Chapter 2 // The First Day

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As a bell rang for the elevator, the door slid open and Lena walked in, taking it to the top floor of her new office at Catco. She had been there many times before, but to be there as an owner and not simply a guest of Kara was something completely different. Suddenly, a voice excitedly called to her from the secretary's desk.

"Miss Luthor, it's so nice to see you," she lied.

Lena looked a little at the girls desk, secretary "Eve Tessmacher, right?"

The girl squealed if Lena didn't know before she knows now that this woman isn't trustworthy. Lena chuckled a little. So pathetic, it's clearly fake.

The girl apologizes with "Sorry. I'm a huge admirer of yours."

Lena smiled and said "Thank you Eve."

The girl nodded and quickly asked, "Oh, can I get you a coffee?" She made her way around her desk so right now she stood in front of Lena "You take it black, right?" Lena looked at her questionably, luckily for the untrustworthy girl, she recovered "I-I'm not stalking you, I emailed your assistant at L-Corp about all your favorite things." Lena nodded as the other girl whispered, "I hate salmon too."

Lena smiled again and said "Well, thank you, yes, a coffee would be lovely."

"Great!" Eve got up and left out of the office to the public elevator.

"Uh, Eve. Why don't you," Lena pointed at the elevator behind her, "just use this elevator? It goes straight to the ground floor."

Eve said in her normal rushed voice "Oh, no, only the boss can use it."

Lena chuckled and shook her head "That's just silly, anybody who needs it should be able to use it."


Lena just watched her go but her attention is sought elsewhere because she heard "Miss Luthor," She turned around and saw Jimmy Olsen. Lena made her way over to meet him halfway as he continued "I didn't know you would be here this morning." He held out his hand and Lena politely shook it.

"Yeah, I was able to get things in line over at L-Corp."

"That's good," He held his hands in the prayer pose and continued "Well, I wanna say thanks again, for saving Catco." He changed his position to the all known hands on the hips pose "We should really figure out a way to get you up to speed on what's happening here. I was thinking, weekly meetings, or--"

Lena cut him off "Oh, no, there's no need. I'll be here every day." She ended everything with a single nod and turned towards her office.

She walked into it and it took some time for James to catch up, a bit confused he asked "Every day?"

"Yeah, I've set things up at L-Corp so I'll be able to dedicate my energies to learning the ins and outs of how things work at Catco." Lena could clearly see that James was panicking. What a pesky little man, being scared that his power would be gone, which he was correct in being fearful about.

"Okay," he noted by clearing his throat.

She turned towards him and asked, in a faux confused tone "You- you seem surprised by this?"

"Yeah, a little, yeah."

Lena was about to reply when she heard that always happy "Lena!" She turned her head towards Kara and a smile spread across her face. Kara held out a planner with a bow on it "Welcome to Catco."

Lena accepted the gift and chuckled, "You didn't have to do this."

"It's a Danvers family tradition," Lena looked down at the planner and the blue bow "First day of school you get a planner."

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