chapter 6

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Leo woke up early the next morning, and looked at Grayson still fast asleep next to him. He carefully worked himself out of the bed so as not to wake Grayson, and checked his phone. He had several messages from Zack asking where he was at, and why he wasn't texting him. Leo wanted to talk to Zack alone, so he sent him a quick message to see if he minded if he came over. In less than a minute he got a reply that said the door was unlocked. Leo's phone was almost dead, so he decided to plug it in to charge. It wouldn't take him long to get back home. He got dressed, kissed Grayson on the forehead, and then left to go talk to his friend.

A few minutes after Leo had left, Grayson woke up to the sound of Leo's phone going off from a text message. He picked up the phone and the message read: I'm going to go take a shower. When you get here you can either come join me, or wait in the front room with Mary.

Grayson dialed his friend Shawn's number and when he answered he said, "I need another favor Shawn."

"I'm not playing gay again, so don't ask." Came the reply.

"No, I need you to pick me up at the mall as soon as you can. I'm getting the hell out of this place." Grayson said, as he slid his jeans on.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. You mind if I bring Baby?"

"I don't care."

"Where you going to?"

"As far away as I can get."

"Ok. Give me some time. You better be somewhere I can find you easily."

"I'll be right by the main doors. Thanks for the help Shawn. You're a good friend." Grayson said. He hung up and put on a shirt, then went to go find Marik. Marik was in the kitchen eating breakfast when Grayson found him. "Hey Marik, can I get you to take me to the mall. Leo's gone to Zack's, and I need to meet my friend before long."

"Yeah. I don't have anything planned today anyway." Marik said, getting up to grab his keys.

The car ride to the mall was uncomfortably quiet. When Grayson was getting out of the car Marik asked, "do you want me to wait with you until your friend gets here?"

"No I'll be fine. It won't take him long to get here."

"Are you going to come back?"

Grayson shrugged. "I don't know yet."

Grayson went inside the mall and stood close to the doors waiting for Shawn to get there. After waiting for several minutes, someone bumped into him. Grayson turned to see who had hit him, and his eyes opened wide in horror. Standing right next to him was the one guy he didn't want to ever run into again. Grayson tried to run, but the guy caught a hold of him.

"Why don't we go somewhere private and talk?" The guy said.

"Guise please let me go. I'm sorry ok." Grayson whispered, as the guy pushed him further into the mall.

"Shut up, and keep moving." Guise snapped. He took Grayson to the bathrooms. There was a family bathroom that had a lockable door which is the one Guise pushed him into. He locked the door and then slammed Grayson's face against the wall.

Grayson could feel blood running down his face. "Guise listen to me. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Guise punched him in the stomach as hard as he could a couple times, then let Grayson drop to the floor. "Because you couldn't leave him alone, I lost everything. I don't have him anymore, and your fucking father banned me from the pack. I'm lucky I'm still able to live in my own home. They all treat me like shit now because of you."

"You're the one that killed him Guise. You're just a fucking monster." Grayson said.

Guise kicked him hard in the ribs, and Grayson could feel as at least one of them broke from the blow. "You didn't have to mess with him. You should have left my mate alone."

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