chapter 7

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Shawn walked into the mall with his arm around Baby. "He said he was going to be right out here. Now where is he."

Shawn looked around for his friend when he saw Guise walking towards the door. Guise looked at him, and motioned for Shawn to come over to him. When he got by him, Guise said, "you'll find your friend in the bathroom. He'll need help."

Shawn grabbed his shirt and asked, "what the hell did you do to him?"

"Not half as much as I wanted to. Just standing here won't help him either."

"Shawn come on, we have to help him." Baby said.

"If Grayson dies, I'll make sure you do too." Shawn told Guise.

"I no longer have a mate or a pack. Death is no longer a threat to me."

Shawn let him go, and went with Baby to find Grayson. When they got to the bathrooms, Shawn searched the men's and Baby looked in the women's. They were going to give up, until Baby suggested the family bathroom. That's where they found Grayson lying on the floor passed out.

"Baby call 911 for me, I'll make sure he's alive." Shawn said. He felt in front of his mouth to see if he was breathing, and felt for a pulse. He sighed when he found out Grayson was still alive, just hopefully he stayed that way.

"They're on their way here. How is he?" Baby asked him.

"He's breathing." Shawn replied.

"I wonder who's going to be the alpha if he dies." Baby said.

"Grayson is lying here a broken mess, and all you can think about is who is going to be alpha?"

"Well I'm just curious."

"Can't you for once in your damn life act as if you fucking give a shit about my friend?" Shawn yelled at her.

"I'm going to go see if I can see the rescue team coming." She said quietly.

Once she left the bathroom, Shawn gently rubbed Grayson's face. "Buddy I don't know if you can hear me, but if you pull through this I promise I'll go along with whatever stupid plan you come up with. I also promise I won't complain, well I won't complain as much anyway."

Before long the bathroom door opened and the medical team had arrived. They gently moved Grayson onto a stretcher and headed outside. As they were taking him out, Leo pushed his way up to them. "Grayson. What happened to Grayson?" Leo asked Shawn when he saw him.

"Why does it matter to you anyway? He wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for you. What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything to him." Leo said.

Zack finally came running up to Leo. "Did you find him baby?" He asked as he got up to them.

"Yeah you didn't do anything." Shawn said glaring at the two of them. "I have to get to the hospital. You might as well just go off with your friend there."

"Excuse me, but you don't know a damn thing about me." Leo snapped.

"Guys quit fighting. Grayson is on his damn way to the hospital and all you're doing is having a stand off between the two of you. You get your damn ass to the car now. You're the one that dragged me here in the first place to help your friend, now you leave his other friends alone and get to his side damnit!" Baby yelled at Shawn. Shawn rolled his eyes, but followed Baby out to the car.

"What the hell was that about?" Zack asked.

"I don't know. Let's just get to the hospital. Have you seen my dad yet?"

"Yeah, he's outside. Come on, I'll drive you to the hospital." Zack said.


Grayson groaned and tried to roll over, but the movement made him hiss in pain. He opened his eyes and looked around, to see that he was in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV. The door opened, and a nurse walked in. "Oh you're up already. With as extensive as your injuries were we didn't think you'd wake up this soon." She said.

"How long have I been here?" Grayson asked.

"A couple of hours. How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been run over by a large truck."

"I'd imagine. The cops were here earlier to see if you were up. I guess they were wanting to ask you questions about who did this to you. It seems no one noticed what had happened."

"Well I don't know who did it. It was a complete stranger." Grayson lied. He didn't want to tell them it was Guise, because that could put the pack in jeopardy if he told humans about them. They had done so well at integrating themselves into the human world, that they didn't want to have to go back to hiding in the wild away from the human luxuries they had.

"They'll be the ones you'll need to tell that to." She said.

"How badly was I hurt, and when do I get to leave?" He asked.

"I don't know anything about your release date, but you had a broken nose, three broken ribs, and a dislocated arm. It must have been some tough fight."

"You have no idea."

"Are you feeling up to having company now that you're up? You've got a few people out in the waiting room to talk to you."

Grayson shook his head. "I'm not wanting company right now. What floor are we on?"

"This is the ICU. We're on the second floor honey."


The nurse took his vitals, and then walked out the door, leaving him alone again. Grayson slowly sat up in bed. He didn't want to talk to the damn cops, and he didn't know how long they were planning on keeping him here. The way he saw it there were two ways out of here, he could make a break for it down the hall or he could jump out the window. When he stood up though, the amount of pain he felt took the idea of jumping out the window away. It would damage him more on the jump, and he might just wind up back in here with then having more questions. He pulled the IV and all the wires from himself and quickly changed into his wolf form. As soon as the doctors came running into the room he took off down the hall to make his escape.


Zack was sitting with his arm around Leo in the waiting room. Shawn was as far away from the two as he could get, with Baby by his side. Marik was sitting on the other side of his son. Shawn had told them all that he was there to pick up Grayson because he didn't want to be around anymore, and Marik was trying to find out why.

"So everything was definitely fine between you guys when you left?" He asked.

"Yes. I don't know what made him want to leave. I just went to go talk to Zack and tell him I didn't want to be with him anymore, but wer could still be friends."

Shawn snorted. "You seemed extremely friendly at the mall. Especially when he called you baby."

"It was a slip of the tongue you asshole." Zack snapped.

"Stop fighting right now! I'm tired of the three of you arguing. Now did you ask him if he wanted to go with you when you told him you were going to talk to Zack?" Marik asked his son.

"I didn't tell him. He was asleep when I left."

"How did he know you went to Zack's then?"

Leo shrugged, and Zack groaned. "Oh my God your phone. You said you left your phone on the charger and I had sent you a message saying you could join me in the shower when you got to the house." Zack said.

"No fucking wonder he got so upset." Leo replied.

A nurse walked into the room then and went up to them and said, "Grayson is up now, but he doesn't feel like accepting any company."

Just then they heard a lot of screaming, and there was an alarm going off. They ran out of the waiting room just in time to see a large wolf run past them to the stairs. Grayson was escaping, and they couldn't go after him now for fear that all their secrets would end up getting revealed.

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