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Episode Eight: Poison𖥸❊𖥸❊𖥸❊𖥸❊𖥸❊𖥸❊𖥸❊𖥸❊𖥸❊

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Episode Eight: Poison

"i meant it for campbell, but he wanted to come here and-" she rambled.
"elle, it's okay. i understand." katherine sympathized. "i get it." she spotted a bruise on elle's forearm. "is... is that from him?" she asked, pointing to the location on her forearm. elle nodded.
   "Just please don't tell Allie, or anyone... at all."  She panicked.
   "I promise. It's safe with me. We just have to figure out a way to get it off the table before-" I glanced over to the table, doing a double take. People were already taking slices of the pie. "Fuck." I whispered. "How much did you put in it?" I panicked as well. I heard Elle gulp. Before she could speak, I nodded my head, signalling that I understood. "Let's just go sit down." I waddled over to my seat beside Allie and Harry.

   "Hey everyone. Hi. Um... so, at Thanksgiving, my mom used to ask us to say what we're thankful for." Helena stood up at the stage, holding what appeared to be pie. My breathing started to get heavier, hoping it wasn't Elle's. Everyone groaned at Helena's announcement. "Oh, come on. Nobody? Do I have to go first?" Helena asked everyone in a childish tone.
   "Um..." Jason stood up to speak, so Helena rushed back down to her seat, smiling. "I'm thankful for... how hard my team fought at touch football." Everyone cheered and applauded. "Oh! And I'm thankful that Luke hasn't lost his throwing arm. Let's give it up for Luke!" The room 'gave it up' for Luke. Jason hit Clark on the shoulder, and sat down as Clark stood up.
   "Uh, I'm thankful I can get stoned everyday without my parents on my ass." Clark admitted. We all burst out laughing. "Though, I miss them giving me a hard time." The room turned silent. Clark sat down, so Allie stood up.
   "Well I'm thankful for Clark. For saying what we've all been thinking. You know, we all... miss home. We miss our moms, dads. What we want to say is, "wait for us, you know we'll find our way back." I also want to say thank you to everybody who cooked tonight. Toast, a toast! To all the cooks!" Allie shouted and raised her bottle.
   "Um, I have something I'm really thankful for." Helena had to raise her voice to be heard over the chatter. "I'm gonna marry Luke." Helena beamed. I hollered for them. Helena swung her arm around her fiancé. "Who does still have his throwing arm, and he's also the love of my life." Everyone awed. "You're all invited. Um, it's going to be the first wedding in the new world, so uh, hit me up if you know how to make a wedding cake." Everyone cheered.
   "Dessert to celebrate!" A girl hollered from the dessert table. I glanced over to Elle, who was panicky. I watched the dessert table, along with Elle. Someone grabbed the whole pie and brought it over to their table. Elle bolted up from her seat, so my eyes automatically followed her every move. Elle glanced around the room, before stuffing her face with the rest of the dessert. My mouth hung open. Campbell went up to her, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.
   A large spotlight shone onto the stage, five people were standing in the centre. I assumed they were the Improv group.
   "Okay, everybody. Thank you. Thanks, you guys." Bean started to announce the group. "We are going to put on a play for you right now that's never been done before. Can I have a situation from the audience, please?" Bean was smiling like crazy. It was obvious she was excited.
   "Thanksgiving dinner!" Clark yelled his suggestion.
   "So imaginative, Clark." I yelled back at him. Many people blurred out suggestions. The one that stood out the most to Bean and her group, was 'field trip.'
   "Field trip! We can do that." The group gathered in a circle, planning out their scenario.
   "All aboard for the national park! You're either on the bus, or you're off the bus!" Brandon pretended to be the bus driver. The four behind him, bounced, signalling that the ride was bumpy.
   "Are we there yet? I have to pee!" Lexie groaned. The 'bus' makes a squeal.
   "Final destination!" The 'driver' yelled. They hopped of the 'bus.'
   "These woods go on forever. Are we lost?" Bean acted.
   "Who decided we should go on a stupid field trip, anyway?" Lexie called out to Bean.
   "Olivia did." Clark loudly chuckled.
   "What if there are wolves and bears in the woods?" Bean asked, dramatically. Lexie let out a stereotypical witches laugh.
   "Oh no! It's an evil witch!" Jessica hit behind her fellow member.
   "And I cast a spell on all of you!" Lexie kept her witch voice. The audience laughed as Bean hid behind the 'bus driver.' "Eye of newt and toe of dog, I turn you... into a frog!" Lexie waved her finger to the driver. He bounced on the ground, acting as if he were a frog, like Lexie imagined.
   "Somebody kiss me!" Brandon sounded like Gollum, from The Lord of The Rings.
   "And I turn you... into an ancient crone!" Lexie pointed at Jessica. She bent down, pretending her back was out, and carried a cane.
   "Oh, I knew I should've done Botox!"
   "Will no one stop this witch?" Bean dramatically gasped.
   "I'll stop this witch!" Blake exclaimed. "Who died and left you in charge?" He rested his hands on his hips.
   "My sister!" We all knew where this was headed at this point.
   "Your sister?" He asked.
"Yes, my sister. I make the rules now! And you'll eat what I tell you to eat, and you'll sleep where I tell you to sleep. And you'll work for me!" I glanced over at Allie. She didn't look happy.
"Oh, no! Nothing but drudgery 'til we all die of old age!" Jessica chimed in. She gasped, then fell to the floor.
"Wait a minute. It wasn't old age. There's a bullet... in her heart!" I tensed.
   "I'm Sherlock Frog, detective. Because my quads are killing me. And I believe... there's a murderer in these woods!" Brandon said, awfully realistically.
   "Yes. And the murderer was... you! Arrest him!" Lexie exclaimed, pointing at Brandon.
   "Me? But I'm a totally innocent detective!" Brandon cried out while Blake grabbed his wrists from behind his back.
   Lexie started to fake cry. "Oh, the crone! She was my sister! I will be avenged! The killer must die! You! Kill the frog detective." Lexie pointed at Bean.
   "I can't." Bean stuttered.
   "Oh my god. If you want anything done around here, you have to do it yourself." Lexie walked over to Brandon, make a gun with her hand, and imitated a gun sound. Brandon dropped to the floor.
   I stood up from my seat. "Okay, show's over guys!" I hollered at them, loud enough for them to hear me.
   "No! You can't stop me! I'm in charge here! I am the witch!" Lexie exclaimed.
   "Okay, Lexie, seriously. Give it up." I hollered back out of anger.
   "You dare to defy my power?" Lexie faked a gasp and brought her hands to her chest.
   "I'm not apart of this improv, Lexie." I lowered my voice.
   "Oh, but you are. You are a henchman. Arrest the henchman!" Allie stood up from her spot.
   "That's enough, I think." She walked away.
   "And scene!" Brandon jolted up from the floor, and started to clap, but no one copied him.
   "Off with their heads!" Lexie called as I followed Allie and Will out the door.
   "Liv!" Harry whispered my name. I turned around. I cocked my head to the side, signalling for him to follow.

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