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Jimin's eyes snapped open. A sleepy haze almost consumed him back to the world of sleep and slumber, until he remembered it was a Saturday. Shit. It was a Saturday. Why didn't his alarm go off? In a panic, he scrambled out of bed in an attempt to get ready for work. Only to instead trip over something on the floor and land face first in a pile of clothes. He looked up and, shortly after, realised he was back in the same room from his dream a few nights ago. He stood up quickly, taking in his surroundings before remembering what Yoongi had said a few days prior.
"Technology doesn't usually work properly in dreams, Jimin."
"Your phone should have behaved strangely."
"If it happens again, look at the time, look away, and look at the time again. If you're dreaming, it should say something different with each look."
He reached for his - well, Jungkook's - phone, and turned the screen on. He looked at the time, taking it in and repeating it to himself like a mantra.
"Twelve thirty-four ... Twelve thirty-four ... Twelve thirty-four..." He turned off the phone's screen again, counted to ten, and turned it back on. The same time displayed on the screen. "Twelve thirty... Four... Shit." He began repeating the same actions. On, off, on, same time. He started gaining speed, refusing to believe that any of this was real. His eyes widened as his finger frantically clicked the button. Before giving up, throwing the phone to the floor in horror and walking to the mirror at a quick pace to look at himself. He stopped abruptly upon noticing his body. He hadn't noticed it before, but he wasn't wearing a shirt. Where usually would lay a flat yet soft tummy, stood a set of abs and a defined v line poking out from his pyjama bottoms. Feelings of jealousy mixed with awe rushed over him as he stroked lightly on the six pack staring at him. He forced himself to snap out of it.
"Wait... Does that mean-?"
This is real?

A blaring alarm pulled Jungkook out of his sleep, earning a groan of frustration to escape the boys mouth. Grumpily, he reached over to turn off the alarm, reading the caption 'work' flashing on screen.
Work? I don't have a job though?
He closed his eyes and rolled over onto his back, accepting the fact that his sleep had been interrupted and there was no going back. As his eyes fluttered open again, his sight was greeted with several glow-in-the-dark stars stuck on the ceiling above him. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before sitting up sharply and looking around. His suspicions grew and he walked over to the full length mirror in the corner of the room. Sure enough the reflection he saw was the same boy he had seen the day he fainted.
He looked over his body in the mirror, trying to take in every little detail. His eyes finding his way past the worn out t-shirt and down to the bulge in his boxers, swallowing a lump in his throat he didn't even know he had. He shook away his thoughts, turning away from the image, instead turning his focus to the wardrobe now stood in front of him. He opened it up, looking at the contents, tongue in cheek as he felt disapproving of the boys taste in style. Looking back in the mirror he looked at the boys hair, touching it slightly.
Might as well have some fun in this body.
He went back to his bed, still partially undressed, and grabbed his phone unlocking it, grateful that it wasn't password protected. He tried typing in Namjoon's number from memory but when calling, it only stated that the number wasn't in service. He then tried Taehyung's number. He knew that he'd called it from other phones enough times in his life to memorise it by now.
"Hello?" Taehyung's voice called out from the other side,
"Taehyung, what's up? You down for some shopping instead?" There was an air of silence.
"Sorry... Who is this?" Jungkook suddenly remembered that of course. Taehyung wouldn't recognise his voice. Because, right now, it wasn't his voice. Panicked, he hung up the phone call and thought about the people he met the first time this happened. He looked through his phone contacts, using the picture icons to see if any of them matched the faces from that day. "Jung... Hoseok..." He clicked on the contact, distinctly remembering the boy.
"Hey, what's up?" His voice as bright as ever shined through the phone,
"You busy?"
"No, why?"
"Wanna hang out?" A smirk grew on Jungkook's face as he caught his reflection in the mirror once more.
Today was going to be fun.

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