Death Knows Your Name | Divines (Asher)

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Have you all been watching Ash's Minecraft Divines? I'm in love with the series, and as much as I ship Ryan and Ash in real life and their characters in most RP's, I have to say I absolutely ADORE Tycer and Ash's relationship in Divines. You would never expect me to ship it (because I'm such a Rash fan girl), but I love Tash? Aycer? Asher? I like that last one. Asher. So yeah, welcome to an Asher ship. Disclaimer: I do not ship the people Ash and Aaran, I ship the characters Ash and Tycer from Divines. Okay? We good? Let's do this!

"Tycer!!" Ash screamed when she realized what had happened. These stupid stairs have holes in them?! What kind of idiot designed these things?! Tycer has died, and now Death would be after him too. As if it wasn't scary enough to be hunted down by Death, this seemed almost more scary.

Fear struck though Ash as she came to terms that Tycer had just died. Similar to the feeling she felt when she found out that Logan and Chad has died as well, but it was different this time. She hadn't been with anyone else when they had died, but now she had seen it: what happens when one of them die.

There wasn't a body, which for some reason shocked Ash. She had heard from both Misty and Logan that when one of them dies, their body disappears without a trace, and they teleport somewhere else. It didn't seem natural. Like this wasn't how it was suppose to happen. Sure Ash couldn't remember much from before appearing on the hill with a group of strangers she now considers to be friends, so for all she knew this was the natural order of things, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this was unnatural and it wasn't meant to happen this way.

"I'm okay!" Tycer exclaimed as he rejoined the group. Ash wanted to run to him and hug him for some reason, as if hugging him would fix all the problems of right now and push them off until later, but she knew she couldn't. Lilith was there, and Tycer has specifically requested that they not do anything that would make them seem close. Tycer has to keep up the facade that he supported Lilith completely, so Ash couldn't run and check in on him to make sure he was safe and okay. She had to keep leading and pretend like she didn't care.

Lead? Where had that come from? She wasn't the leader, right? Though it would make some sort of sense, wouldn't it? Ash had been keeping the peace together since the beginning, trying to get people to get along, getting people to work together to complete the tasks needed for survival, making sure everyone had a part to play, and that they would all survive. She got along with everyone... Except Lilith.

And now they knew Lilith was taking orders from Death herself. Death who wanted nothing more but to tare the group apart and destroy them one by one. Especially Ash. It made sense that Lilith would hate what kept everyone together as she constantly switched from Tycer to Chad to Misty, trying to get them to fall for her tricks and always putting them against one another. 

"Let's kill this thing, get the weapons and get out of here!" Ash said in a determined voice. Everyone yelled as they charged in to slay the monster.

And then they had the required objects. They could get out of there and save Lilith. Sure Ash didn't like Lilith, but maybe if Lilith was freed, they would be able to be friends.

But Lilith ran off.

And Misty and Tycer went after her.


Ash was alone in her house meditating. She had to figure out a plan to get Lilith to agree to the ritual that would cleanse her. Ash could only hope Tycer and Misty knew what they were doing.

Ash was snapped out of her thoughts when there was a knock at her door.

"Yeah? Come in." She called out.

Tycer slowly opened the door and stepped inside, breathing a sigh of relief when he realized Ash was alone, and shut the door behind him.

"How'd it go?" Ash asked, standing up quickly and leaping over her hot spring water river to get to him.

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