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Kiandra walks behind her brother to a quieter part of the house. The music is fainter and more familiar faces are in the room. She sees Becky sitting next to Edwin and Nikita in a circle formed in the middle of the room. Her friends wave to her, each having their own solo cup and she notices another mini bar in this room. People have their own overlapping conversations as she enters and some stop to greet Zion and Kiandra.

A familiar crop of black hair catches her eye. The person turns and she sees him. The boy who broke her heart. She feels herself shatter again and again at the sight of the boy. Brandon looks at her back, disdain and sadness in the gaze. He forgets about the hands wrapped around his waist, and the short black hair of the pale girl resting on his chest.

All he sees is her.

Kiandra's eyes don't disregard the woman resting in his lap, who is playing with his hair and having an animated conversation to the blonde-haired girl beside her. Her eyes burn with tears as the girl leans up to press a kiss to his lips, all while the smallest corner of his eye was still looking at Kiandra. She wipes the tears quickly and takes a place next to Nikita.

'You alright, babe?' Niki asks, eyes concerned and gentle. Kia nods, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

'Let's play,' Zion says, sitting down dramatically on Haley before she pushes him off.

'We have to wait for the birthday boy,' Nick says, taking a sip of his drink.

'Oh yeah. Where is he?'

'There he is. Aye, Lucas!' Edwin stands to greet the tall boy who just entered the room.

Kiandra bites her lip, at the familiar name and connects the dots as she sees the same smiley boy.

'So you're the birthday boy,' she says, standing up to greet him.

'Guilty,' he says, shrugging his shoulders. 'Is it okay if I sit here?'

'Yeah, of course.'

Lucas takes a seat between Kiandra and Zion, before sipping his red cup and tapping quickly on it.

'Who's gonna start?' Edwin asks.

'I will.' the raven-haired girl slumped on Brandon's lap pipes up, leaning over to spin the glass bottle in the middle. Kia watches as her slender arm reaches over and her hips push into Brandon's, making him groan under his breath. No one else noticed but her, the girl and Brandon. She still didn't know her name.

The bottle spins, landing on Lucas.

'Alr, Maggie you gotta kiss birthday nigga over here.' Edwin announces, as if they didn't have eyes to see what happened.

At least she knew the stranger's name now.

Maggie looks up at Brandon, as if for permission and he smiles and nods. She then stands, making her way to him.

'Don't catch feelings,' she says to Lucas before giving him a kiss on the lips. Kiandra cringes at the slurping noises as they kiss and is relieved when they pull away.

The game continues for a few rounds, and as of yet neither her or Brandon had been landed on. Lucas spins after being landed on for a third time, and the bottle lands on Kiandra. Brandon's eyes dart up at hers, protective and wanting but she ignores him.

She scoots closer to the tall boy.
'Guess I have to kiss you now, Luke.'

'Guess so..'

His words trail off as she captures his lips in a warm embrace by her own. A warm feeling courses through her body, a foreign sensation after the aloofness she had been getting to know as of late. He bites down on her lip before pulling away.

Instead of scooting closer to her best friend, she let's herself fall close to Lucas, and allows him to wrap his arm around her waist. Brandon looks straight her, not even trying to mask his apparent annoyance at the girl. His eyes blink behind his glasses, looking at them and thinking on what he lost.

As the game continues, she starts getting bored and started whispering to Luke and letting out a giggle at every funny thing that left his mouth.

'Fuck this is boring,' he groans.

'Is this seriously what y'all do at your parties? Dance in that weird ass circle and play boring ass games?'

'Out here exposing me, Ki.'

A giggle falls from her mouth as she looks at her new friend.


'Yeah, Luke?' she said, sipping her drink.

'Why is Brandon staring at us like that?'

She looks up at the four-eyed boy through a thick curtain of lashes, unamused at his apparent obsession with her and Lucas, while keeping a strong grip on Maggie's waist.

'He's sort of my ex.'

'No shit? That makes sense.'

'Yeah. Just wish he would stop.' she eyes him again and he raises his eyebrows.

'Wanna give him something to stare at?' Lucas says, smirking slightly.

'What-what do you mean?' she says, stuttering although she knew exactly what he meant but pure nervousness consumed her.


Lucas looks up at her as he draws his face closer to hers. Kia nods, her breath caught in her throat. Lucas kisses her for the second time this night, but this time is different. They're fairly unnoticed as the game carries on. His hands grasp her ass, pulling her onto his lap as the kiss continues. She moans into it, her hands exploring his body. He bites onto her lip, and she let's his tongue slip into her heated mouth. He groans as the kiss intensifies slightly. Lucas lowers his mouth to her neck, making dark hickies with his teeth, then smoothing them with constant licks of his hot tongue. She lets moans roll off her tongue quietly. The two are so distracted that they don't notice the reddening of Brandon's face, or his increasing proximity to them until he grabs Kiandra's hand and leads her away from the room.

Kia looks annoyed but he mouths to her. 'It's okay. Do what you gotta do.'

Zion notices them leave and stands to stop his bandmates, but Lucas stops him. 'They need to sort out their shit and we need to let them.'

'I guess you're right..'


this is long af already so im gonna make another part to the party where smut will ensue👅

thank yall soooo much for reading honestly i love all of you like this story is almost at 2k already whut-

my new book 'PU$$Y' is up now and it's a gc style book. Go check it out it would mean a lot to me 🥺🥰

love yall ❤

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