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Kiandra had spent the last week trying to avoid thinking of the four-eyed boy, for whenever she would anger and sadness would course through her, parallel feelings fighting to overcome each other in a secret struggle. So when she was face-timing Edwin from the comfort of her homely haven and he mentioned a party they were throwing to celebrate one of their friend's birthdays, she saw it as a chance to confront Brandon in more ways than one.

At first she was hesitant. Then, she told herself that the party was not only a chance to show him what he was missing but also to enjoy herself and spin herself out of the cocoon of heartbreak she found herself trapped in for the last 7 days. Consequently, she had invited two of her best friends to accompany her through her first of the fabled PRETTYMUCH parties. Nikita and Becky had invited themselves, rather, with Becky excited to see Edwin and show the fuck out; Nikita there for the booze and the drama. 

The three girls were now sat on Beck's crushed velvet couch, deciding on outfits for the night ahead and sipping on hastily made cocktails. Niki is the first to choose an outfit, and her choice is a revealing green bodycon that hugs every curve on her body as if it was a second skin, paired with a waist-length green wig. Becky chooses a black latex number that accentuates her ass and thighs. Kia goes for a red latex two piece which is a stark difference from her brown skin and the blond wig she has on.

'Latex is fucking uncomfortable,' Kiandra says, pulling the outfit up so her breasts don't tumble out.

'It's worth it, you hoes look amazing,' Nikita states, applying a coat of lipstick and fixing her mascara.

'Are you sure you'll be alright, babe?'

'I'll be fine, Becky. It's been a week.'

She notices the two other girls exchange a worried glance and rolls her eyes, continuing to apply eyeshadow to the lids of them. Within thirty minutes, all three women were ready to leave, the party starting twenty minutes before they were actually ready to leave. They called an uber, none of them prepared to be the sober driver that night and checked each other's hair and makeup before setting off.


The first thing Kiandra noticed was that the party was loud. It seemed like an obvious statement, but the music blasting from the large house could be heard a block away.

As soon as the three girls step into the house, they are greeted with the scent of sex, weed and alcohol. Women and men cover every inch of the house, the expanse of people even spilling onto the front lawn. Kiandra recognises the song playing in the background and absentmindedly raps along to the lyrics.

Almost instantly, Kia makes way for the bar alone, with her two friends gone in the crowd.

She peers behind the bar and goes to make herself a glass of vodka. A tall, lightskin boy smiles at her, pushing a clear glass of what seems to be vodka in her direction.

'Here, no need to thank me,' he says, giving her a smile that shows the dimples embedded in his sharp cheeks.

She let's out a laugh. 'I'm not that fucking dumb, you've probably roofied it or something.'

'Fair point,' the stranger scratches his head. 'But I haven't.'

'I'm fine with making myself one, thanks.'

Kiandra pushes the glass away and takes a red plastic solo cup, before filling it with the clear, alcoholic liquid. He watches her curiously, and she wonders why he's still there.

'I'm Lucas.'

'I didn't ask but thanks for that information,' the girl gives him a look before drinking the shot in one go.

'Shit. I'm not lying, you looked fucking sexy when you did that.'

She stifles a laugh and looks at Lucas with the same curiosity he had just moments before. 'You weirdo. Thanks, I guess.'

'Poured out my whole heart for an 'I guess', how rude.'

Kiandra doesn't hold back the laugh this time, and let's the melodic sound be exposed to his ears.
'I'm not looking to date. Or hook up.'

'Neither am I,' he shoots back smiling.

'I've never seen you in any of my brother's posts? Are you one of his lil' friends?'

'Ain't nothing little about me, baby.'

She grimaces, pretending to vomit and he just laughs. 'Who's your brother?'

'Zion.' she sits on a bar stool, adjusting her top momentarily before refocusing on the smiling man before her.

'Oh shit, really?' Lucas squints his eyes, looking for similarities and finding them in the same dimples and eyes as his friend.

'Yeah, the headassery seems to only be passed down to the boys.'

'You're funny.' he smiles again, biting his lip.

'You haven't answered the question, Lucas,' she quirks an eyebrow up at him, a slight move that makes him break out in a contagious smile.

'I don't even know your name.'

'Kiandra.' the girl says, pouring another

'I'd rather call you mine, but I'll settle. Your name's crazy beautiful, Kiandra.'

Lucas relishes in saying the beautiful woman's name, savouring all seven letters on his tongue. At this, a blush spreads on her face in a floral bloom of scarlet and ruby, faintly visible on her rich chocolate skin. 'Thank you, Lucas.'

'No problem.'

The boy reaches to grab the glass she had discarded from him minutes ago, and tosses the content in his mouth. Lucas places the cup in the sink below the bar, showing his familiarity of the house.

'I'd better find Zion and my friends...' she says, almost not wanting to leave the sanctuary of the mini bar and the mysterious boy with the smile.

'Okay, I'll see you around, Ki. Do you mind me calling you Ki? Cause I can totally call you Kiandra, no problem.' he says, flustered.

Amused, she smiles. 'I'm fine with that, Luke.'

'Alright, cool.'

He smiles goodbye, raising one hand to wave before deciding against it and scratching the back of his head instead. Lucas watches her walk into the crowd, a newly filled red cup in her hand, her hips swaying hyptonisingly as she walks into the crowd.


Kiandra spots a bundle of blonde dreads towering above the rest of the swaying heads. She notices him dancing in the middle of some drum circle shit, with some of his friends hyping him up as he hits the folks five times in a row to an overplayed rap song. She rolls her eyes at Zion, but waits until he's finished darting around the circle and not landing a back flip.

Zion notices her and daps her up before hugging his older sister. 'What you doin' here? Aren't you supposed to be crying and shit?'

'Oh wow thanks. And no, I've been over that nigga.'

'Hmm..okay. Becky and Nikita are playing spin the bottle with some others..wanna check it out?'

'Aight, better than watching you dance.'


im trying not to completely give up on this book but yeahh

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