chapter 8

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As everyone else panicked and tried get away from the wolf, Leo and the rest of them ran after it. They had no hope of catching him in the hospital, but with luck they could hunt him down outside. When they got outside Shawn said,  "you three need to go home. There's going to be a lot of questions that need answering, and you're the best ones to do that.  I know Grayson the best, so I'll go try to find him."

"No, I want to go too." Leo said.

"You can't. He'll be harder to find if he thinks you might actually be looking for him. If you ever want to see him again, then you gotta wait. I'm sorry, that's just how he is."

Leo finally gave in, and he went home with his dad. Zack followed them in Leo's car, and Marik took Zack home later. Before Marik got back the phone rang, and Leo answered it. "Hello," he said.

"What the hell is going on there. I just got a call from the hospital telling me my son escaped. Why the hell was he in the hospital anyway?" Grayson's father questioned.

"He got hurt by someone. I don't know why exactly he escaped, but Shawn is looking for him now." Leo said.

"Why didn't you or Shawn call me before? You'd think I would want to know about my son's whereabouts."

"I'm sorry. I didn't have a phone on me, and I didn't know you weren't told."

"Sure. I'm going to try to find my son. I knew this whole thing was a bad idea. Your pack should stay far away from mine. Anyone that crosses into our territory will be killed." He said and hung up.

Leo threw the phone down on the floor with enough force to break it.  "Great, just fucking great." He said to himself. His day was sure going to hell quite quickly.


It was getting late by the time Grayson finally got to the house he was going to. The broken ribs had proven to be much more of a hindrance than anything else, and it was extremely slow going because of it. He walked up to the door in human form, and knocked on it dreading that it would be answered.

Guise opened the door and stared at him for a second before saying, "we're not friends now, so you don't need to come around here. Leave before I do kill you."

"Wait Guise I need to talk to you for a bit." Grayson said.

"What do you want?"

"Why did you let me live? You could've killed me easily, so why not do it?"

Guise opened the door up completely and stepped to the side. "Come on in here, I want to show you something." When Grayson hesitated he said, "don't worry I won't hurt you anymore."

Grayson walked into the house, and Guise showed him to a small room close to the living room. When Guise opened the door and turned on the light Grayson could see it was a small study with pictures all over the walls. Most of them were pictures of Guise and his mate, but a couple were of Grayson and Guise's mate.

"This was his favorite room. He used to love and look at these pictures, and just wish we could always seem this happy. We'd spent many years together, and had many memories. Now this is all I have left of him." Guise said.

Tears were in his eyes when Grayson picked up a picture of him and Guise's mate. The picture had been taken on the first day the two had met. They had met the day after Guise and him had become mates, and the two of them had become fast friends since they were both about the same age. That day they had gotten drunk together and made fools of themselves singing off key to different songs on the radio.

"I had forgotten how much he loved taking pictures." He said.

"He loved to keep his favorite moments with him forever. You can keep that picture if you want to."

"Thanks." Grayson said. "I still don't see how this answers why you left me live."

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for your  mate. I have all these memories of mine, but the two of you wouldn't have had the time to make many at all."

"It's for the best. He wouldn't want any with me anyway."

"Did he choose you on his own or was he forced?" Guise asked.

"He chose, but then he left me the next day."

"I didn't get the chance to choose my mate. My parents forced me with him. I think that's part of the reason I didn't seem so kind to him. I didn't like not having the choice. That, and I didn't like that he was going with you behind my back. It just made me mad and violent because of everything. I loved him though. I wanted him to be with me and only me, I just didn't let him know. It's hard enough to lose a mate you didn't have a choice with, but to lose one that you chose is so much worse. If he thought for even a second about his choices, he would shatter if you never come back to him."

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I didn't know how you felt."

"It's ok. Neither of you did. Sometimes I think if I were as young as you guys were things might have been different, but we'll never know."

"Can you take me somewhere?"

"Where to?"

Grayson looked back at Guise and said, "I need to go home. I have someone waiting for me."


Leo had spent the rest of the day in his old room crying for the most part. He had talked to the cops for a bit, and had told them he had no idea where Grayson was, or how he had escaped from the hospital that day. Zack had tried calling him several times, but he didn't want to talk to anyone. He even ignored his father anytime he tried to talk to him. Shawn had called a few times, and left him messages saying that they still couldn't find where he had went. It seems he had gotten good at hiding his trail, ever since the first time he was nearly killed by Guise.

Leo sighed when he heard someone coming up the stairs again. His dad had been trying all day to get him to eat, but he had refused to do anything. He barely even wanted to get off the bed to go to ther bathroom. He heard his door open and without looking st it he said, "I've already told you I'm not in the mood for company or food, so get out."

"Awe Cleo, don't be that way." Grayson said.

Leo jumped up from the bed as quickly as he could and ran to him. He threw his arms around him, making him wince in pain. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Leo said.

"It's fine. You just got to be careful right now." Grayson said.

"I was so worried I'd never see you again."

"You almost didn't, however I went to talk to someone today and he talked me into coming back. I want to make memories with you that will last a lifetime, even if you still want to be with Zack."

"I don't want to be with him. I just went over there to tell him that I chose you. You're the one I want to be with."

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to do that though?"

Leo put his hand on Grayson's cheek and wiped away a tear from his face. "I know I should have done that baby, but I just didn't want to wake you. I thought I'd be back before you got up. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you."

Grayson kissed him on the lips. It was probably the most passionate and loving kiss he'd ever had before, and it was all because he had finally found his true love.

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