesson isn't for another hour." Jungkook froze in his step, turning around confused.
"It's Tuesday. You don't start until 11."
Jungkook looked around the classroom realising that no one from his class was also there. All eyes were on him and he swallowed the lump in his throat he didn't even know was there. He nodded and apologised and turned on his heel, leaving the classroom in a hurry. He continued to walk down the hallway, wondering if he had remembered his timetable wrong. Before his thoughts could continue further, an arm wrapped around his throat. His body jolted before the owner of said arm joined his side and let that same arm rest over his shoulders instead. Despite the friendly action, this person wasn't one of Jungkook's friends. In fact Jungkook had never even met the boy.
"Ahh~ There you are! Ready to dance? Jin-hyung wants our help with the new routine, remember?" Why was this guy acting like he knew Jungkook? And who was this so called 'Jin-hyung'? The boy stopped in his tracks and pulled away as he took a closer look at Jungkook. "You alright? You seem a bit tense." Jungkook's eyes were wide in shock and showing clear signs of fear. He didn't know who this person was, which scared him. When around friends it was easy to be outgoing and charismatic. But when faced with situations like this he would freeze up, uncertain of what to do. "Dude, you look like you've seen a ghost, what's up?" Jungkook opened his mouth as if to speak before closing it again. Maybe he did know this guy. Maybe he had agreed to help with this dance thing. He was too tired to remember. That must be it. This guy did look somewhat familiar, Jungkook supposed.
"Um, I'm fine. Just tired is all. You caught me off guard." Jungkook awkwardly laughed it off, trying to act as though everything was normal.
"Okay, you ready to go then?"
"Uh, yeah. Course I am, let's go." Jungkook responded, hesitance still lingering in his voice. He hadn't danced in years so why did he agree to help these strangers out with a dance routine. Oh God, the dance routine. Jungkook didn't even know what routine he was supposed to be helping out with. He continued to follow the boy still, taking in his hair and figure, trying to work out who he was. There was a name of the tip of his tongue and he definitely had seen him before, but from where, he had no idea.

They arrived at the dance studio, it was exactly how Jungkook remembered. The boy immediately went to, who Jungkook assumed to be, the proclaimed 'Jin-hyung'. He watched them for a second as they spoke, before beginning to approach the two. However, the reflection in the mirror out of the corner of his eye, caught his attention. He turned around to face it, his whole body in view. He didn't expect what he saw though. The person looking back at him in the mirror... Wasn't him. He froze in place, staring at this person, trying to take in every detail of what he was seeing. He took slow steps forward. The sound of the two behind him's conversation dying down as they watched him with curious eyes.
"Jimin, are you alright? We don't have to do this if you're not up for it right now."
Jungkook's heart froze. What? That name wasn't his... Was it? He reached his hand up to touch his reflection and couldn't believe that what he was seeing was real. He choked back tears of confusion and shock before speaking up.
"My name..."
The two behind him looked at eachother confused. Jungkook refused to take his eyes off the one looking at him in the mirror.
"What's my name?" He persisted.
"Park Jimin?" The one who brought him there had responded. He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding, The situation washing over him.
"Park... Jimin..." He fell to the ground, darkness taking over his consciousness. Glimpses of the boys rushing to his aid being the last image he saw.

Jungkook woke up in the nurse's office, eyes fluttering open. His head felt dizzy as memories of the events that had just happened, flooded his mind. An ice pack rested on his forehead to reduce swelling and a cup of water had been placed on the table next to where he laid. He looked around before the nurse entered the room.
"Ah. You're awake, that's good news." Jungkook sat up alert and worried, the situation coming into realisation. He needed to get out of there. He needed to get back into his own body.
"I- I need to leave, like right now." He began to stand up, picking up his bag before being stood in front of by the nurse, stopping his movements.
"I'm sorry, but you're not going anywhere just yet. You've experienced a concussion and I've been told to look after you until your Mother comes to pick you up. Apparently you have a habit of falling asleep in class so we can't be too careful." Defeated, Jungkook fell back into his seat. He laid down again, placing the ice pack back on his forehead grumpily.
"At least that's something we have in common," He muttered to himself. As he said that, the door flew open a bit too aggressively and finally a familiar face came into view. "Taehyung?" Taehyung ran over to Jungkook, throwing his arms around the concussed boy.
"OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK, YOU'RE OKAY!" He squeezed Jungkook to the point where he started struggling to breathe. Stopping when the nurse began speaking to him.
"Kim Taehyung, you know you're not allowed in here unless you're the one ill or are bringing someone in."
"Just give me five minutes. Please." He made pleading hands, looking at the nurse with big puppy dog eyes, refusing to move until she agreed.
"Fine. Five minutes." She moved to a seperate part of the room, giving the two some privacy as they spoke. Jungkook had never felt so much relief and joy in his life.
"You called me Jungkook. You know I'm me?" Taehyung looked at his friend concerned before responding,
"I think the real question is do YOU know you're you?"
"What was that all about? You acted as if you'd never seen yourself before."
"Wait, what are you talking about? You mean in the dance studio?" Jungkook's head was getting confused, did all that happen or not? It felt real and it seemed to be real but also... Not?
"Dance studio? No, in math."
"But I didn't go to math. Mrs. Oh wouldn't let me in." Taehyung's relief that Jungkook was okay had quickly turned back into concern.
"Jungkook, what are you talking about?"
"If I wasn't in the dance studio then how did I get a concussion?"
"You were handing out the books and saw your reflection and passed out. You hit your head on the table on the way down. Do you not remember?"
As Jungkook was beginning to try and figure out what happened, the nurse had returned.
"Okay Mr. Kim. Time's up. Go to class." She clapped trying to usher him out of the room. He turned to Jungkook to say his goodbyes.
"I have Mr. Lee next so I'll text you after he's done the register, okay?" Jungkook nodded in response as the nurse gave a disapproving look to Taehyung. "Love you!" He ruffled Jungkook's hair and left, closing the door behind him. Jungkook left alone with his thoughts once again.
Was it all a dream? Or a hallucination? What the hell is going on?

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