13. Home is where your heart is

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Loki ran towards the camp as fast as he could. He felt upset and betrayed by Peter for not telling him. But most of all, he felt stupid. He should have known there was a loophole because there always is. This could be paradise, but knowing you could never leave created this weird feeling. The place turned from a paradise to a prison. Because you were stuck, no matter what you did. And if you wanted to leave, you couldn't. What would happen to the boys who didn't like Neverland? Would Pan leave them behind somewhere on the island? Would he brainwash them or worse?

It couldn't be any good, that was for sure. 

After running back to the camp he sat by the fire, not seeing Peter anywhere. He looked around the almost empty. A few of the older boys were sitting on the other side sharpening knives while laughing about a joke one of them made.

They seemed happy, living like this, not growing up. They will just stay the same forever. Not ageing and growing, physically or mentally. Nothing to look forward to, no birthdays, no new people to meet.

This was his life now too. He would never travel the realms, battle frost giants or prank midgardians. He would just stay a boy forever. Is that what he wanted, to stay the same for the rest of time? Now that he thought of it, he could become way older than any Asgardian had ever been, but he wouldn't look a day older.

It was weird. The more he thought about it, the more confusing it got.

'Hey Loki, how are you doing?'

Peter sat next to him and stared into the fire. Loki looked at his face and saw frustration. Peter was trying to hide it, but Loki was good at reading people. Peter was angry about something. But that didn't matter for now, because Loki needed to have a good talk with him.

'Not very well sunshine, I didn't know you were a liar.' Loki said, looking at Peter showing as little emotion as he could. He needed to keep his anger in, becoming emotional wouldn't help anybody.

'What do you mean? What did I lie about?'

'Don't play stupid with me, Pan. You know just what I'm talking about. I can't leave the island!'

'Did I ever say you could?' Peter asked, grinning a bit. He found this amusing, didn't he? He found it funny that he tricked Loki, the prince of tricks, into coming to a magical prison.

'You never said I couldn't.' Loki answered, standing up now. He was showing his anger, not controlling his rage.

'Well I'm sorry if I upset you Loki, but I didn't know you would care so much.'

'You're sorry? You're sorry sunshine? You trapped me on a magical island which is completely controlled by you! And it never occurred to you that I might want to leave? That I wouldn't like it here?!'

It started to rain, great.  Slowly at first, but then the water just came streaming down. Loki didn't mind the rain hitting his face much. It gave him a reason to shout. And Peter couldn't see if his face was wet from the tears or the rain.

'Completely controlled by me? Is that what you think?' Peter said, smiling through the rain. Loki hated that smile.

'Don't change the subject.' He snarled. He was done playing Pan's games.

'Well if this island is controlled by me.' Peter said, not listening to what Loki just said. 'Then how can it be raining, I didn't do it.'

'What are you talking about?'

'I know this old trick, which I used when I was still in another realm. The people around me used to tell me that crying wasn't a manly thing to do. Yet I had the urge to do it, very often. I used to stand out in the rain, so nobody could keep the rain and the tears apart and nobody noticed.'

'Are you saying that I did this?' Loki asked, looking up towards the skies and the thunder blasting through the sky.



'Well you have magic right, so why couldn't you? Neverland is the place where dreams become reality, especially if you have magic.' Peter said, grinning at Loki. Loki smiled too, he didn't know why. Just the idea that he had power here was great, as he would never leave.

He would never leave.


But then again, if he could never leave, being angry at his captor wouldn't get him anywhere.  He should try to be nice so that if he could leave by the hands-off Peter he would help him.

'Cool, sunshine. So I control this island now?' Loki asked, flashing a smile.

'Not exactly, let's just say we control it together. I still have magic after all.'

'Well I think I will be heading to bed, it has been a long day.'

'It has been indeed.'

Loki started walking away before stopping. He was missing something, he just knew.

'Wait, if nobody can leave, then how could you come to Asgard to get me?' Loki asked Peter, who was staring at the fire.

'Oh that. Well, I knew I would return.' Peter said with a warm smile.

Loki frowned at this answer but didn't ask further. He needed to think and sleep. A good nights rest would do him good.


'Hello, my son.'

Loki looked around him, he was in his father's throne room. No, not father's. It was the throne room of the king, not his father. He didn't have a father.

Odin sat on the big golden throne at one of the edges of the room. He smiled at Loki, but his eyes betrayed his true feelings, they screamed with anger.

This was a dream, it had to be. He was in Neverland, with Peter and Simion. He was safe from his father, brother and mother. He just needed to wake up to find himself in the magical forest.

'This is a dream, you have no power over me.' Loki said, trying to sound fearless. But he wasn't, this could be a dream, but his father scared him to the bone.

'Maybe it is. But that doesn't mean you don't have to listen to me.' Odin said standing up.

'No, you can't hurt me. Go away!'

'Now that's no way to talk to the king. Or you're father for that matter. Now sit.'

Loki looked behind him to see a simple wooden chair. The chair was from Odin's office and still had bloodstains on them.


'Now boy, do what your father says. SIT!' Odin yelled, moving closer to Loki. As a reflex Loki sat on the chair, feeling the cold wood on his legs. This was way too real to be a dream. Shit, his father got him after all.

'Don't worry boy, this is a dream. But that doesn't mean this is not really me.' Odin said, smiling evilly.

'What do you mean?'

'Let's just say your mother is good at communicating across realms.'

'No! You can't get to me!'

'Maybe I can't, but you're forgetting one thing.' Odin said, putting his hands on the arms of the chair.

'And what's that then?' Loki said. Odin leaned into the chair. Their faces were now almost touching. He could feel Odin's breath on his face.

'I have your heart.'

'What? No! That not possible? How?! HOW?!' Loki screamed as his father walked away and the room slowly turned black. He and his chair fell through empty darkness as he kept screaming. This couldn't be happening.

If his father had his heart, then he could control him.

LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now