chapter 3

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Grayson woke up early the next morning with the urgent need to urinate. Even though there was actually a bathroom connected to his pilfered room, he decided to walk down the hall to the other bathroom. When he got to the door he could hear the shower running, but whoever was in the shower had forgotten to lock the door so he just walked in. As he was peeing Leo stuck his head out of the shower to see who was in there.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Leo asked.

"I'm peeing." Grayson replied.

"I can see that, I mean why did you come in here?"

"Because I didn't realize I couldn't use this bathroom. I'm almost done."

"Don't flush it. I don't want the water to get hot." Leo said and he went back to showering. He was in the middle of rinsing off his hair when he heard the shower curtain open, and felt arms wrap around him. "What are you doing now?"

"Taking a shower."

"Well get out. You can take one when I'm done."

Grayson moved one of his hands further down on Leo and grabbed his member. Then he kissed his neck, while slowly stroking him. Leo moaned and moved his body against him. The more Leo moaned the more Grayson wanted him. Grayson asked, "can I fuck you Cleo?"

Leo wanted to tell him no. He wanted to stop him, but it felt so good. "Yes." Leo whined.

Grayson nibbled on Leo's neck as he put his hard member up against his ass. He continued to stroke him as he slowly pushed inside. Leo hissed from the pain, and Grayson waited for a second for him to be ready, then he took Leo's hands and put them against the wall to steady them. He kissed his neck again as he moved inside him. Grayson moved his hands to Leo's nipples and squeezed them, causing him to moan again.

Grayson was just about to climax when a knock came on the door. "Is everything ok in there Leo?" Marik asked.

"Yeah dad, I'm just finishing up my shower. I'll be done in just a minute." Leo called back.

After Marik walked off again Grayson wanted to finish what they had started, but Leo pushed him away. "Don't tell anyone about this. It doesn't mean anything." He said as he toweled off.

"Sure thing Cleo. I don't want a woman in my life anyway." Grayson said, and he shut the curtain and started taking a shower himself.

"Whatever you say jackass." Leo replied. He put his pants on and grabbed his shirt. Right before he left the bathroom he flushed the toilet, which caused Grayson to cuss at him as he closed the door.

Leo went into his bedroom and grabbed some more if his clothes out to bring to the spare room. Grayson came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around him while Leo was headed to the room. "You couldn't bother to get dressed before you came out of the bathroom?" Leo asked.

Grayson removed the towel, and brought it up to his hair. "Didn't have any clothes to get dressed into."

"Get dressed, you're going with me to my work today." Leo told him.

"I don't want to sit around while you work."

"I don't care what you want you're coming with me. I might be able to get you a job there, so you're not always begging me for money."

"Fine, but can you loan me fifty dollars?"

"What for?"

"I don't have anything to eat for lunch."

"Just get dressed." Leo snapped.

When he finally got done getting dressed, Leo hurried him out to his car. When they pulled into the parking lot of a small diner Grayson asked, "what do you here?"

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