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'What the actual fuck Brandon?!'

Kiandra shouts at the boy as he drags her into a room and closes the door behind them. Brandon pushed her onto the bed, with strength that surprised her.

'What were you doing kissing him?' he demands in a low growl.

'It's none of your business.' she rolls her eyes and tries to turn from him but he fixes his large hands on her waist so she is forced to face him.

'That's not an answer Kia.'


Her heart races as he directs his steel gaze onto her and tightens his grip on her hips.

'Do you like him?'

'Again, none of your business nigga.'

'You just love making things difficult.'

'Me? You told me you didn't want to be together over text then you're all up in Margaret or whatever the fuck she's called.'

'I didn't know what I had before I lost it, mami.' Brandon says. 'I'm sorry.'

Kiandra inhales sharply. She had wanted to hear those words all week and despite the anger coursing through her, she felt her heart melt at his words.

'And Maggie was a way to get my mind of you. I thought I could replace the hole in my heart but I can't.'

She wanted to believe in him but she had been hurt and hurt and she was tired of it.

'Brandon..no. I can't. You're just gonna hurt me again.'

'Kiandra, please. I love every inch of you and I am so sorry I drove you away because of my own jealousy.'

'You don't love me,' she says fighting the salty droplets threatening to leave the sanctuary of her round brown orbs. Brandon tightened his grip on her hips once again, his hands large and rough on her smooth skin. He raises one hand to wipe a single tear that fell.

'I do, Kia. And I'm never going to stop.'

To his surprise she let's out a giggle. He raises an eyebrow as it quickly turns into a full laugh, echoing throughout the room. Tears of laughter fall freely as she bends over in raucous joy.

'What's so funny?'

'The fact that I'm actually considering going back to your ass after the way you hurt me. The fact I still haven't learnt my lesson after Eric. The fact that that night on the roof I realised I loved you and didn't realise you were going to break up with me.'



Kia had managed to excuse herself from Nick and made her way to the roof of the house. The sun was just setting, a blend of amber, scarlet and marigold in the sky. The girl hums, waiting for the boy she had texted minutes before. She checks her phone again, refreshing her messages to not see any new ones had surfaced. She groans, leaning against the railing and feeling a harsh wind nip at her skin.

Suddenly, footsteps echo throughout the roof top and she whips around in excitement. Brandon gives her a small smile as he moves closer to her. Kiandra runs to the boy and hugs him. He hesitates before reacting, moving his large hands around her.

'What's wrong?' she frowns, looking up at him.


'You sure?'

'I wouldn't lie to you, Kiandra.'

Kia smiles at this and pulls him in for a kiss. He's quick to respond, his lips move with hers as they kiss.

'I know you wouldn't.' she says after pulling away from the boy.

He leans against the railing and looks at the sunset before turning back to smile at her. His simple smile makes her heart beat and her pulse quicken abnormally. She captures this moment in her mind, the boy who changed her whole world standing before her.

'Kiandra, come look at the sunset with me.'


The woman moves closer to the boy, settling slightly in front of him as he wraps his pale hands around her chest.

'I need to tell you something Kiandra.'

She leans her head so she can see the boy properly. 'What is it papi?'

Brandon sighs. She looks so beautiful like this - hair in wisps around her head, a huge smile on her face, the fading sunlight reflecting on her chocolate skin and eyes shining with joy. He couldn't tell her that he didn't want to be together. He couldn't tell her that he shouldn't be with her. He just couldn't. So he didn't.

'Don't worry about it.'

Kia looks doubtful so he offers her a smile and she snuggles into him again, facing the sunset. In that moment only one feeling consumed the woman - love. Her heart stops as she realises how much she cares for him- how much she loves him. Kia smiles again, an infectious grin as a single tear falls from Brandon's eye and onto the top of her head.

'Is it raining or sum? I just felt a raindrop on my head.'

' Um.. I think so. Should we go inside then?' he asks, eager to get into the sanctuary of his own room and away from the woman.

'Can we just stay out here for a bit, B?'

'Of course.' they embrace again and she knew for sure that she loved Brandon Arreaga.



y'all im fr getting bored of this book no joke i wanna finish it soon

i tried using my writing skills this chapter

can someone tell me how to change the font on wattpad cause im an idiot

anyways i have a nick ff up called 'CHEATER'. chapter one is gonna be coming soon

love y'all MWAH

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