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quiet footsteps can be heard coming from outside, though jeongin feels he's being silent. he slowly opens the cabin door to reveal jisung, sitting on his bottom bunk of the bed. the others are practically sleeping, but it seems as if jisung wasn't at all, as if he's waiting for someone.

"jisung..?" jeongin walks closer to the bed. "are you okay?" jisung's face is stern, stone cold. he looks emotionless. that only lasts a few seconds though, because he immediately bombards jeongin with questions, a smile on his face.

"what were you doing with the counselor? do you like him? or does he like you? i mean it's obvious that you like him but you never told me?! actually, that may have been smart, i do talk a lot." he spews and the younger is dizzy and confused from all the words. he gives a faint, awkward smile to jisung and he turns to jeongin.

"sorry.. what i meant was, what's going on with you and chan?" he whispers. jeongin bites in innards of his cheek, debating whether to tell him. on the one hand, jisung is a blabber mouth, no doubt. if this gets out, not only will he be embarrassed for life, but he could be kicked out of the camp, chan included. but on the other hand, jisung is the only other friend he got. would it really hurt to say anything?

despite his worrisome thoughts, jeongin finalizes his decision and decides to tell jisung. everything. jeongin practically spills his heart out. he never really had someone who would just listen to him, other than seungmin of course. so being able to tell jisung whatever is going through his mind made him feel so much better.

"..and then, i k-kissed him.." jeongin mumbles, becoming bashful at even the thought of it. jisung's face turns surprised and he shrieks from the thrill of it, which accidentally wakes up a very sleepy minho. he turns on his bunk and lazily puts his head up,

"ji, could you please be quiet? i'm trying to- oh, jeongin." and he stops talking, laying back down. figures that he's still mad at jeongin, especially now that the two are talking.

"sorry about that. anyway, what happened after?" jisung urges expectantly. jeongin suddenly looks down at the covers, bangs hiding his eyes. jisung forwards his eyebrows, then jeongin says,

"i ran away, i was too scared to see what would happen next. he doesn't like me, but somehow i still can't stop myself from wanting to see him every moment of everyday.." jisung hears a sniff come from the younger and immediately takes him into his arms. and jeongin clings onto him desperately, fully breaking down. tears rush out over jisung's shoulder like a downpour, it's obvious that whatever jeongin's feeling, he kept it in for so long. jisung's confused as to why he's crying, but he doesn't question and he pulls the younger closer and tighter.

minho couldn't help but overhear the whole situation after waking up, and realizes that whatever he thought jeongin and jisung were doing, is completely wrong. he has no idea who jeongin is talking about, but he feels bad for the younger. maybe he should apologize for what he said earlier, it was pretty shitty. after thinking about it, he decides that he'll do it tomorrow and falls back asleep angelically.

after awhile, jeongin finally lets go of the older and sits up, wiping his wet face.

"jeongin, can i ask why you were crying?" jisung asks curiously.

jeongin sniffles a bit, "i.. i don't know. i feel like," he hiccups. "i like like him, jisung. i don't know how to describe it."

jisung nods, "don't worry, you don't have to explain it to me. you should explain it to chan instead, i think he would understand."

"n-now?" jeongin asks, getting anxious from the advice. jisung tries to calm the younger by saying,

"no, not right now. but soon, you'll have to see him again some time, he's our counselor." jeongin shakes his head furiously. he cannot see chan again after this happened, nonetheless talk to him. and for that reason, jeongin fears tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that.

"don't worry jeonginie," jisung puts a hand in his shoulder. "it'll be okay."

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