Chapter 8

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I awoke to the sound of raindrops hitting the window. My room was fairly cold and the blankets were on the floor. I sat up and rubbed the dried tears off of my face and looked around. Billie was sleeping peacefully next to me. He had been so kind to me last night after my dad scared me and I couldn’t thank him enough. I wanted to make it up to him.

I got up and passed my window, not seeing any cars, then crept to my door and slowly unlocked it. I opened it slightly and looked around and then opened it a bit more to stick my head through to look down the hallway. My dad’s door was closed which was a good thing, meaning he was out. I walked quickly down the stairs and ran into the kitchen. I wanted to get some food to bring up to my room before my dad got home. I grabbed two bottles of orange juice, 2 granola bars, 2 packs of muffins, and a bowl of grapes. I checked and made sure I didn’t leave anything out and headed back up to my room.

When I got back Billie was sitting up at the edge of my bed looking at my door as if he was waiting for me to return. I walked in, closed the door with my foot, and set everything on my nightstand next to the two unopened water bottles that billie had set there the night before.

“Good morning” I said to him.

“Goood morningggg” he yawned. “Are you okay now? After last night?”

“I haven’t really thought much about it. I think I’m okay.” I said blandly.

I looked at the clock, seeing it was only 8:13am. We hadn’t slept 8 hours but it was still good enough.

“I brought food and drinks we can have. My dad’s not home and my sister should still be out.” I handed him a granola bar and he took it with a smile.

I blushed and quickly turned away from him, pretending to be really focused on the raindrops hitting the window

Once my face no longer felt warm I turned back around and took a sip of orange juice and sat next to Billie on my bed.

“What do you want to do today?” Billie asked.

“I’m not sure? It’s raining so I guess we’ve gotta find something to do in here.”

“Not necessarily.” Billie smirked at me.

“Well, what did you have in mind?” I gave him a  confused look.


Next think I knew and we were running down the street, jumping in every water puddle we saw.

I had lent Billie a raincoat to wear over his clothes and he insisted on just wearing his shoes he walked to my house in. For me, I was wearing a raincoat over top of a t shirt, along with my jeans and rainboots.

We raced all around and continued to until we ran out of breath and took a break. We were soaked already so we decided to just sit on the curb next to the road.

We sat silently for a minute as we both tried to catch our breath. We had been having so much fun that we forgot to take a break and breathe. It wasn’t even raining anymore.

“That” billie breathed “was awesome”.

“Yeah it,  it was” I said between breaths.

A car pulled up in front of us and the window went down.

“Hey boys, want a ride?”

We looked up and Billies mom was smiling down at us.

“Yeah sure mom.” He then looked at me, “Wanna come to my house for a little while?” he asked.

I looked at the time on my phone. Just barely past 11.

“Yeah sure”.

We got up and got in the car. I felt bad for getting the back seat all wet but Billies mom assured us it was okay. In minutes we were walking through billies front door.

“If you boys want to go put some other clothes on I can take your clothes and put them in the dryer for you.”

Billie and I nodded and he gave me some sweatpants and a white t shirt to wear and he changed into a black shirt and shorts. His mom took our wet clothes and put them in the dryer and told us they should be dry in a little while. We hung out in his room and he showed me his awesome record collection. He must have had at least twice as many as I do and I think I have a pretty big collection. After he put a record on his record player we laid down and listened to it, every once in a while we would sing a verse or two.


I stood up quickly after looking out the window and then scrambling to get my phone off the bedside table to check the time. 7:03pm showed up on the screen.

“I gotta go”. I said in a low almost panicky voice.

“What why?” Billie said kind of hurt.

The sound in his voice made me want to cry. He sounded genuinely upset that I had to leave. I didn’t want to but if I’m not home when my dad is there he’ll get mad at me, meaning that he will probably take my phone.

“If I’m not home by the time my dad gets home then he’ll get mad at me and take my phone.” I said while putting my rainboots on.

“Well at least let me walk you home. My mom left after she brought us here so she can’t drive you.” He said with a small smile.

Major blushing going on right now.

“Yeah okay sure, lets go.” I said, excited that he was coming with me.

We walked quickly down the sidewalk to my house. I was relieved when I didn't see a car in the driveway. The lights were on in the house so my sister must have gotten a ride home from her friend. We walked up the steps and I opened the door.

“Wanna come in for a little while?” I asked.

“Aren’t you tired of me yet?” he lifted an eyebrow and grinned.

Oh my god. What if he thinks I’m being clingy or weird because I constantly want to hang out all day. He must have noticed the panic look on my face because he laughed and walked right in my house, making himself at home. I blushed and walked in my house after him, closing the door behind me.

My sister walked downstairs as I closed the front door.

“Hey where were you?” She looked over at Billie. “And who’s this?”

“That’s my um friend Billie, and I was at his house.” I said.

She smiled at him and he waved at her.

“Billie if you go up to my room I will bring some water up in a second.” I looked at him and he nodded. Probably realizing I wanted some time to talk to my sister.

I walked into the kitchen and she ran after me.

“Soooooooo Biiiilllllliiieeeee” She said in a weird voice. “You like him”.

I flung my head around and looked at her. No one knew about my feelings for Billie, I wasn’t even sure if they were real or not.

“What? No I don’t. He’s just my friend”. I rolled my eyes at her.

“Yeah okay. You can say whatever you want but I’ll know what the truth is.” she giggled. “Good luck though. I know you’ll get him” she winked at me and headed to go upstairs.

I stood there at the counter thinking over everything. Was it really that obvious that I liked him? How does my sister know if I don’t even know? Does Billie think I like him? What if he’s only hanging out with me so much because he feels sorry for me? A million thoughts flooded my mind but I decided to push them to the back of my brain and go upstairs.

Billie was sitting on my bed when I got up there with a huge grin on his face. Oh no.

“Uh hey Billie..” I said as I closed the door to my bedroom.

“Heyyyyy Treeee” he giggled. “What’s new? Hm?”

“What do you mean?” I gave him a confused look. God I hope he didn’t hear my conversation with my sister…

“Oh nothin, your sister just said there was something you wanted to tell me?” he stood up.

“Um no I don’t thi-”.

All of a sudden I was silenced.

Oh. My. God.

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