Ch. 50

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"what it is, what it aint, tell me what to do. i know im late but destiny brought me back to you"


I boarded the plane with a greatful sigh before taking my seat.

It's January 15th, and I finally get to leave that damned airport I've been stuck at for 5 days. Leave it to me to get stranded in Wyoming during the "worst snowstorm in 50 years."

Ray called a few times to check up on me, my parents still have no idea that I even left New York though.   I remembered that a few nights ago, when I almost posted about my situation- they probably check my Twitter all the time.

And when I saw the Vine Lexi posted earlier today, I debated not even going back to California. I mean, I've been stranded in an airport for almost a week to get back to Madison and she's out having the time of her life with Cam and other guys. The one in the Vine looked like a major tool, too. But even if I didn't want to go back to Madi I could always crash with Cam. Anything's better than being in the same state as my parents. 


Two hours later the plane landed in California at 8:00pm. Madison's house wasn't far from the airport so I hailed down a cab outside to take me there, since no one knows I'm even coming back. I hope Tina's okay with it, but if she isn't I'm not leaving.

The hot Cali air felt amazing compared to what it was like in Wyoming. Even though I used to hate this state, I'm not ashamed to say it's really starting to grow on me.

When the cab dropped me off in front of Madi's house, there were two other cars in the driveway. Raising my eyebrow, I pulled my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door, stepping into the living room to find Madi, Lexi, and those two other people from the Vine on the couch watching a movie or some shit.

Their attention immediately turned to me as I shut the door behind me. Madison's face went completely white as her mouth fell open in shock before she got up from her seat next to that tool and ran over to me, literally jumping into my arms.

I stood there with my arms barely around Madi to keep her from falling as I stood in shock. Why was she excited to see me? And who the fuck are the two strangers staring at me like I have two heads?

I snapped out of it and closed my eyes, hugging her back tightly. I don't think we've ever really hugged.

"I thought you weren't coming back," Madison whispered before pulling away and facing the crowd of people in the living room.

"This is Marina and Colby, and of course Lexi. Guys, this is Matt."

"Matt, you're back!" Lexi practically screamed, before rushing over to hug me. She pulled away after a second, I didn't even have time to react to it before she was back on the couch.

Marina squealed and waved while Colby nodded. "Sup dude?"

"Nothing much." I replied back with a fake smile. I don't know what's going on with them if anything but I don't like it.

"So how's Cam, does he miss me?" I turned to face Madison, smirking a bit as I asked the question.

She laughed in my face. "He does, actually. Said we should all go out again sometime. You know, if you ever came back."

Before I could answer her Tina came down the stairs, her eyes widening when she saw me. "Matt? I didn't know you were coming back! Your mom said you were moving back home!" She exclaimed, rushing over to hug me as well.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, well, we had some differences. She said it was alright for me to come back, she was supposed to call you- sorry about that." The lie was simple and harmless enough.

"Oh, alright then! If you don't mind me I'm going to back to bed, we can talk tomorrow!" Tina said, smiling.  "Night, kids. Don't do anything stupid," She reminded, before hustling back up the stairs.

"So, man, wanna finish watching this movie with us?" Colby asked, offering me a smile.

It took all I had not to laugh in his face. Yeah, right. "Actually, I'd like to talk to Madison real quick, but maybe after." I tried to be nice, but my tone didn't show up. I looked at Mads and nodded in the direction of the kitchen before walking into it, her in tow behind me.

"I bet you're wondering why I haven't really talked to you these past few weeks..." I began, then Madison took no time at all putting her hand on her hip and raising her eyebrow at me.

"Let me guess, too busy hanging out with people cooler than me? Oh, I know, because you-"

"Actually," I cut her off. "The other days I don't have an excuse for, but the past week I'd been locked in an airport. I was almost home to you and I wanted it to be a surprise. Then I got stuck and it's not like I could tweet about it, my parents would be all over me. They still think I'm living with my cousin in New York."

Madison's face softened, but she remained silent. 

"Look, Mads. You know I don't do feelings well. And I'm sorry for that, I really am. It's hard to show affection when I feel it and it's hard to be positive and nice like you want me to be. I know I'm an asshole and have caused you way more trouble than you deserved and I'm sorry for that, I honestly do care about you a lot and I don't understand why you don't see it. But it doesn't matter I guess, because I was out there trying to get back to you and you were here having the time of your life with everyone but me." I confessed, shrugging.

"You have a lot of nerve to say that. When you were gone, that was one of the worst times of my life. It was like losing Will all over again, but in a sense worse. Because you know what? Will didn't leave me on purpose, he didn't have a choice."

"And you think I did? I was practically dragged on that fucking plane and I was supposed to come back!" I interrupted again.

"Can I not say anything without you interfering? It hurt, it really did. I didn't want to do anything half the time, just mope about how you were supposed to be back here. And I barely hung out with anyone. Yeah, Cam, because he wanted me to help him with wardrobe for his photo shoot! And Marina and Colby are Lexi's friends for fucksake! It's you, Matt. It was always you, you fucking idiot!" She whisper-yelled at me to keep everyone from being disturbed.

I stood there, trying to cough out words.

Come on, you dickhead. It's just two words. Not a big deal. You know you mean them, just fucking say them! Why is it so hard? Just cough them out! You'll never get anywhere in life if you keep going like this.

I inhaled before taking a step forward, closing the gap between us as I engulfed Madi in a bone crushing hug, which she wasted no time returning.

"I'm sorry."


A.N: wow shoot me right in the heart why dontcha

even though i write this whole freaking story i hope u guys know i fangirl about these two just as much as you all do. bc holy shit waaaaat.

anyways hope you liked this chapter! hate to say it but we're coming close to an end on this book! ahhh!!!

reposting this edit i made of madi and matt a few chapters back- please dont use it for anything, thank you !

comment/like and tell me your reactions to all of this!! ldskfjsfkldj i wanna know what you guys think so bad oh my god

btw the lyrics at the top are my favorite part in that song if i could buy just that verse on itunes i would

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