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A loud piercing ring erupted through the air, waking up an exhausted Park Jimin. He turned it off, annoyed at the harsh alarm playing instead of the soft song he thought he had originally set. As he sat up, he immediately noticed his surroundings.
This wasn't his room.
He looked around, inspecting each wall. Yup, definitely not his room. Instead of the neat, immaculate shelves of CD's and textbooks that would usually cover the boy's walls, various posters took their place. The floor once clean and orderly, was now strewn with clothes. And random piles of crumpled, unfinished homework covered certain corners of the room. He picked up a school shirt from the floor, hesitantly smelling it to see if it was clean. How someone could live in such a mess, he'd never understand. Once dressed he went downstairs to an empty kitchen, and an even emptier living room.
"Hello?" He clutched at his throat, noticing the change, his voice much deeper and more calm in tone compared to usual. He coughed before trying to call out again. "Where the hell am I?!" Usually in dreams he'd at least be somewhere he'd seen before, and he wouldn't be alone as well. Weird. Giving up at the lack of response, he made his way over to the fridge. A note attached with tape rested on the door of the cooling machine.

Try not to be late for school this time hun.
There's sushi in the fridge and some change on the counter.

Have fun sweetheart.
- Mom x

He opened the fridge and three tubs, labelled with small intricate doodles stood out. Taking out each tub, Jimin looked inside each of them, curious about what selection there was. One tub was filled with sashimi, another with onigiri and the last with some sticky rice and some thin slices of pork belly. A caring Mother figure making meals for him? This was definitely a dream, Jimin thought. Why did he have to go to school in this one as well though? It'd be more interesting than being sat in this house alone though...
He sealed up the tubs once again and placed them in his bag ready to leave.

Opening the front door lead Jimin to realise that he had no idea which way school actually was. He had never explored the area he lived in, usually keeping to himself. So knowing directions from random locations wasn't his speciality.
Since this is a dream, surely any way would be correct, right?
With that thought in mind, he set off in whichever direction felt 'right' to him. Instinct and hope leading the way.

He arrived at the school, wondering why his dream continued though the entire journey. Usually his dreams would skip from main event to main event, right? The visuals of two boys unfamiliar to him, caused a distraction from his line of thinking. They were smiling and waving, seemingly in his direction. At first he was uncertain if their waves were aimed towards him or not. But when they made their way over to him, he was overcome with certainty.
"Hey, you actually managed to be on time. Good job." One of the students said, going in for a bro-type handshake.
"I'm always on time, excuse you." Jimin retaliated. He had never been late to school once in his life, in real life or in his dreams. He'd be damned if he was going to let these dream friends assume anything else.
"Right, right. It's everyone else that's early, of course." The shorter, more energetic of the two chimed in. Impatient with the pace of the day, Jimin spoke up in an attempt to make something interesting happen.
"So... What now? Is something interesting going to happen or is it just a typical school day?" The phrasing seemed strange to the other two, but they let it slide. They assumed that they understood what the boy in front of them meant anyway.
"I mean, I'm down for skipping but we still have that mock science test to do so maybe we should wait until after that." The shorter replied before looking to the other of the two to get his opinion on the situation.
"Look, you two can skip but I actually care about my grades and attendance. So you'll be on your own I'm afraid."
"Oh come on, Mr. second highest in the class. It's not like you actually need to attend lessons. It's like you have a whole computer wedged in your brain."
"Or maybe, I just actually pay attention in class and study." The two were clearly close friends and didn't mean any of it maliciously. Even though Jimin was curious to hear the shorter's comeback, the bell rang, disrupting the conversation. "Okay, I'll see you guys in class, I have to hand something to Mr. Kang quickly."
"Bye Namjoon-hyung!" The one called Namjoon ran off, rummaging through his bag for some papers whilst running.
"Yeah bye, Namjoon... Hyung?" He wasn't sure on the ages or if honorifics were needed but figured it was safer to go with rather than without. If asked on it he could always say that Namjoon simply seemed like a hyung to him. The boy, still with him, turned back to Jimin before he spoke.
"So you really want to skip after the test?"
"Sure, fuck it. Why not, right?" It was only a dream after all, he was allowed to have some fun, right? Especially when it was expected of him, or whatever character he was playing.

"The test will last for thirty minutes. After that we'll have another thirty minutes to discuss what we found difficult. Then we can help determine what to focus on next term. Everyone understand?"
Jimin was usually quite good at science, but this paper seemed to cover things he hadn't learned. Or at least not in as much depth as he needed to complete it with ease.
He still managed to finish before the thirty minutes were up though. Spending his remaining time going through all his answers and guessing any he had left based on the other answers he had given.

Once the whole class had finished, students handed in their tests, and prepared for the discussion portion to begin. "So if Jungkook could hand out the books for us to begin writing our lists in, that'd be great." The teacher said with a smile as the whole class turned to look at Jimin after a lack of response. Realising that he must have been this so called 'Jungkook', he got up from his seat. He hesitated before walking over to a box labelled 'Books' and reaching inside, grabbing as many as he could. He panicked realising that he didn't know who was who until he remembered they all had name tags on their blazers. He looked down at his noticing that it did in fact say 'Jeon Jungkook' rather than 'Park Jimin' like he assumed. He began handing out the books in correlation to people's name tags, but stopped when he looked up for a second. A mirror with the caption 'Deadliest Creature Alive' above it stared back at him. It wasn't the caption that caught his attention though, it was the face looking back at his, and how it didn't belong to him. He dropped the books in shock, everyone turning to look at the boy standing with terror on his face. His eyes fluttered back and a strong THUMP attacked his head as everything turned black.

There was a cooling sensation on Jimin's face as he woke up. He laid on the floor of his dance studio, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Yoongi crowded around him. Yoongi holding a fan, cooling his face but stopping when seeing the boy was awake.
"Told you he'd be alright." Yoongi got up, walking away and grabbing his bag. "Can I go to class now?"
"Don't you want to stick around? Make sure he's alright?" Hoseok spoke up.
"I mean, yeah, but Mr. Ahn's a bit of a prick and I'm trying REALLY hard not to fail his class again. Just text me updates?" Hoseok nodded in response as Yoongi left the room. Hoseok and Seokjin turning back to Jimin laying in front of them on the floor.
"I just had the weirdest fucking dream."

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