Chapter 13

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When I greeted Declan that night he picked me up and spun me around like prince charming.

When he set me back down on the ground he smile and said, "Good evening princess."

"Oh my lord. You are so cheesy," I replied centimeters away from his lips.

He gave me a delicate kiss and looked around to my back.

"What's in your backpack?"

"Ah, so you noticed. You said you wanted to see my graffiti, right?"

He nodded.

"Well then so shall be it," I said pulling a can of spray paint it from my bag.

He smiled and licked his lips.

"Hey! Keep that tongue in your mouth," I said amusingly

He laughed and shook his head at me. While I was working on the wall of the building next to us I could feel Declan's eyes trace my body with each move I'd make. I put all my focus into the art in front of me but knowing he was right behind me made it difficult to concentrate. Once I got into the piece I was making I was able to put all my attention into it wholeheartedly. About two hours later when I finished I took a step back and admired my creation. It featured the silhouette of two hands coming together to form a heart and a wide variety of colors behind it.

"That's amazing Nephele. You did a great job."

"Thank you. I happen to really like this one as well."

I noticed Declan had a small sketchbook and pencil in his hand. I raised one eyebrow mischievously.

"And what have you been working on?"

He closed his notebook and smiled, "Not for you to worry about."

"Oh come on I just did all that, you could at least show me your drawing."


I playfully wrestled him until I pulled the notebook from his arms. I flipped to the page he was working on and gasped.

"Declan this is amazing."

He looked down at the grown trying to avoid being praised. The drawing was of me spray painting the wall. The detail was so precise, down to the way each strand of hair flowed down my back. I couldn't believe how realistic he was able to make it look, I didn't know why he would ever be ashamed of something like this.

"How did you do this? I mean it looks so real."

"Thank you but, it's really not all that great. Not even the best of artists could capture how stunning you are."

I grinned from ear to ear flashing my teeth. He had a way with words that rendered me speechless and I loved it.

I spent the next few nights cherishing every moment I had with Declan. On the night before my mother's return I peered out my bedroom window, a full moon lit the night sky. A chill ran through my body causing me to shake.

I clasped my hands together, "Please don't do anything tonight I just want peace."

I held tightly onto Declan tonight as we laid together on the steps. I couldn't let anything happen to him. Even if I didn't express all that well he was the most important person in my life.


"Yeah?" I said

"I can't breath."

"Oh right, sorry."

"Why are you holding onto me so tight?"

"I just don't wanna lose you. I mean not knowing where you were for over a week was scary enough and with the full moon tonight, I don't know."

"Hey it's ok I'm right here. We are going to have a good night tonight."

I smiled and tugged on shirt, pulling him closer to me. His lips smashed into mine, causing me to stumble back until he pushed me up against the wall. I ran my hands through his soft curls as he wrapped my legs around his waist so I was straddling him. He rested his hands under my thighs as he carried me down a few steps to a small opening with a blanket and candles on the ground. He carefully laid me on the blanket, continuing to kiss me. He moved his mouth down to my neck and arm suggestively. I quickly pulled his shirt off over his head, revealing his muscular abs. He slowly pulled up my red tank top, exposing my black bralette. He sat there for a second and just looked at me before continuing.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't mind just lying here," he said between kisses.

"Yes. You are everything to me."

With that, I grabbed his belt and eagerly unbuckled it. He promptly pulled his distressed jeans off leaving only his boxers. The temperature begins to rise from the immense body heat as Boys to Men began to play in the background.

"You didn't, you're so sentimental I swear," I said smiling in disbelief.

"Don't ruin the moment," he said laughing.

He hastily ran his hands down my back and stopped and the top of my shorts. He took no time unbuttoning them and breathlessly wiggling them over my hips. He dragged them down to the bottom of my legs where they got stuck on my shoes. He impatiently pulled my shoes off as if they were an obstacle in the way to his final destination. However, when he saw the bottom of my right foot the candlelit room showed the horror on his face.

"No, no, no, goddamnit!"

I sat up alarmed from his sudden exclamation.

"What, what is it?"

"How long have you had this?"

I looked at the bottom of my foot to see a triangular mark from where I got burned when I first entered the underworld.

"I've had it since the first day I met you, why?"

"It's Hades' symbol, he's known what we've been doing this whole time. God, I'm so stupid."

With that, a strong gust of wind pulled me up into the air.


He tried to grab me and pull me back to him but couldn't. The wind started to suffocate me as if it had hands wrapped around my neck. I began to gasp for air, it felt like my lungs were about to collapse. I was fighting against nothing, I didn't know what was going on. Everything happened in a blur. Finally, whatever it was pushed me out the portal and threw my limp body against the wall I had painted a few days earlier. I crawled over to the portal but before I could get inside a gate shut in front of me. Through the holes of the rusted bars, I saw Declan trying to resist the invisible force.

"Declan! No!"

"Nephele, leave me I'll be ok. I don't want you getting hurt more than you already are. Princess please if not for me do it for yourself. Don't come back here baby it's not safe!"

"No! I'm not giving up on you! I'll be back, I'll get you out of here I promise. I could never abandon you. I love you. Do you hear me? I fucking love you Declan."

The portal door began to close. I screamed as a flood tears rolled down my face. I tried to push it back but I was too weak. I curled up in a ball hugging my knees to my chest. I sobbed under the light of the full moon wishing to wake up from this horrible reality.

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