Chapter 10

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"Hey, Declan?"

"Yeah?" he said unwrapping his arms from around me.

"I've got to go. I don't want them to notice I'm gone."

His eyebrows pulled in, "Alright. Will you come back tonight?"

"Of course."

"And bring your spray paint I want to see what you can do"

"How? You can't go outside."

"Paint the inside. It's what's on the inside that counts anyway," he said with a grin

"You're such a dork, oh my lord."

"Hey thinking outside of the box never hurt nobody," he said mimicking me.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Alright, see you tonight."

I took my time getting ready before meeting Declan. I thoroughly washed the sweat and oil from my hair and slicked it back in an over the shoulder braid. I carefully applied my notorious black eyeliner and pulled up my fishnets and black vans. I slipped on a paint-splattered muscle T, a pair of ripped jeans, and a beanie. Before I headed out the door I gave myself a once over in the mirror and grabbed my art bag. I inhaled and turned the knob of my bedroom door excited for the night to come.

On the walk there the cold air blew against my revealed arms causing a chain of goosebumps to grow among them. I looked up at the sky while my hair blew in the wind, the darkness of night revealed a crisp, full moon. I looked back down at the world around me and let my eyes follow the pattern of the wind.

"Makes sense," I said to myself, carrying on with the path.

A skip came to my step when the shop came into view. I grew awkwardly excited for this visit. I knocked on the front door jokingly.

"Knock knock."

When no one responded I grew worried. I opened the door and turned the corner. The door to the portal was closed too. My heart began to beat a little faster.


No response. I twisted the knob and pulled the door open. My heart stopped when the door revealed nothing but a dusty closest. I ran out of the shack dropping my art supplies on the ground. I examined the shop to try to find something, anything that would lead me to him. There was nothing. I climbed up to the roof to look for a glimmer of light from somewhere that I would've missed. All that I saw; darkness. I sat down exhaling my disappointment. I hugged my knees to my chest to protect myself from the harsh chill of night. I looked up at the moon and cursed it for this. A full moon always meant trouble and when there's trouble there's conflict.

I shimmied down the gutter of the building and landed almost losing my balance in the cold alleyway. I decided to call it a night and go home to get a good night's sleep. The mansion doors made a large creek when I pulled them open. I anxiously pulled them closed and dragged my feet in dismay up the stairs. When my foot hit the fifth step the foyer light turned on.


I turned around to see my mother standing with her arms crossed looking furious in her pink silk robe.

"I'm done putting up with your shenanigans. Sneaking out? Are you kidding me? You are seventeen years old! What have you been doing? Screwing around with some trashy f-boy?"


"I don't want to hear it, go to your room you'll be assisting the maids for a while and won't be leaving the realm. Maybe then you'll rethink your actions."

She strutted away with her nose in the air the sound of her heels clicking against the floor echoed as she walked down the hallway. I ran up to my room and threw myself onto the bed.

"This night could not get any worse."

I wrapped myself up in the sheets and fell asleep with the protection of its warmth.

The maids barged into my room the next morning with a lot less patience than the last.

"Get up, time for work."

When I sat up one of the older maids threw a uniform at my face. I grabbed the kinky outfit and flashed a disgusted look at her.

"We'll give you five minutes to be down in the foyer and ready. We are starting with the garden today."

I trudged my way to the bathroom to wash off the excess makeup I had left from last night. I threw my hair into a tight ponytail and tied a bandanna around my head. I had to do a dance to squeeze myself into the maid's uniform.

"Geez, can no one do housework in a tank top and sweatpants anymore?"

I forgot they had been waiting so I quickly ran down the steps and, was greeted by a group of spiteful girls.

"You'll be picking the weeds, here you go," she said, throwing a thick of garden gloves at my chest

"Can you all not just politely hand stuff to me? Like come on,"

They rolled their eyes and walked outside in unison.

We spent the next few hours perfecting my mother's garden. I had to make sure everything was in place otherwise my mother would throw a hissy fit. Sweat dripped from my face and my hands had calluses from constantly yanking on weeds. We from there went to vacuuming, then cleaning the bedrooms, cooking lunch and dinner, and finally bathroom duty. I spent the next week going through the same routine every day. The more I did it however, the more tolerable it became and I noticed not all the maids were horrible people. But, I still missed my late night visits to Declan every day. One of the younger maids noticed the sorrow in my eyes.

"I'll help you sneak out."

"What?" I said shocked at the sudden comment

"It's obvious you've been missing someone. I know a lovesick puppy when I see one."

"Whatever. I'm not lovesick."

"Just listen to me. Your mom will be down on Earth the next week, meaning I should be able to get you out of work early enough to see this person, whoever they may be."

"Why would you do that for me? I mean I don't even know your name."

"It's Kendra and I guess I just like helping people."

"You really are willing to do that?"

"Sure why not."

I let out a relieved sigh at the thought of seeing Declan again after what felt like forever brought a smile to my face. 

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