Chapter 2

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“You do?!” Billie nearly shouted.

“Y-yeah?” I said nervously, not as confident as before.

Mike walked back over to billie and picked up the music stand that he had slammed into the floor just minutes earlier. Billie side-stepped Mike and walked closer to me, which to be honest, kinda scared me considering what he did to that music stand. I took a step back and Billie stopped, I guess he could see the nervousness in my eyes grow each time he took a step.

“Hey, I’m not going to hurt you. Here” he stuck his hand out. “Hello I am Billie”.

I shakily put my hand out and shook his. “I’m Tre” I said a little louder.

“I haven’t seen you around he before Tre, why is that?” he asked me.

“Um well I just moved here from Germany a few days ago and started school on monday”.

“Germany, huh?” Mike spoke up as he walked and stood next to Billie. “And you said you were in a band?”

“Yeah, we were called The Lookouts. It was just my two best friends and I.” I said, happily remembering the old band.

“That’s sick man! How long have you been playing drums? Can you play any other instruments? Did you guys ever play gigs? Do you have any albums?” Billie said, sounding very excited.

“Um well w-”

I was cut off by Mike waving his arm in the air between Billie and I.

“Uh sorry to cut you off Tre but I will catch up with you guys later, my girlfriend got a flat tire on her way to school and I need to go help her. It was nice meeting you though, we should all hang out sometime.” he said in a hurry.

I moved out of the way of the door and let Mike through. I watched him leave and heard the door shut behind him. I then turned back to see Billie putting his guitar strap over his head and turning the amp on.

“Well you say you can play huh? Show me” he picked up some drumsticks off of the table and handed them to me. “You can use that kit over there”

He pointed to a kit that was in the corner of the room and I walked over it, sitting down on the stool behind it and setting my bookbag next to me.

“What do you want me to play?” I looked over the drums at him.

“Anything that you played with your old band” Billie looked down at his guitar and back at me.

I looked at the drum kit and adjusted the stool to the correct height for me. I started playing the beginning of “That girl’s from outer space”, a song from a few years ago that my friends and I worked on. After I finished the song I looked up and Billie started clapping.

“That was awesome! You should definitely play with Mike and I sometime soon.” he said smiling.

“Yeah okay, that would be fun”

I started blushing so I hid my face by pretending to look for something in my bookbag. I pulled out my phone and turned it on to check the time.

“Oh good idea” Billie said over my shoulder.

“When did he even get there?” I thought.

Billie took my phone out of my hand and dialed his number in it, making a contact for himself in my phone.

“There, now we can text. I’ll tell you next time we have rehearsal and you can come help us with some songs if you have time.”

He handed me my phone back and walked back to his spot with his guitar. He started playing the intro to a song I sort of recognize. I listened to him play the song and watched his hand movements as he played the song. He made multiple facial expressions while he played that were pretty cute. His hair flopped when he moved around and he was very focused on what he was doing. When the song ended I did just as he had done for me and clapped.

“Nice!” I said loudly. “What song was that?! It sounds really familiar”.

“That was Disappearing Boy, I wrote it last year and made it apart of a record that we have released. That was of course when we still had John in the band.” He moved his hair out of his face and put the guitar back down on the stand.

I put both my arms in the air next to head. “Woah woah woah, wait a minute. What’s your bands name?”

“Green Day, I haven’t written anything and we haven’t done anything for the past 2 weeks though since we don’t have a drummer” He said.

My mouth dropped open and I stared at him in awe.

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