5. Horror training

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Loki was still undecided about what was the most horrible think about  combat training. But, luckily, he had enough options to pick from.

You had the boring exercises, that involved hitting a tree or wooden pole as hard as you could with your wooden sword. There was never any fight eachother, because the last time that happened Thor was in a coma for 2 weeks because Loki accidentally hit him with a blast off pure magic. There father was enraged.

The other thing that was really annoying was that they mostly practiced outside. And most of the time  the whether was beyond sunny. What also didn't help was that Loki wasn't good against heat, and him passing out because of this wasn't uncommon. His father always said that he was just exaggerating and that he needed to man up, but Loki knew he couldn't.

The combat training was also where it was clear that Odin loved Thor more than Loki. Odin kept preasing Thor and if he made mistakes he helped him get better. Loki on the other hand, didn't get the same treatment.

His father just constantly yelled at him to push harder and that he wasn't trying hard enough and that he was weak. And when Loki fell down he didn't help him up.

'Very good Thor.' Odin said while they were both battling a wooden pole. It was a stupid exercise. Loki just focused on hitting the wood as hard as he could, so that maybe, he could squeeze a complement out of his father.

'Loki, hit harder. You're opponent doesn't even feel the hits that your delivering right now.' Odin said, looking at Loki with a dissaproving look. Thor smirked and a small laugh escaped his lips. Loki just hit the wood harder.

'Come on Loki, I asked you to hit harder!' Odin yelled, trying to motivate Loki. It didn't help.

Meanwhile the anger was boiling inside of Loki. He couldn't keep doing this. He knew he would explode if his father kept pushing him.

'Thor you're doing great.' Odin said, smiling at Thor. Loki grunted and hit the wooden pole with all the strength he had in him.

'HIT HARDER LOKI!' Odin screamed. Most off the time, this was Loki's breaking point. He would cry, maybe yell. But this time, he would show his father that he could split this pole in half. And he knew exactly how.

He took a deep breath and felt the magic powered by his emotions bursting through his fingertips into his wooden sword. It felt amazing, like he had all the power in the world

He yelled, pulled the sword back and then hit the pool with all the strength and magic he had in him.

It split in two.

The upper half of the pole slowly crashed to the ground while the other half was still     smoking from the amount of magic that just went through it.

Loki looked up at his father, as if challenging him to criticize the work he had just done. He knew that Odin couldn't criticize him now.

'We do not use magic in this class Loki. The only reason why you're using it is because you are to weak to do it yourself.' Odin spit out. Loki couldn't believe his own ears. He just split a pole with a wooden sword and his father was still not proud of him? That it wasn't enough? We did he had to do to be validated?! To be loved?!

That's when he ran. Ran away from the training, from his brother. From his father. To the only person he trusted, his mother.

He ran through the gaint halls of the palace looking for his mother. He was blinded by his sadness and panick. The heat was also getting to him and the longer he ran, the more black spots he started to see. After running around for what felt like hours, he  found his mother in her study room.

'Hello dear.' Frigga said not looking up from here book. She probably thought Loki came here just to ask here something. Loki ran up to her and pulled her in a hug. His mother's body stiffened for a moment, not expecting Loki's touch.

'Darling what's wrong?' His mother asked while he was quietly sobbing in his mother chest. He let all the pain out now, without holding back.

'Please don't leave me.' He whispered, wishing that this moment could last forever.

'I won't.'

Those where the last  words Loki heard before passing out in his mother's arms from the emotional fatigue and the heat.


When he woke up, he was no longer in his mother's arms. But on a chair. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was sitting in his fathers study room. And behind the big desk before him sat no one other than the Allfather himself.

'Nice you could end your little slumber for me. You and I have some matters to discuss.' Odin said, standing up from his chair and walking around his desk so that he was right in front of Loki.

Before he could say anything, a hand hit his cheek, hard.

'Why did you run of during your training? You know that is one of the most disrespectful things to do.' Odin said in an icy tone while he kept eye contact with Loki the whole time.

'I'm...sorry father.' Loki said quietly, not wanting to be hit again.

'Was that hesitation in your voice I heared? Do you not think that you deserve to be punished?' Odin asked while leaning closer to Loki's face.

'I...I...' Loki mumbled. Odin walked back to his desk and pulled his plank out off the top drawer again.

'Please...please.' Loki pleaded. He didn't want to be hit again.

Odin razed the plank, this time not aiming for Loki's hands, but for his face.


The plank hit his face, again and again. This went on a while before Odin decided that he needed something else to hit him with.

He pulled out a whip from the same drawer the plank came from. Loki screamed and started to cry.

'NO PLEASE! DON'T HURT ME! PLEASE!' He yelled at the top off his lungs, panicking.

'I hope you learn your lesson.' Odin said, before letting the whip hit Loki's back.

Word count: 1060

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