Chapter 8 // For Good

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Time passed fairly quickly between them. They would spend nights together, stealing glances and slight touches at work. They hoped to keep things the same, but from James' side glances, maybe they didn't hide it enough. Although she still wasn't a big fan of James' juvenile power grabs every now and again, Lena had to admit that their Game Nights allowed her to become more impartial to him. After one of those nights, Kara stayed over, leaving Lena awake in the darkness of her master bedroom to work on a program for L-Corp. In the silent room, Lena heard Kara jolt awake. She set her tablet on her nightstand and reached out for her girlfriend in the dark. Lena found her hand and then pulled herself close, wrapping her arms around Kara's body. She felt the once tense form slowly relax into her. The program could wait until the morning anyway.

In the morning, Lena offered breakfast, so Kara followed her through the bustling streets of sleepy National City, they walked past a few stores and shops, weaving through the late morning bustle until they passed by Veronique where they heard an all too familiar voice.

"Well, well, well, I thought Veronique had a 'No Snitches' policy," Morgan Edge taunted from a table.

"Yes, but apparently fine with murderers," Kara spat at him.

Edge stood up, fixing his blazer, and walked in front of Kara, "Now, Ms. Danvers, you should be careful with your words. You're only a reporter, you're easy to squish." Kara bit the inside of her cheek, looking up at Edge. "Maybe defamation of character? Hearsay? What do you rather have on your record?"

Lena cocked up an eyebrow and crossed her arms, "I don't know, don't you have character to be defamed?"

"Wow, what a stupid line, Ms. Luthor." He mocked, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning over to her. "Where'd you get that from, Supergirl's book of comebacks? Besides, isn't that a little too much of, oh, I don't know, the pot calling the kettle black?" He stood back up to his full height and relaxed his body, "But I love the effort, I enjoy it when you try tough, it makes you look more like Lex," he finished, walking to his car.

As he escaped to his vehicle, Lena spun around, fire in her eyes, "You know, Morgan, you act like such a-"

Kara grabbed Lena's hand, spinning her back around and to another shop, "Bye, have a nice day, Edge!"

Lena looked from their linked hands to Kara and back before joking, "You know this'll be in all the gossip papers tomorrow?" Kara hummed in response so Lena asked further, "And you don't have a problem with that at all?" Kara shook her head and stayed silent for a moment.

"I'm doing this all wrong," Kara suddenly stated as she stopped dead in her tracks between two storefronts. She turned towards Lena and slide her hands up to Lena's biceps, "Lena Kieran Luthor, I like you, you like me, wanna be my girlfriend?"

Lena nodded, a bit surprised by her frankness before Kara swiftly leaned over to kiss her. As Lena leaned in, three loud and distinct clicks broke their moment. Kara chuckled into the kiss, knowing that there was now proof of their relationship. She rolled her eyes under their lids and just pulled her girlfriend up against her.


Lena sat in her office with Kara. She had just gotten accused by Edge for trying to kill him, but she didn't do it, so who did? Sure they made a scene earlier that day and Lena always either wanted to punch him or knee him in the groin, but she's never tried to kill him. She sat next to Kara, holding her hand, still shaken by the scene he had made in her office just a few minutes ago. Kara had her hand on her back, rubbing gentle circles and letting Lena rest against her shoulder.

The door opened again and James came walking in, "He's gone and security knows to not let him in."

"He's probably going to have someone else do it. This was an uncharacteristic outburst, usually, he's sneakier. But, no matter, he's gonna come back at me twice as hard." Lena his her hands in her face a mumbled, "This is never gonna stop."

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