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' you look beautiful, mami.'


The bifocal clad boy catches the girl's eye. Kiandra really did look beautiful in the black dress which revealed every curve and dip of her rich toffee skin. She smiles coyly, knowing she did look amazing, but hearing Brandon say it was a pleasure in itself.

'Thanks, I couldn't decide what to wear,' she says, looking up from the menu. 'and you look so good I could just suck your dick right here.'

The tips of his ears go red as a warm laugh escapes her glossed on lips. Brandon coughs, laughing, a red blush spreading over his face as he does so.

He's so fucking adorable.

'What do you want, mamas?' Brandon asks, peering at her through his glasses, his slightly tan skin visible from the few buttons left unbuttoned at the top of his silk, floral shirt. A LV lock and chains adorned his neck, his Adam's apple throbbing every time he talked. Which Kiandra found very sexy. It didn't help when he called her mamas or mami. She shifts, crossing her legs over and over again, hoping to ease the pressure she felt in the small but cosy Italian restaurant they had chosen for the night.

'Not sure,' she manages to say, gulping before taking a swig of water. The dark-haired woman steadies herself. She had gone on numerous dates before and no one had made her fluster like this before.

Kia was used to being composed and unnerving when she first got to know the men that would end up on her bed. After her last boyfriend, she told herself she would not fall for another man as fast or as soon, she was tired of the games niggas played.

And yet here she was.

One step away from sleeping with Brandon after only a few days and yet she didn't feel wrong about it. Kiandra only thought how their relationship will blossom into something beautiful. And how she might get dicked down after how many months.

'Maybe the salmon,' Kiandra says, setting down her menu and looking at Brandon straight in his dark eyes. 'What are you thinking of having, baby?'

'The risotto looks good,' Brandon stares right back at her, the tension as thick as she imagined his dick to be.

'Okay, let's order,' she says, lifting her eyes to see the boy through the curtain of lashes and smiling at the waiter.



'I think we will have a double scoop mango cone,' Brandon says looking up at the menu and to Kiandra for agreement.

'What do you mean we, bitch? I want to choose my own,' Kiandra says to the tall boy, going on the balls of her feet to view the topmost item on the menu. He laughs as she tries to read the small script.

They were standing in the middle of an icecream parlour at 8pm, with only a few people scattered about. The couple had just come back from dinner and had chosen to go to the small ice cream place near the park.

'Shit.' Kia cranes her head. Brandon laughs at her futile attempts to read the writing. He bites his lip as he watched her chest rise and fall as she huffs is frustration. The somewhat tall boy tries to shake these thoughts but finds himself thinking again about her dimples that appear in her caramel skin when she smiles.

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