Chapter 4

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A few days later I walked into history class after English and sat in my assigned seat in the back of the room. People slowly made their way in and soon enough Mike walked in. He came over to me and sat down in his seat to my right.

“Man, this place sucks” Mike whispered to me.

“Yeah I know” I whispered back and shrugged my shoulders.

The sound of the bell rang and everyone took their seats. The teacher went up to the front of the room and quickly took attendance. There was a low whisper until she told all of us to start taking notes about the revolutionary war… or was it the underground railroad? I’m not sure but it was extremely boring and I was very uninterested. I looked over to the door and started getting lost in thought. Well the term for it is daydreaming but you get the point. Now I’m not going to go into detail about what I was daydreaming but it was along the lines of me and someone making out on a piano. Not sure if you can guess who that someone is but I’m sure you’ll figure it out later.

Before I knew it, it was time to go to third. The bell caught me off guard and I looked down at my empty paper. I felt a tap on the shoulder and looked up to see Mike waiting for me I quickly shoved the paper in my bag and got up.

“Hey dude I’m gonna walk a different way and go see Billie, you want to see him too?” Mike asked and looked over at me.

Just hearing Billies name makes me blush. I covered my face so Mike couldn’t see it and kept looking ahead.

“Yeah,sure” I said in a high pitched voice.

Mike moved and looked at my face and I guess he noticed my blush because he asked if I was sick or something. I obviously was not sick but he didn’t need to know that so I told him I just feel a little hot, like a small fever.

“Well I don’t have anything but Billie might have something you can take.” Mike said as he raised him hand up to wave Billie over.

“Hey Mike, hey Tre” He said when he got over to us. “Man Tre, you okay? You look a little red.”

“Oh uh yeah, I’m fine” I tried to sound confident.

“You said you felt a little sick” Mike raised an eyebrow at me.

“Nah Mike I feel fine now” I said as I looked down to the floor at my feet.

“Well anyways” Billie said. “Want to have band practice after school?”

I looked up at Mike and Billie, confused. Mike said he band practice sounded good and they both looked in my direction.


“Band practice after school at my house sound good?” Billie asked me.

“You want me to go?” I asked.

“Yeah man, I told you that you play really well. The three of us can practice a few of the songs today and then talk and see if you would be a good addition to the band.” Billie said as Mike nodded his head.

“Well I would but I don’t have a way to your house or anything” I made eye contact with Billie and ended up blushing immediately. But thankfully neither of them noticed.

“Hey how about when you get home you text me and I’ll come pick you up? Or Mike can get you on his way.” Billie points to Mike and looks at me.

“Oh okay, sure” I said as the minute bell rang. “Well I’ve got to get to third. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

I brushed past them and headed to the music room. It was my favorite class here and I really enjoy it because I can just take a break from school and do what I love. Right now in class we were writing our own songs and the teacher said it has to be comedic and you have to write an instrument part for it too. I haven’t had any trouble coming up with lyrics but I’ve been having a few difficulties with coming up with a guitar part. I’m a drummer, not a guitarist.

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