chapter 2

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Leo let Grayson lead him off away from there, but he was sceptical of going too far away. "Where are we going?" He asked.

"It's a secret." Grayson said.

"We might want to stay close by, so we can get a ride back home from Zack."

"Don't worry it's not that far of a run from here."

Grayson suddenly shifted into his wolf form then, and trotted off a little ways before he stopped to look back for Leo. When Leo didn't follow he walked back and lightly grasped Leo's hand in his teeth. Leo was too busy admiring Grayson's wolf form to do anything but stare at him. Grayson's wolf stood about as tall as he was, and was black in color except for a white patch that looked like a heart on his chest. Grayson whined for Leo to come with him, but he still didn't move.

Grayson leaped into the air, and tackled Leo. When Leo landed on the ground under the wolf, he changed back into his human form. He smiled and climbed off of him. "Are you going to come with me now?" Grayson asked.

Leo shook his head. "I think I should go back. I need to apologize to Zack. Come on let's go back so we're not left behind."

This time Grayson shook his head. "Actually I got a few things I wanna do. I'll see you later on." Grayson changed back into his wolf and took off running further into the woods.

Leo got up off the ground and dusted himself off. He had wanted to go with Grayson, but he couldn't. He didn't want to hurt Zack anymore. If it weren't for Grayson though Zack wouldn't be mad at him now. He walked back to the movie theater alone. When he got back Zack was getting into his car with the two women.

"Zack wait. Did you decide not to watch the movie?" Leo questioned.

"We thought we could find something better to do. Where's your friend at?"

"He had some things to do. Can I go with you guys?"

"Climb in, and I'll take you home, but then I have to go. I've got plans with these two now." Zack said.

Leo got in the car, and he just wished that he would have went with Grayson. This wasn't the first time Zack had done something like this when they were spending time together either, and it always ended with him texting Leo at the end of the day wanting him to come over. Leo didn't even say bye when they dropped him off at home. He just went upstairs to the spare bedroom, and threw himself down on the bed and cried.

Several hours later his father came up to his room. "Hey Leo it's suppertime. Is Grayson in the bathroom or something? He wasn't in his room."

"I don't know where he's at. He just said he had some things to do and took off earlier." Leo replied.

"Oh no. We gotta go find him now. Come with me."

"What's wrong? He can take care of himself. I mean he is going to be an alpha isn't he."

"Look there's things you don't know about him. He's here for more than just a possible mate for you. He's here in hopes that it will save his life. There's other wolves he's gotten on the bad side of that want him dead." Marik said.

"Well you could've told me that before!"

"I didn't think you needed to know. We have to find him though. Where was the last place you saw him?" Marik questioned.

"The theater."


Grayson just kept running even though he was growing tired. He knew this area pretty well, cause his pack didn't live too far from here now. He also knew it because of him. When he got close to the cabin he was looking for he howled a long howl. Not long after a man stepped outside, and looked around. When he saw Grayson sitting off in the distance he shifted into a wolf and ran over to him. The two ran off deeper in the forest. When they got to their familiar spot they turned back into their human forms, and the other guy kissed Grayson.

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