Chapter 6 // Closer

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Lena sat in her penthouse, relaxing with a glass of scotch, watching the Great British Bake Off. Netflix had become her only comfort after the poisoning incident- and even though enough time had passed and Lena had luckily come out on top- there were always different news pundits who had something to say about her. Everything, though, had finally passed over for her. James backed down from his earlier insubordination, licking his wounds, but Lena thought it was better for him. There was no need for yet another idiot man in power, Lena had seen what that could do to people and she actually didn't want to see him become Morgan Edge.

It ended up being for the better, too according to her own employees at Catco who seemed to enjoy her even more than James, but they were not the exact employees she needed to like her. Lena still needed some more eyes in her favor, so she gazed at her glass, listing out her plan and plotting her next power move. Her home phone began to ring loudly from the living room. Lena bolted up and raced to answer it before the answering machine caught it- and there were only two reasons for someone to call that phone, either Jess needed her at L-Corp, or she had a visitor.

"Lena Luthor speaking," She answered.

"Miss Luthor, it's Tommy from downstairs. There's a Kara Danvers waiting for you. I'll send you a picture of her and her ID." Lena walked to the control panel of her apartment and opened the messages.

She saw Kara's face and the copy from her ID, not even really taking in the image before saying, "I'll let her in. Oh, can you give her a key to my elevator, Tommy?"

"Yes miss Luthor, good night," he agreed before ending the call.

Lena saw a notification pop up on her cell about her elevator's use, so quickly clicked on yes so Kara could get sent up. She walked back to her front door and placed her home phone in its stand before opening the door for her friend. It didn't take long for the elevator doors to open and Kara to walk out, arms holding up a few boxes of pizza and a white paper bag stacked on top. She smiled sheepishly at Lena as she waited for the door to be opened a bit more. Lena glanced down at her grey sweats and a navy blue Stanhope College sweatshirt. Kara quickly walked in and placed the food on her kitchen table before turning back on her heels and hugging her friend.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Lena pulled away and cocked her head to the side, glancing down at Kara's slightly red eyes. "You don't have anything to be sorry about. You're always welcome here." She rubbed her back, feeling Kara's body relax against her. "I'm gonna have your eye scanned so you can use the elevator whenever you like. Is that alright?"

From the crook of her neck, Kara nodded, so Lena let grabbed Kara's hand and led her to the scanner. The scanner copied Kara's eye without any problem, a green light flashing for Lena to log in the owner's name. With their hands still linked, Lena guided a somewhat in shock Kara to the couch and when they sat down it was like Kara held onto her for her life. Lena just caressed her back.

She whispered in Kara's ear "What's wrong?"

"I'm just feeling a bit lonely, I- I was supposed to have sister night with Alex, but she wanted some time alone, and Winn and James just said that they couldn't go to game night," Lena nodded and just rubbed Kara's back. Suddenly Kara pulled away and stood up. She wiped some stray tears away and said: "I'm going to put the ice cream in the freezer."

Kara quickly rushed to the table where she sent the food, taking out a quart of ice cream before disappearing into the kitchen. When Lena heard the freezer slide close, but no sound of Kara returning, she stood up and meandered to the kitchen, where she just saw her friend resting against one of the cabinets. Lena slid over next to her, wrapping an arm around her to give her a side hug.

"You're never alone. Especially when you're here," she said in a slightly quivering voice.

Lena quietly cleared her throat, trying to rid of the nervous sound in her voice so that her emotions on the inside matched what she was trying to show Kara. She placed a soft kiss on Kara's temple and helped her up, leading her from the kitchen to her room. She sat down on the edge of her bed before helping her take off her shoes and letting her rest under her covers. Lena combed her hair through Kara's blonde hair, the scent of her shampoo rubbing off on her hand.

After a few minutes, Kara finally spoke up "It's like Alex is gone, she just pushed me away. The boys, they-they aren't in my life anymore," she whispered as tears began to trickle down her cheek. She turned her head to look at Lena before asking in a curt tone, "Why are you still here?"

Lena knelt down at the side of the bed, looking up into her deep blue eyes, "I'll always be here for you. We all are, but sometimes life gets in the way. We all have problems and hide away from people who could help us. You're different though," Lena smiled, tucking a stray strand of blonde hair behind Kara's ear, "you're so selfless and believe in the good of humanity. You help everyone who crosses your path, so this is the least I can do for all you've done for me. Now, scooch." Lena smiled crawling over to the other side of the bed.

Kara fell asleep right away, snuggling up to her host after a while. Lena stayed awake, hoping that her ever quickening heartbeat couldn't be heard by Kara. She placed her hand on Kara's back, feeling the hard muscles that covered her body. It made sense that she was able to be the amazing superhero everyone could rely on.

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