2. There is pain in everything

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'Thor please, just let me go. You know how father is. He will punish me, he will punish me really bad!' Loki begged as he was dragged across the halls of the enormous Asgardian palace. Fandral and Sif held him, because he couldn't quite stand his feet yet. Loki would have loved Sif touching him in any other situation, but he really couldn't enjoy it as he was dragged towards his inevitable punishment that would surely not be light. His father really loved that vase.

He looked at Thor again. He was his only way out. But in his mind he knew that it was a lost cause, Thor was going to go through with his plan to blame Loki for everything. And Odin would probably believe him too. As he was the golden prince of Asgard. Loki was just a little bump in Thor's way to become king. Loki would never become like him, he wouldn't even be considered by his father to be king. As much as he wanted to.

'Shut up!' Fandral whisper-yelled. Loki gave him a confused look before he was thrown to a nearby wall.

Loki let out a quick yelp of pain. He looked at Thor for an explanation. He was angry, at Thor and his friends for not caring.

'We don't want to start a commotion you idiot!' Thor told, with a tone that reminded Loki of Odin.

Loki remembered a time when Thor was nice to him, when Loki felt like Thor loved him. He didn't know when Thor started to bully him, or why he did it. But Loki hated every second of it. Loki remembered when he had a friend, a real friend that cared for him and played with him. That was Thor. Or, it used to be Thor.
But Thor wasn't like that anymore, he became mean. Loki could play that game to. If Thor made the rules, why should he obey them? He wasn't going with Thor without a fight.

Then it came to Loki, if the guards saw them, Thor would be caught. Only Odin would buy what Thor had to say. He could convince the guards with his silver tong that he had been practicing.

So there he went, opening his mouth and screaming bloody murder. It only lasted a second tho, because Thor quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

'What are you doing?' Thor asked him, his eyes shooting daggers. Loki just glared at him. He was done with this whole situation.

Fandral picked Loki up again and they started to walk again. They were almost there know, and Loki was sweating. He was nerves off what Odin would do, what Odin would say.


'He did what?!'
Loki couldn't even get a word between his father and his brother. It was quite impressive to see Thor lie that good, Loki didn't know he had it in him.
'Come here boy.' Odin said, now focusing his attention on Loki. He waved his hand for Thor to leave. This was it, Loki was going to die here. Thor walked past him and gave him a smirk. Loki hated him.
He turned his head to face his father, he was ready to pay the price for a crime that he didn't commit. The hand of the allfather hit his face, really hard. But it wasn't the pain that hurt Loki the most. It was the disappointment of Odin that came with it. He felt tears swelling in his eyes. No, he couldn't cry, not now. He had to be strong, he had to show his father that he was strong. He hold back the tears and straightened his back.
He was strong.
Odin hit him again, this time with less force, but it still hurt. Loki cried out in desperation, why did he deserve this? He felt the tears come up again. No, no, NO! He was supposed to be strong, emotions were a weakness.

'Loki, this behavior is not something that I take lightly. I forbid you to come in the gardens and you will pay the price off that vase back by working in kitchens.' Odin stated in a loud voice, looking at Loki with a look of disappointment. He was really not happy with him.

Loki didn't care that he had to work in the kitchens, it was a nice way to escape Thor and his friends. But he was really quite upset about not coming in the gardens anymore. It was his favorite place. And knowing Odin he would probably not be allowed to be there for the rest of the year.

'Give me your hands.' Odin said calmly, grapping a plank of his drawer. Loki knew what was going to happen, he had felt that plank on his hands before.

This was the part that Loki hated most, the hitting. He reached his hands towards his father never the less. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He couldn't bare to look at Odin anymore.

The first hit came, then the second and it didn't stop there. Odin kept hitting him again and again. Loki hands started to bleed after the tenth hit. He lost control of his fingers around 15. He sank to his knees when Odin had hit him about 25 times.

'Get out of my office.' Odin said with a angry voice. He put the plank, that was now drenched in blood, back in the top drawer of his enormous desk. When he saw Loki wasn't moving, he grapped him in his neck and dragged him ou t of the room himself.


Loki was lying in his bed in his room. He could barely move his hands and his throbbing headache didn't help.

He was crying. Softly so no one would hear him. He let the tears flow down his cheeks in the waterfall that never seemed to end.

He felt miserable. Like the world had ended amd nobody cared. Like nobody loved him.

He felt lost.

Word count: 1002

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