4. The boy and the shadow

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Loki spent the rest off his day in his room, as he had planned to in the first place. But now he was sitting on the the bed just thinking about the conversation he had with his parents earlier.

His mother said that he was the best wizard she had ever seen, and that his magical levels would quickly surpass any other mage. He felt enormously proud and flattered by this comment. Especially because it was his mother who said this.

On the other hand he had his father. Who had yelled at him again and who made it very clear he didn't care about anything that Loki could do.

Loki remembered the time that his mother came up to him and offered to teach him something. At first, he had said no. He thought it would just be another thing that Thor would be better at and that he would be even more overshadowed by him.

Even when his mother told him it was magic, he still didn't want to. Then his mother told him that she was only going to teach him, as she saw a spark in him, but not in Thor. This is when Loki said yes, gladly.

Thor didn't mind. He liked the other pieces of training with his father better. Where he could punch stuff and didn't have to use other complex things than his fists.

His mother started to teach him immediately, but not very much at the beginning. This was frustrating for him, as it was the only thing he was interested in at that point.

He got some books about magic from the library and started to practice spells on his own. This was when it went wrong.

He was sitting in an abandoned study room in the east wing. He was trying a harder spell that he had been reading about the night before. If he would be able to perfect the spell, he could make fire come out of his hands. But something went horribly wrong. He tried the spell, but instead of a small flame forming in his hand, the entire east wing caught fire. With Loki in it.

The healers had worked on his burns for three days straight. And thanks to the advanced technology and magic they had the burns were almost completely gone after the whole incident.

His father was of course extremely mad at him and he and his father didn't speak for the few weeks after that. Loki didn't mind that.

Now, Loki understood why the entire east wing had caught fire that night. He had very powerful magic at his fingertips, but he didn't know how to control it. He didn't know if he had control now, but he certainly didn't have it back then.

Loki's thoughts were interrupted by a faint knocking on his window.

Loki turned to see what it was, but only saw a shadow. It looked like the shadow of a man, but could also be a boy, as the shadow wasn't very large. He opened the window and the shadow flew right past him.

Now, you may think that he was really surprised when a shadow without a body was flying past him into his room. But Loki was barely fazed by it, he grew up in Asgard, he had seen some weird stuff.

'Hello Loki.'

Loki turned around as he grabbed the first knife that was within his reach. He was about to throw the knife when he saw who was speaking to him. A boy.

He was dressed in a brown woollen jacket with a green shirt underneath that. He had brown boots that went up to his knees and around his underarms was leather wrapped. His pants were a darker shade of green and he had a small, light green hat in his hands.

The shadow quickly flew to the boy and stood behind him in the same stance the boy was standing in. It was his shadow. Loki wasn't afraid that there was a boy in his room, because he didn't think the would be skilled and strong enough to lay a hand on him. And, Loki had magic on his side.

'I thought, if I was going to be killed because I am a member of the royal family they would at least send an adult to kill me. But here you are, you don't stand a chance against me.' Loki said.

'Kill you? What? No, that's not why I'm here Loki.' The boy said while a smile started to form on his face.

'I don't believe you.'

'Can you put the knife down?'


They stared at each other for a while before Loki put his knife on the bedside table beside him slowly. The boy smiled at him and sat on Loki's desk.

'I'm Peter Pan. And I'm here because I think I can give you a better family.' The boy said, smiling and staring at Loki.

'I'm sorry what?' Loki said, still processing the words that left Peter Pan's mouth just a moment ago. What did he mean 'give him a better family'? Loki had a family, a royal family. Loki didn't need another one. And besides, he just met this boy. Why would he believe anything the boy was saying.

'Didn't read the stories of Peter Pan?' The boy asked, looking at Loki while his smile dropped.


'Why not?'

'I didn't know they existed,'

'You need a new family, you are lost.' Peter Pan tried again, in a sort of begging way.

'I am not.' Loki countered.

Loki was fed up with this kid and his opinions. He thought of his options. If this boy really didn't want to hurt him, he could just send him away, right? And if he wanted to kill Loki, he always had his knife within reaching distance.

'Get out.' Loki told him, hoping that the boy would just leave. He had enough to worry about already. This boy couldn't and wouldn't be his problem.

'Fine.' Peter Pan said, pouting. He walked to the still open window and flew away. Again Loki wasn't really surprised by this form of magic.

The shadow waved at him one more time before flying off too.


That night while Loki was laying in bed, he was thinking about Peter again. What the boy said was true, he was lost. But he didn't want to lose this family he had. But the more he thought about Pan's words, the more he wanted them to be true.

Maybe he wanted another family.

Word count: 1084

LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now