chapter 1

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Leo stared at his father. "I still have five months to find someone father."

"You've had years now, and all you ever do is run around with your friends. You've never tried to find a mate. Plus this will make our pack stronger. You don't have to mate with him if you don't want to, but you do at least have to be nice to him while he's here."

"But dad, I don't want to be around him. I've heard that he's not friendly." Leo whined.

"You can still be nice to him, and show him around. He's coming next week, and he'll stay here for two months. You can manage for two months." His dad said.

Leo sighed and went upstairs. He sat down on his bed and screamed into his pillow. He had never met the son of the white waters pack alpha, but he had talked to several others that had. They had all said that he was an overly cocky jerk. Leo lay on his bed wishing something would happen that would keep this guy from visiting. He didn't even know the guys name or what he looked like.

The next day he got up early and showered. He was hoping to be able to spend some time alone with Zack today, since his girlfriend was out of town this weekend. After he was done in the shower he dried his hair and grabbed his toothbrush. As he was brushing his teeth he checked himself out in the mirror. When he was done in the bathroom he put a pair of jeans on, and was going to put on a shirt but the doorbell rang before he could find one.

Thinking it was Zack coming here already, Leo went to the door without a shirt on, but when he opened it he was surprised to see someone standing there with a couple suitcases beside him. The guy had shoulder length black hair, beautiful green eyes, a sexy half smile was on his face, and to top it all off he wore a tight fitting shirt and tight jeans that showed off his chiseled body. Leo couldn't help, but stare at him and imagine what he would look like naked.

The guy took in the sight of Leo as well. Leo himself had short blonde hair, with blue eyes, and a muscular build. "I hope I'm at the right house this time," the guy said.

"That depends. Who are you looking for?" Leo asked.

"I'm looking for Marik and Cleo." He said.

"It's Leo not Cleo. What do you want with them?"

"Oh yeah. I'm Grayson the son of the white waters pack alpha. I'm here to stay with them for a while. Is this the right house?"

Leo's eyes widened. His father told him that the guy wouldn't be here until next week. He decided he would have to get rid of him quickly so he decided to lie. "No actually, they live three blocks down in a big house with purple shutters. You can't miss it." Leo said. He started to close the door, but his dad walked into the front room then and got a glimpse of Grayson standing there.

"Oh you must be Grayson. I didn't expect you to be here until next week. I'm Marik and that's my son Leo. Leo go ahead and let him in. " He said.

Leo rolled his eyes. He opened the door further to let Grayson in, and as the guy walked in he stepped so close to Leo that their bodies actually rubbed against each other. Leo could smell a wonderful woodsy scent emanating from the guy, and he wanted to just pull him close and take it all in.

"I know, but I ended up leaving earlier than planned. I do have to ask you a favor though. I know it was only supposed to be a two month trial, but I was wondering if we could possibly stretch it to four? Some things came up at home, and it's just better that I stay away for a bit." Grayson said.

"Sure we can. I don't think Leo will mind. Will you Leo?"

"Of course not." Leo replied.

"Are you sure Cleo? I mean I can go to the house that you said you live in. You know the one three blocks down, that has purple shutters." Grayson said with an evil smirk.

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