12. Father and Mother

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'You sure this is a good idea?' Loki asked, trying to catch up to his newfound friend. He and Simion weren't feeling like another training session this morning so they decided that they would go to skull rock. It was an enormous rock that was shaped like a skull.

Simion, who was a small and skinny boy, was surprisingly fast. They decided that a run to the rock wasn't a bad idea, but Loki was full-on sprinting through the woods to keep up with this boy.

'It's an amazing idea! I mean, you haven't seen skull rock yet, have you?' Simion answered, slowing down a bit.

'No, I haven't. I just... Does Peter know were doing this?' Loki asked. He had seen the looks on the lost boys faces at breakfast the last day. He knew they were scared of him.

'He doesn't need to know, does he?' Simion answered, a mischievous smirk forming on his face. Loki knew that smirk. It the smirk he wore when he wanted to hide his pain with mischief and jokes. He decided to not address the smirk, but he noted it in his head for later.

'You're a rebel, I like you.' Loki said, smirking too. It was good to be out of Peter's grasp.

'We're almost there.' Simion said, racing past the last couple of trees before he reached the end of the island, with skull rock sitting there in all its glory.

'Wauw...' was the only thing Loki could say after seeing the rock. It was truly enormous, a common house from the village on Asgard could probably fit in the rock without a problem.

'It's hollow on the inside. Peter goes there all the time. To think.' Simion said, moving to a couple of smaller rocks that were sitting on the edge of the forest. He sat on them and turned so he could see skull rock perfectly.

'So this is Peter's hideout?' Loki asked while moving to sit beside Simion.

'Well, we're not sure what he does here, but thinking is the most obvious thing. I mean, what could you do inside a rock?' Simion said.

'What could you do inside a rock...' Loki repeated. There was definitely more going on on this island than met the eye. Peter was up to something and whatever it was, the answer was probably in that rock.

'It's magnificent, isn't it?' Simion asked, turning head to his pondering friend.

'It's beautiful. Can we go in?' Loki asked.

'No, I'm afraid not. The entrance is protected by a magic wall. Only people without a shadow can go through it.' Simion explained.

'Like Pan.' Loki said.

'Like Pan.' Simion repeated.

They were sitting close to one another. It was quite cold in this part of the island and they were both suffering from it, but neither one was going to admit that. Macho behaviour.

'Why did Peter pick you as a lost boy?' Loki asked, he wanted to know more about his new friend. Normally he asked questions about people to be polite or for people to like him, but this time he really just wanted to get to know this boy more.

'Well, the short version is that my father and mother treated me like dirt, didn't even give me a name and made me their slave.' Simion said, he looked sad. Loki put his arm around his friend awkwardly, not really sure what to do.

'It seems like you have been bottling this up for a very long time.' He said. He knew that Simion was sad and angry and scared, that he would return to his parents and that Peter would abandon him. Loki didn't exactly know how he knew all this, but it just seemed like he had known Simion for ages.

'The other boys, they...well... They don't do well with feelings. They don't want to hear you're pity story.'

'I want to hear it.'

LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now