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when jeongin arrives at the cabin, all he wants to do is go home. it's only the second day at this place and he's already shown everyone how much of an idiot he is. he wants to see his parents. he wants to go back to school, where no one notices him, no one laughs at him. but, he wants to see seungmin the most. he misses his best friend so much. he wants to be able to hug him right now as tears trickle down his his flushed cheeks. he can't stop sobbing as all the memories roam in.

maybe he's being over dramatic about it, since it's only been two days, but jeongin doesn't care. he thought maybe he could do it—be social, make friends (like his mother said), and most importantly, not make a fool of himself. why is that so hard for jeongin? the only person who understands is, once again, seungmin. but he isn't here, not for three months at least, and that makes jeongin so upset. seungmin is jeongin's safe place and—even though jeongin doesn't like seungmin—he feels comfortable with him whenever and wherever they are together.

a loud bell suddenly rings, indicating it's now lunch time and they all have to gather in cabin 2. instead of jumping up, jeongin stays put on the edge of his bunk, swinging his legs that dangle above the wooden floor. he sits there for what feels like forever, because he doesn't want to do anything else. he's just feeling, which he doesn't particularly want to do either. he isn't hungry, anyways.

immensely bored, jeongin lays back and turns, in a position where his head hangs off the edge, and sighs, then hears a screen door open. he doesn't move an inch, not caring about who came inside right now. he closes his eyes, but his ears are still listening to the some-what silent footsteps. jeongin is a curious person, though, so he attempts to peak his eyes open. suddenly, he's met with a face over his, chans to be exact.

"w-what are you doing?" jeongin asks as chan moves away and he sits up. chan gives a small smile, holding up a plate which is in his hands.

"i noticed you didn't come to lunch.." chan replies, setting it onto the bunk. jeongin nods.

"okay, that was just an excuse.. i just want to know why you were upset earlier." he continues after a long silence.

jeongin takes a deep breath and turns to his side, "why do you think? i embarrassed myself in front of everyone." he admits.

chan scoffs, "you did not, it was an accident. they happen."

"i did, even you were laughing. everyone was." jeongin wants to tell chan that what hurt most was his laughter, the one he longs to hear everyday, but not directed at him.

"oh," chan says, noticing the strain in his words. "i'm sorry, jeongin. i didn't know you were embarrassed, im not so sure about everyone else, but they're just kids though, don't be embarrassed by them."

jeongin bit his inner cheek, eyes glistening. he wants to hate chan for the laughter earlier, but he doesn't have the will to, not when he's being the nicest person jeongin's talked to since he's gotten to this camp. he also brought him food and, although he's not particularly hungry, it's a gesture that he vows to treasure, especially coming from chan.

jeongin nods, "it's okay, i'm just too sensitive." he states. chan immediately frowns and sits next to him, so close.

"no, i get why you were upset, you aren't being too sensitive. if anyone finds a way to make you upset, or even if i do, tell me. okay?"

jeongin is partially surprised by the statement, though it makes him feel so secure. similar to how seungmin does, which feels weird to jeongin but he doesn't care right now.

jeongin gives a small smile in response and lets a breath out. "thanks, uh, chan." chan. ugh, even his name is perfect. he's perfect. what did jeongin do to deserve such a perfect person to be sitting next to him.

furthermore, jeongin must've been an all star superhero in his past life because just as he thinks chan is about to get up, he scoots as close as they could be and rests his head on jeongin's shoulder. jeongin stiffens, breaths now uneven. what. the. fuck. he fears that chan can hear his heartbeat, because jeongin feels like he can. maybe it's the hyperventilation, or that the doors open, but chan instantly takes his head away.

"i- sorry.. i've gotta go." he says, hopping down from the bunk. jeongin mindlessly grabs his arm before he can walk away. chan turns and jeongin can't say anything, because he is just so damn ethereal that it takes his breath away. jeongin wants to tell him to stay, to come back, to never leave his side. instead, he says a simple, "thank you."

chan can feel the sincerity in the two simple words, which make him not want to leave, but he just smiles and nods goodbye.

two days. that's it. that's all it takes for someone to begin liking someone. that's how it is for jeongin, at least.

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