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after finding his way and checking into the camp, jeongin is already approached by who he assumes are two female counselors. the taller one gives a big, warm smile to jeongin,

"welcome to camp miroh! i'm seulgi!" she introduces with a happy tone. he notices her name tags, which show their positions. seulgi's says 'camp coordinator'.

the other female is more timid, facial expressions more subtle. (and her name tag says 'activity coordinator'.) she delicately introduces herself as well, "hello, i'm joohyun." jeongin nods at them and seulgi turns to him, looking at the clipboard in her hands.

"well, what's your name?" she askes expectantly.

"yang jeongin." he responds as seulgi gazes down the clipboard and checks off something on it.

"alright!" she exclaims, slightly frightening joohyun. "you're house is.. right there!" seulgi points to their right, which is a brown cabin labeled 'cabin 9.'

"you'll be rooming with five other people, i hope you don't mind!" she states and jeongin shakes his head, indicating that he didn't (he really did). he briefly thanks the two and slowly walks to the cabin.

he took this time to look at the environment around him. it's much more different then he was expecting. he thought of dark forests and run-down buildings with lousy people, but all he can see is colorful skies and kids running around, enjoying themselves. maybe it's because of the fresher air, but jeongin's starting to feel a bit better about being here. only a bit, though.

when he finally arrives at cabin 9, he automatically sees three bunk beds. one of the left, one on the right, and one near the back window. all five of his roommates are sitting in a bed. they all are bantering until they notice jeongin standing at the door. the glances immediately freak him out and he feels so small. it's so intimidating to have total strangers stare at you.

"AH! so you're jeongin!?" the male on the top left bunk exclaims, climbing down and walking over to him. jeongin flinches as the male wraps an arm around him. he nods, though.

"i'm jisung, my friends call me squirrel though." he states and jeongin lets out a small giggle. he does resemble a squirrel, with puffy cheeks and big, round eyes.

all the other boys come down and introduce themselves to him as well. as he can remember, their names are jisung, hyunjin, changbin, felix, and.. minho? at least, that's what he thinks their names are. soon they all go back to their talking, with jeongin still being silent. he never really says anything to them unless one of them asks him a question, in which he would  just nod or say yes. he looks around at all the males talking, laughing. this was the time when he really felt alone. jeongin wishes he could have this, but it's so hard to break free from the voices in his head.

they repeatedly tell him,

you can't have this

you don't deserve it

don't say anything, you'll make it awkward

is it to late to leave?

that's when a siren rings at 3 pm and jeongin is snapped out of his thoughts. he notices the boys start leaving the cabin and soon follows behind. he trails behind jisung, whomst he knows the most as of now, and asks him if he knew where they were going.

"i think it's a meeting, like where we introduce ourselves?" jisung guesses, also not too sure. they approach a small campfire, which isn't lit, and sit on small tree stumps around it.

there are about 9 or 10 other people around the campfire, though they're all females. all of the teenagers talk among themselves until a loud voice brings them to a halt.

"welcome!" a familiar voice yells. "to camp miroh!" it's seulgi, whos accompanied by joohyun and two other male counselors. jeongin doesn't pay attention to them now though.

"we called this meeting to welcome you to our wonderful camp. but, please don't think of it as such. we build such strong connections and friendships here that last an eternity. all the people around you will be your lifelong friends! but, before we get started, our new counselors with introduce themselves, since you've already met joohyun and i!" seulgi finishes, moving to the side for the counselors to move up.

"hello! i'm kim woojin, i'm very new to this camp so please take it easy on me." he jokes. jeongin notices his soft animalistic visuals, although he has a muscular build. when he laughs, his eyes crease up until they're no longer visible. "thank you for choosing this camp and i hope we have a great time together." woojin says and everyone claps as he politely bows.

the next male walks up and jeongin swears he feels his heart drop to his ass.

this male was probably the most beautiful, no, ethereal person he'd ever seen. his blonde hair is parted to the side, revealing his forehead. his eyes soft and looking over each person. his lips—oh my god they are so luscious and plump. and his outfit. he wore a black and white button-up shirt, though it isn't buttoned up at all. well, it is, but three of them are unbuttoned and you can see his chest. that is enough to make jeongin sweat.

once he hears the male clear his throat, he looks at him, eager to hear his voice.

"hi! i'm bang chan and i'm new as well!" he says and oh my god—jeongin didn't think he could get any better but he did. his voice is like honey, smooth and soft, though a bit higher than he had expected. the elder gives an awkward laugh (which was music to his ears) before a round of applause is given. jeongin claps especially hard, although he hopes chan wouldn't notice.

the counselors joins the teenagers around the campfire (also lightening it) and everyone introduces themselves. jeongin is sitting around his roommates, so he boredly looks around as he already has been introduced to them. he then wonders his mind to home. he misses it so much. he misses seeing seungmin everyday last summer and going to get boba. but he shakes the thoughts from his head, because he can't go back home. like, literally, he can't.

maybe it's the smoke from the fire that starting to burn, or just jeongin's eyes playing tricks on him, but he swears that he catches a glimpse of chan staring at him. he bites in innards of his cheek and glances at the counselor, but he isn't looking back.

finally, it's jeongin's turn to introduce himself. of course, he's nervous as ever. he's scratching his jeans as hyunjin, who is next to him, finishes. jeongin takes two deep breathes, attempting to calm his anxiety before he speaks.

"h-hi, i'm yang jeongin. i'm eighteen and going to be a senior next year." he states, louder than he thought he was going to be able to. jeongin is quite satisfied, mentally giving himself a pat on the back.

this is, until he sneaks another glance at chan. he's smirking mischievously while also stealing glances at jeongin. this automatically makes jeongin nervous, and quite frankly, scared.

oh no did i say something wrong?

does he think my name is stupid?

ugh why did i ever talk?

after everyone finishes, they all stay around for a while until it becomes dusk out. they're all directed to go back to their cabin's and get ready for bed, which jeongin finds questionable as it's only 9 o'clock, but he does as told.

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