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"So why orange?"
Hoseok was sat relaxed on Jimin's bed, leaning back on his hand as he used the other to flick through a magazine. Jungkook was in the en-suite bathroom, his hair - Jimin's hair - freshly damp from washing out the bright orange hair dye. Not an inch of regret on the boy's face as he contaminated the elder's hair.
"I want it to be... Shocking." Jimin is going to kill him. Music was playing through Hoseok's phone. A playlist that Jungkook had put on, which contained a lot of lesser known artists. As a new song was beginning to play, another tone overshadowed the music. Jimin's phone had begun ringing. Jungkook walked out of the bathroom, with the plastic gloves still on, hair damp from washing out the dye. He peered at the phone screen facing upwards on the bed. "So Yeona..." Hoseok jolted at this, sitting upright.
"Dude, you need to answer that." Jungkook's eyes widened at the urgent tone in Hoseok's voice.
"Because she's still pissed at you." He grabbed the phone, pressing answer and pushing it to Jungkook's ear forcing him to respond. He panicked, pulling off the plastic gloves to hold the phone for himself.
"I'm surprised you picked up." She sounded blunt and fed up.
What the hell has Jimin left me to deal with.
"Uh, yeah, me too."
"Put it on speakerphone! Put it on speakerphone!" Hoseok whisper-shouted. Jungkook stumbled with the mobile device for a second, not used to the design or interface. He put it on speakerphone, holding it out for them both to listen to this girl speak.
"I'm guessing you're done looking at gay porn then?" Jungkook froze. What. The. Fuck. Had. Jimin. Left. Him. With. Hoseok looked at him, shocked expression, leaving Jungkook to only shrug in response. "I know you say it was just out of curiosity but I don't buy it for a second. If you're gay, just fucking tell me. I'm sick of falling for guys who treat me like I'm their whole world only for them to cheat on me with some closeted jock." Jungkook held his mouth open, unsure of how to respond, looking to Hoseok to help. Jungkook covered the microphone area and whispered.
"Am I gay?"
"How the fuck would I know if you don't know?!" He removed his hand from the phone and coughed before speaking.
"I don't... Think? I am? At least not to my knowledge?"
"Really? So you're trying to tell me you and Hoseok haven't hooked up at least once?" Jungkook looked at Hoseok in panic, Hoseok grabbing the phone and responding instead.
"Uh, hi, Hoseok here. I can confirm that we haven't ever 'hooked up' as you so eloquently put it, uhh... Have I dreamt about it? Sure. But it never happened in real life, so I wouldn't worry your cute little head about it, okay?" Jungkook sure was learning a lot today.
"Why the fuck is Hoseok there? And what do you mean you've dreamt about it, you sicko!"
"Okay, admittedly I probably shouldn't have mentioned that, uhh-" Jungkook grabbed the phone back. Just act straight. Act straight. You did it before, you can do it again.
"I'm not... Gay. I like boobs. And... Uh... Vagina..." Okay, that was terrible. He turned to Hoseok again whispering, "I'm not good at this!" Hoseok ripped the phone out of Jungkook's grip once more.
"Can we call you back?"
"No, I-"
"Kay, thanks, bye" Hoseok hung up and looked at Jungkook. "Okay, what the fuck?" Jungkook chuckled nervously, avoiding eye contact. "Jimin?"
"Yes." He sounded too certain in his response. Instead of sounding like a natural response, it sounded like he had recalled his name instead. This was harder than he thought.
"You told me you weren't into guys... Did that change?"
"Uh, no. No, of course not." Jungkook didn't sound convincing at all. Hoseok couldn't help but start looking at the boys lips. He could tell he was lying. Jungkook's heart increased in speed, whether out of excitement or out of fear, he couldn't tell. How the fuck do you turn down a super hot guy from kissing you, to convince him that you're not gay. Even though you most definitely are, but you're currently in someone else's body, that someone being STRAIGHT? Fuck. Jimin's straight. Why did that hurt Jungkook a bit?
Hoseok, without warning, leaned in on his knees to grab Jungkook by the chin and kiss him deeply. He couldn't resist the way his body melted into the touch. Fuck fuck fuck. Hoseok pulled away for a second, before leaning back in again. Jungkook moving to accommodate the close proximity of them both. They kissed hard, passion flowing through every movement. Hands wandering over skin sending shivers down Jungkook's spine. You shouldn't be doing this. Jungkook let a moan escape his mouth, instantly regretting it, but being too caught up in Hoseok's movements to stop. The sound only made Hoseok more intense, eyes burning with lust into Jungkook's soul. He doesn't know you're not really Jimin. Hoseok's lips travelled down to Jungkook's neck. He thinks you're Jimin. Another moan. You're not Jimin. Hoseok's hand wandered down. You're not Jimin! He palmed on the growing bulge in the boys pants.
Jungkook pushed Hoseok away suddenly, moving himself further back away. "Sorry, I.. I can't. I..."
"No, no. I get it."
"No, you don't. You really don't." He avoided making eye contact with the boy who was moments ago attacking his neck.
"Jimin, I- I just thought-"
"I have to go." Jungkook quickly grabbed his bag, exiting the room.
"This is your house! I-!" The door slammed shut. Jungkook no longer in the room. Hoseok fell back down onto the bed, sighing out loud.
Well he certainly didn't pull away this time...

Jungkook walked briskly down the street. The sky was a deep blue, with stars ever so slightly present above but mostly clouded by the chemicals settled in the air. The cold wind was blowing Jungkook's hair back, Jimin's face on full show. Little puffs of air became visible whenever he breathed, displaying out into the world how cold he was. A group of men were up ahead. Some wearing black suits. Some more casually dressed, donning sweatpants and hoodies.
"You lost?" Jungkook looked up, one of the suited men catching his attention.
"Uh, no thanks, I'm fine. Just going out for a walk." He went to cross the road but as he started making his way across, the men followed the same action.
He couldn't escape this situation.
"Bit late for you to be wandering out here by yourself. A pretty face like yours is just calling for danger."
"I said I'm fine, just leave me alone." All he could do was try and make it past them. Approaching closer, the men started looking a bit more closely at the boy. Hair still damp. Hickey evident on his neck. And not enough clothes for the current temperature.
"What's that on your neck?"
"You just got back from having a little bit of fun?" Jungkook had reached where they stood and tried to push past them, "Hey I'm asking you a question, slut." Jungkook clenched his jaw, resisting every urge to go wild and beat the shit out of this guy. He became trapped by all the men lined up, building a human wall in front of him. "You know..." He looked Jungkook up and down, taking in every aspect of Jimin's body, and licked his lips. "I'd like to have a bit of fun as well." Like hell if Jungkook was going to let this happen to Jimin's body.
"Yeah. And I'd like to get the fuck pass you. Could you please just move." The man squared up to Jungkook's face and pushed him down onto his knees by his shoulders.
"How about you shut the fuck up and put those dick sucking lips to good use, yeah princess?"
"He's not. Your fucking. PRINCESS!" He pushed himself up smashing his head into the elder man's chin, knocking him back. He ran in the opposite direction as fast as he could, the men following close behind. After about five minutes, they gave up, having run out of breath. Jungkook continued to run, adrenaline pumping through his blood as he slammed his way back into Jimin's house. He ran back upstairs, praying to God that Hoseok was still there. He ran into the room to find Hoseok packing up his stuff about to leave. He ran to him forcing a hug out of the confused man, arms slowly wrapping around Jungkook in response. Tears were falling. Hard.
"Woah, hey, hey, what happened?"
"I'm going to fucking kill them."
"Who? Jimin, what happened?"
"They tried to... " He took a moment to think.
"They tried to what?"
"Nothing. It doesn't matter. Can you just stay here the night?"
"Yeah... Sure..."
He doesn't have to know.
What he doesn't know.
Can't hurt him.

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