9. The fight of our lives

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'You should probably get some sleep.' Peter suggested. They have been walking around the camp for ten minutes now. Loki was glad that he wasn't tied up anymore and scared for his life. Of course, he would never tell Peter that he was scared. He just made a big joke about it and Peter went along because, in his mind, it was a real joke.

Loki wasn't tired at all. He had just run away from home (more like flying) and had just arrived in a strange island that was probably full of adventures. He couldn't even think about sleeping right now.

'I'm not tired. Even if I was I would not be able to sleep right now.' Loki said, looking around him once more. He could look forever at the dark trees, the little campfires and most importantly, the sky full of stars. He didn't know much about astrology, but he knew how the stars looked like at home.

'The stars... they're in the wrong place.' He said looking up at the sky. Peter grinned at put an arm around his shoulders.

'That's because you're far away from home.' Peter said. Loki turned to him and looked at the face of the boy. It was a young face, but his eyes were old.

'How far are we?'

'Far enough for you're parents to never find you.'

Now it was Loki's turn to grin. He knew that Peter was avoiding his question. He didn't want to tell where they were, but Loki would get that information out of him.

Loki didn't know how to feel about Peter, the lost boys or this island. On the one hand, he was feeling his fantasy off being free and away from his parents. In a place, they would never find him. He was free to do whatever he wanted and he would never be hit again. On the other hand, he didn't trust Peter or the lost boys for that matter. They were a little bit too happy, a little bit too carefree. They didn't care and that was the thing that worried Loki the most. They wouldn't be there to defend him or fight with him because they had no reason to do so. He escaped his problematic family, but he wasn't sure if this was any better.

'Well, you need to sleep. I understand that you are not tired, so I will make you wish you were asleep.' Peter said with a malicious grin. Loki backed away and raised an eyebrow.

'I'm sorry? Don't try your magic tricks on sunshine, you will regret it.' Loki said holding his hands in a defensive position. He tried to look intimidating but failed completely. Peter started to laugh hysterically and doubled over. Tears were streaming down his face. Loki eyebrows went even furder up in confusion as he backed away slowly.

'No stay... stay.' Peter said laughing between words. 'It's just... I never met a boy like you... You don't trust anyone do you?'

'No I don't. That's something I am very proud of.' Loki said. That was a lie, of course, he wanted someone he could trust. But coming from an abusive family that was very hard. He wanted to let Peter in, but he couldn't. Now he realised that it wasn't Peter and the lost boys he didn't trust, it was everyone.

'Are you angry at your family?' Peter asked, sincerely, it seemed. Loki was a bit taken aback by this.

'Of... of course I am.'

'Then punch me, like I'm them.' Peter said and Loki laughed bitterly.

'You don't want that sunshine. My magic has the tendency to get out of control when I am fighting.'

'Try me.'

That's when Loki punched Peter in his face. Spark's of magic came off his hands. Peter grinned.


Loki tried to punch Peter again, but Peter stopped him. He swung his left hand to block Loki's incoming fist and let his right hand hit Loki's stomach at the same time. Loki doubled over in pain and took a few steps back so Peter couldn't directly hit him again.

'What in Odin's name are you doing?!' Loki yelled as Peter tried to punch him again. He blocked it but he wasn't sure if he could do that to the next punch that came.

'Fight me, trickster prince!' Peter said, jumping up and down taunting Loki.

Loki ran towards Peter and tried to punch Peter but his attack was blocked by the other boy. They fought for a little while before Peter decided to start taunting Loki.

'You call this fighting? No wonder your father could beat you up so easily!'

'You are a weakling, you know that. Fight me prince!'

'You are a failure!'

This made Loki break. He was yelling at the top of his lungs and swinging his arms towards Peter as a madman to release his anger. This time, Peter didn't fight back. Enormous swarms of magic flew through the sky as Loki just kept punching. Peter took it, it didn't seem to hurt him.

After what seemed like hours, Loki stopped. He dropped to the floor and let the rest of his magic run free through his body. Peter stood up gracefully and walked away. Loki wasn't able to speak a single word and just sat there on the ground for a while. When he was sure there was no one around he crawled up into a ball on the floor and started crying.

After a long time, he fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Peter walked up to his best friend Felix.

'I saw magic everywhere? Are you okay?' He said, running up to Peter as he saw him.

'I am fine. I think we found the boy we were looking for.' Peter answered grinning.

'The truest believer?'

'No you idiot! That was a stupid plan. This boy is the most powerful magician that ever lived.' Peter said with a smile. Felix smiled too before a worried frown formed on his face.

'If he is the most powerful person, how did you come out of that fight without a scratch?'

'I didn't.'

Peter dropped his illusion and showed the many bloody wounds and purple spots on his body. Felix took him to the infirmary to clean him up and after that, they went to bed. Both with smiles on there faces. Their plan was going to work.


Word count: 1046


LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now