Ch. 38

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"boy you forgot about the promises you made me and now we'll let the memories just fade away, but i remember what you used to say, when we ride we ride its till the day we die"


I watch from the car as cops walk around Lexi's car and 'investigate' it.

Looking over at Madison, I nudge her shoulder. "Come on, let's get out."

As I stepped out of the car, a few police officers looked our way and walked over. "This is a possible crime scene, you can't be here right now."

"Crime scene?" Madison choked.

"You don't understand. Her- our friend was in that car," I pointed in it's direction. "And she was on the phone with us saying she was being followed. She pulled over and the guy got out of his car, we told her to hang up and call 911 immediately. So can we see to her, please?" I asked him for Madison's sake, a gut feeling telling me she wasn't sitting in the back of one of those cruisers.

"We got here as another vehicle was pulling out, and your friend's car was exactly where it is now. She isn't with us. We are preparing to put out a state-wide search for them, one of my coworkers grabbed the license plate and information. I'm sure we'll have your friend back soon, we will need you two to come down to the station to answer a few questions to help us map out the events leading up to the kidnapping."  The officer told us as Madi sunk to the ground with her hand over her mouth.

"Mads, come on, ge-"

"Hey Williams, did you get the victim's name?" Another cop asked as he walked up behind who I'm assuming was Officer Williams.

'Williams' looked towards me and gave me a look telling me to answer him. "Lexi. Her last name is.. um, Madison? What's her name?" I asked Mads from the ground. She's probably broken inside, especially since they just called Lexi a victim.

"Alexis Saunders." She answered, not looking up.

"Thanks." The cop said before scribbling something down on a clipboard and turning back around.

"I need your names as well." Officer Williams spoke up as I pulled Madi back up on her feet.

"Matthew Espinosa and Madison Bell."

"Alright Matt, you have two options. Police escort or a ride in the back of a cruiser."

Madison didn't say anything, so I was left to decide. "We'll just take the escort so I don't need to come back to get the car."

How the fuck did I end up in this situation? Madi was right. I shouldn't have told her to pull over. If she kept driving and met up with us there or something, she would still be here and Mads wouldn't be drowning in her own tears right now.

"Alright. I'll get a few of us rounded up to leave with you in a few minutes- be ready. We'll also call your parents when we arrive at the station."

Shit shit shit.

Tina, for one, is going to kill us. For letting Lexi be kidnapped, and for being dragged down to the station. And my mother- who still hasn't contacted me once since I landed -will either not care, or ship me to a military school or something.


After a solid hour of interrogating, or "interviewing" as the investigator liked to call it, we were free to go home. I did most of the talking, I don't know what Madi's deal was.

I mean yeah you're sad, I get it, but you can't even speak?

As we walked out the front doors her phone rang, but she continued walking until it went to voice mail.

A few seconds later, mine began to ring. It was Tina, so I accepted it, put it on speaker, and held it away from my ear.

"I would come down there and whoop both of your asses but you're driving my car! You two are in for it as soon as you get home, so help me god!" She yelled through the speaker.

"Did they even tell you anything?" I asked, trying to keep the attitude to a minimum. The last thing I need is for her to get any more pissed.

"That you and my daughter were brought in for questioning!"

"Yeah, about Lexi's kidnapping. Because we were on the phone with her just before it happened. But if you feel like focusing on punishing us rather than the fact that she's gone, that's cool too." I said, unlocking the car doors and getting in while Madison does the same.

"Really? Oh poor girl. I hope she's okay. Her mother must be so distraught right now." Tina's tone completely changed it's demeanor.

"I imagine... Gotta go, we're leaving now." I hung up and focused on driving home. 


As soon as we walked through the front door Tina engulfed the still silent Madison in a hug and then gave me a quick one as well. 

"I talked to your mother, she wants you to call her." She told me as I watched Madi go upstairs to her room.

"I will later." I lied and switched the TV to the news.

"Police have identified the vehicle as a black Ford Taurus with a license plate Y2E3T and is registered under Daniel Brown's name. It has not been confirmed whether Brown is driving the vehicle or not. The car was last seen pulling out of the gas station on Worthington Rd, and it is believed Alexis Saunders was kidnapped by the driver. More details to come." 

I don't know what I can do at this point besides talk to Russell and see if there's something he wants us to help with.

Me: Daniel Brown??

Russell Santiago: one of gage's goons. u watching news too? we're in deep shit


A.N: so a shorter chapter but the last chapter was a bit longer so here we go

and u guys also get an edit so yay! It's not the best one by far (its actually rly bad) but it's hard when there's not a ton of usable professional pics of Matt, and Sarah's (who plays Madi) pics are almost all professionally taken lol

hope you enjoyed, remember to leave a like and comment and i'll try to reply if i can!! :)

ps.... theres a top secret very important message in the license plate ok

edit is made by me, please do not use/copy/redistribute, thank you and love you all xoxo

(fun fact [edited in]: i was subconsciously thinking about sammy and i wrote wilkinson rd instead of worthington road and i didnt even realize it until the 3rd time i skimmed over it goodbye

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