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It was finally the day before Leo's eighteenth birthday. There had been a lot of backlash from the some whole fiasco with Grayson, but they finally got everything cleared up. Zack had ended up leaving Mary and had started hanging out more with Leo, much to Grayson's disappointment. Zack had told them he decided he'd finally get serious with someone, but so far that hadn't happened.

"I still think this is a bad idea." Leo said told Grayson as they pulled into Zack's driveway.

"Shawn has told me the same thing, but I think it might actually work." Grayson replied.

"He killed his first mate because he was unfaithful. Do you really think setting him up with Zack is that smart?"

"It will be fine, I promise. God what's taking Zack so long. We're going to be late to the movies if he doesn't hurry."

"Well if you're so worried about making the movie you should've just borrowed my dad's car, and I would've met you after I picked up Zack."

Grayson shook his head. "I never got my license."

"Why not?"

"Didn't feel like it. I generally stayed around the pack, and if I needed to go anywhere else Shawn would take me."

"Well, you're not that old anyway. If you wanted to you could get your license before you're legal drinking age."

Grayson started laughing. "Cleo I'm a bit older than you think I am.  I'm actually going to be turning twenty four this year."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked. Does it bug you that I'm older?" Grayson asked.

"Not really. Why weren't you made the alpha when you turned eighteen though?"

"Because I'd been getting death threats from some of the pack members since I was sixteen, so my father didn't think it would be wise to renounce his leadership to me. Plus we probably wouldn't have had a pack anymore if he did. I mean would you follow someone that you thought might fuck your mate?"

Leo shook his head. Zack finally got into the car and as he sat down he asked, "ok, are you guys going to tell me more about this friend of Grayson's you're trying to set me up with?"

"Well I wouldn't say he's a friend really. He's more like someone I pissed off before and got kicked out of the pack, so now I'm trying to see if we can get along well enough for him to be let back in." Grayson said.

"Well tell me what he's like anyway."

"Well, he umm is very protective of what is his. You wouldn't want to piss him off or he's liable to kill you." Grayson could see that Zack was staring at him skeptically so he said, "oh but he can be nice if he wants to. You just have to get to know him."

"How old is he, and what does he look like?"

"He's got short cropped dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a thick bodybuilder type of body. He is older than you though, so I hope that doesn't matter."

"How much older?"

"Not too much. Just a little bit." Grayson said, trying to keep from mentioning how old he was in case that would bee even more of reason why this wouldn't work.

"I'm not going to talk to him unless you tell me how old he is." Zack said.

"Forty- three." Grayson said. He glanced at Leo and saw his shocked face. "He looks good for his age though."

"Why doesn't he have a mate if he's that old?" Zack asked.

"He did, but his mate died. Don't mention him right now though. If things work between you guys, I'm sure he'll tell you all about him."

Zack sighed. "Well at least it's just one date, and it's not like I'll be alone."

"That's the spirit." Grayson said. They parked the car, and met up with the others out front. Grayson gave Shawn and Guise a hug, but avoided Baby. Those two still didn't get along at all, and probably never would.

Zack kept quiet and stayed close to Leo. When they were getting their tickets Grayson wrapped his arms around Leo and asked, "can you pay for me Cleo? I don't have any money."

"We literally got paid yesterday. What did you spend it on?" Leo asked.

"You're birthday present. I think you might actually like it."

"It better not be that sex swing you said you wanted."

"No, but I still think we should get one." Grayson said. He reached into his pocket though and pulled out a set of keys from it. "Here I'll give you it early."

"What's this to?"

Grayson smiled and leaned close to his ear. "That's the key to our new place Cleo. We'll be living in our own place."

Leo kissed Grayson then. "I love you baby. That's got to be the best gift anyone's ever got me."

"I'm glad you like it Cleo. I hope to have a lot of happy memories in it."

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