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I'm running out of time, Jungkook thought to himself. If he didn't act now, was there ever really any chance of him changing things? Only he and Namjoon knew about the situation at hand, and it was eating him up inside. Jimin's life was at stake and Jungkook had no control over what was going to happen, because it had already happened. He sat in the library staring into space as everything circled around in his mind. Namjoon appeared, seemingly out of breath, and took place in the seat next to Jungkook.
"You alright?" He asked. Jungkook drew his attention to Namjoon, breaking the spell he was seemingly under. "Sorry... Of course you're not alright." He reached into his bag, pulling out his water bottle, taking a big gulp before realising Jungkook wasn't going to speak on his own accord. "You still haven't switched then?"
"I was hoping I would this morning but... Nothing..."
"You scared?" Namjoon asked.
"I'm fucking terrified..." Jungkook started. "The shows meant to be tonight. If we don't switch before then, I have no chance of warning him."
"Maybe you're not meant to warn him. I mean... He's already died, Guk... I don't think there's anything you can do to save him..." Namjoon stated. His voice was soft and kind, but the words were harsh in Jungkook's ears. He looked up sharply at Namjoon.
"Why the fuck would you say that?" Namjoon's eyebrows raised in shock.
"I... Because it's probably true?"
"What? So that means I should just give up? No. I- I'm saving him, okay? I have no choice."
"You also have no choice of when you switch. Even if you did switch with him today. How would you even attempt to help him?" His voice was laced with care and concern as Jungkook's eyes darted around in search for a solution.
"Yoongi..." Jungkook looked up. "That guy... Min Yoongi. He was there the night of the shooting, wasn't he?"
"Yeah, but-"
"And he was friends with Jimin. I didn't speak to him much but I could feel their connection. If anyone knows what to do, it's going to be him."
"I can ask what he remembers from that night and get him to tell me what to avoid and what to do!"
"What he remembers. Is his friend dying in front of his very eyes, okay? And I don't think he'll appreciate you bringing it up, especially on the anniversary of it," Namjoon insisted.
"I'm not giving up on him, Joon." The two stared at each other as Taehyung approached the table, sitting next to Namjoon. He looked at the two as they broke from their stances, sensing the weird atmosphere immediately.
"Are you two alright?" He put down his bag, looking at the two with worry. "Did you guys get in an argument or something?"
"No, I'm just..." Jungkook looked at Namjoon before turning back. "I'm just going through something at the moment."
"What kind of thing?"
"It's personal, Tae."
"Personal enough so you can tell Namjoon but not me? Your supposed best friend?" Taehyung instantly regretted saying anything. "Nevermind. You clearly don't want me to know for a reason, right?" He faked a smile as he looked at the pair, hurt still showing in his eyes. He trusted Jungkook. It pained him. But there was trust in a thin veil covering that pain.

Rehearsals for the show would begin shortly and Jimin was already practising to himself whilst walking. Music flowed through his earphones at full blast, blocking out the world around him as his arms moved in under-exaggerated movements. He had spent the past few days fixated on his parts in the show, not sparing a single second to even allow his mind to wander towards the pain he felt in his heart after being stood up by Jungkook. Today was the most important day in Jimin's life, and he wasn't going to mess it up. An arm throwing itself around Jimin's shoulders made him jump, pulling out an earphone in fear before stopping the track altogether at the realisation it was just Seokjin. After the night he got suffocated, he'd been on edge and flinched at any surprise contact ever since. He sighed in relief at the realisation it was his friend.
"You ready for tonight?!"
"I'm trying to be," Jimin replied, laughing nervously.
"Don't worry. You'll be great. You and Hobi are easily the best dancers here." Jimin laughed again.
"It's just nerve wracking, is all. My whole future depends on how tonight goes. I'm just scared I'll mess something up."
"You'll be fine," Seokjin joked. The boys walked side by side as Jimin went over the moves in his mind, stuck on replay. "Jimin-ah. Listen to me. You'll be amazing, okay? I'm certain of it." He patted Jimin on the shoulder before they continued their walk to rehearsals in silence.

Jungkook, Namjoon, and Taehyung walked together into the corridor as their conversations faded into silence. They came to a halt as Namjoon went through his locker, selecting his books to coincide with what he planned to study that night. As Namjoon rummaged through the slightly disorganised space, Jungkook spotted a figure out the corner of his eye. Min Yoongi. Jungkook's heart raced as he sprinted after the man, Namjoon and Taehyung turning in shock and confusion at the rush of movement.
"MIN YOONGI!" Yoongi's eyes flickered up at his name and he sped up his walking. Now was not the time. Today was not the day. He couldn't deal with this kid right now. He just couldn't. "MIN YOONGI!" Jungkook cried again, eventually catching up with the boy. "I need you to tell me about three years ago." He breathed heavily, trying to push down the fear rising in his stomach, determination in his eyes.
"What?" Yoongi turned to face Jungkook.
"I need you to tell me about three years ago today... The shooting," he breathed out. Yoongi clenched his jaw.
"I don't talk about that anymore." He started walking away angrily before Jungkook stepped in front of him, blocking his path.
"Please! I need to know!" Yoongi's eyes flickered with recognition as he heard the boy's pleas.
"Oh my God, it was you..." Jungkook was taken back. "YOU'RE THE ONE THAT GOT HIM KILLED! YOU'RE THE REASON HE DIED!" Yoongi yelled as he pushed Jungkook hard several times.
"Please... I'm trying to stop it from happening."
"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP IT?! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TIME WORKS! IT'S COMPLICATED AND CONFUSING AND YOU SHOULDN'T TRY MEDDLING WITH IT!" Yoongi screamed in Jungkook's face, scaring him. Jungkook may have been frightened, but he wasn't going to give up that easily.
"Please... I need to at least try. I just need to know if he falls asleep, or goes unconscious at any point..." Jungkook pleaded.
"No... He doesn't." Yoongi stepped closer, intimidating the younger. "But it doesn't matter because you show up anyway and he, still, dies." His face was stone cold and his eyes pierced those of the one in front of him. "Doing this isn't going to change anything, Jungkook."
"It can if you help me, just tell me what I did wrong!"
"I can't do this." Yoongi turned, walking away, shaking his head.
"You have to help me!" Yoongi stopped. He turned around, quickly storming closer to the male again, anger boiling on his face. Other students nearby had started to pay attention, listening in on what the two were discussing.
"I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! I'VE MOVED ON. I'VE ACCEPTED HIS DEATH, AND YOU SHOULD TOO! DON'T BRING ME INTO THIS, I REFUSE TO BE WHAT KILLS HIM OKAY? I FUCKING REFUSE!" He shoved the younger harsher than before, knocking him over. As the younger stood up again, a teacher turned the corner hearing the commotion, running over to try and stop the two from taking things further. "I LOVED HIM! I LOVED HIM BUT HE WAS SO OBSESSED WITH YOU!" He pushed again.
"Okay! Let's move along, Yoongi!" The teacher commanded. "AND YOU WERE SO OBSESSED WITH HIM TO THE POINT THAT YOU GOT HIM KILLED!" He pushed again. "I said. Let's move along!"
"YOONGI!" Tears were burning down Yoongi's face as he breathed heavily, the teacher behind him. "Do I have to make another appointment for you?"
"Don't bother." Yoongi shoved past the teacher as he walked away, leaving a scared and broken Jungkook behind who the teacher then approached.
"I suggest, you go home and leave Min Yoongi alone from now on, okay?" He left the corridor and Jungkook behind as students began to dissipate.
"What the hell was that?" Taehyung asked as he stormed over, Namjoon following close behind.
"Tae, don't." Namjoon tried to control the younger but it wouldn't work.
"No. What the hell is going on?! Why is Min Yoongi screaming at you? What the fuck is up?!"
"Jungkook-" Namjoon started.
"JUNGKOOK!" Namjoon yelled. Jungkook paused, turning to look at the older boy. "Now is not the time or place." He signalled to the hundreds of eyes that had found their way to watching Jungkook throughout the situation.
"If not now... When?"

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