chapter 5

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"I can't fucking believe you've talked me into this shit."

"Shawn it's just this one time. I promise." Grayson said.

"Well it damn well better be. Do you know how much shit I'll be in when baby finds out what I let you talk me into? She's going to rip me apart. Hell if I could I'd help her." Shawn replied. Grayson had told him a plan he had of getting Leo to hopefully stay with him, and after much coercing he finally agreed to it. Now he was driving Grayson to work for the day.

"I promise, whether this works or not I'll never ask you to do this again."

"Can I get that in writing? I'm tired of you promising me things, then going back on that."

"What have I gone back on?" Grayson asked.

"That you'd stop asking me to help you on stupid schemes, that you'd never mention to baby that I had sex with her sister."

"I told you it was her sister that told her that. I don't talk to baby." Grayson said.

"Her sister didn't tell her. She was too drunk to remember anything."

"Ok I may have went back on a couple of promises, but this is one I'll keep."

"I still can't believe you want me to pretend to be gay." Shawn said.

"Oh come on. It's not like that's the craziest thing I've ever asked you to do. "

"I know, and I think that's why baby hates you so much."

"That would make sense. What are you going to do while I'm at work?"

"I don't know yet. I'll figure something out." Shawn said. He pulled into the parking lot, and Grayson gave him a friendly hug before getting out of the car. Now it was time for the next part of Grayson's plan.


Leo woke up later than he wanted to. He quickly got in the shower and got out with no interruption. He went down to Grayson's room and knocked on the door. "Grayson we have to get going soon." Leo said. When he got no answer he opened the door up to see Grayson wasn't there and the window was open. Leo ran to his father's room. "Dad wake up. Grayson's missing."

"No wonder I didn't hear you two having sex this morning." Marik said groggily.

"You hear that."

"You guys aren't really quiet about it. I tell you what, you go to work and if he's not there call me and I'll try to find him."

"Ok. I'll see you after work." Leo said.

"Oh one more thing Leo. I don't know what the fight last night was about, but I do hope whatever it is it doesn't ruin things between you two. He's a better choice to be with than your friend Zack."

Leo left and went to his car. He had to hurry so he wouldn't be late. By the time he got there, Grayson was already there talking to the owner. Leo went up to him and hugged him, and he was disappointed that Grayson didn't hug him back. "I was worried about you when I didn't see you at home." Leo said.

"Yeah I got a ride from a guy I know. He's giving me a ride later too, so you can just skip on over to Zack's and forget about me." Grayson replied.

"Oh, ok." Leo said. He was hurt that Grayson was still mad at him, and he didn't know exactly what to do to fix it.

The day seemed to drag on forever. Grayson would only talk to the owner of the diner, or to the customers. He avoided any contact with Leo at all. When their shift was coming to an end, an attractive man with red hair and blue eyes walked in and sat at the counter. He was wearing a button up shirt with the top two buttons undone, and Leo could see he had the werewolf mate mark. "What can I get for you sir?" Leo asked him.

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