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Forth's POV
  "Now boarding flight A90 to Thailand International."

    That's us.

    "Grab your bags, Yuta." I said tapping his leg, knowing he couldn't hear me over his earphones.

    "What?" He asked taking them out. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

    "Grab your bags. We're boarding." I said standing up.

    He did as he was told and followed behind me as I lead us to the gate. Our tickets where checked by the lady and we boarded.

    As soon as we took our seats again, Yuta had his head earphones back in. I sighed and sat back, trying to relax.

    In approximately five hours I would be back home. Home.

    The place I left behind two years ago. The place where my family and friends are. My Beam.

    I admit that I think about him often. Think about much things have change. I wonder if he is still the same guarded Beam he was when we met. I wonder if, like he said, he'll still be in love with me. I wouldn't if I was him. I screwed up. I screwed up bad.

    I hadn't been back to Thailand, but my parents and siblings had been to visit me in Japan. They had each met Yuta and loved him.

    Yuta was basically my son. We was legally at least. I had adopted him eight months after arriving to Japan.

    The scholarship that I took had a program for troubled kids. Yuta was in the program.

    He reminded me so much about Beam. He was closed off and quiet all the time. I felt like I needed to help him. I needed to help all those kids, but Yuta was the only one I could.

    He lived with me for two months and then I adopted him.

    He is only fourteen and I'm only twenty-three, but he really is like my son. He even calls me dad. It's not weird though. I like it. I've always wanted to be a dad.

    We arrived to Thailand five hours later and my mother met us by the gate.

    “My boys.” She said reaching up to hug me. I dropped my bags and wrapped my arms around her tightly.

    “I missed you, mom.” I said softly. She laughed and tapped my arms.

    “No so tight. I’m old now. I break easy.” She said pulling away. I smiled and rubbed her sides.

    “My bad.” I said picking up my bags again.

    “Grandma.” Yuta said reaching up kissing my mom on the cheek softly. “I’ll be more gentle than dad.” He told her. I laughed and shook my head. She laughed and kissed his cheek in return.

    “Let’s go home.” She said to him before turning to me. “I made your favorite and your siblings are also home. They are so excited to see you. Dad won’t be home until tomorrow. He is on a small business trip to America. He is on his flight home now.” She told me as she led us out the doors and to the car.

    “Are Chula and Cha going to finally help around the house this Christmas?” I asked laughing. My mom waved her hands and chuckled.

    “Come on, you know your sisters are useless when it comes to knowing useful things in life.” I laughed loudly at her words. No one talks bad about a kid better than a mom. “No, but seriously, I’ve been getting help from someone else. He’s quite a nice young boy.” She told me.

    “Mom, are you having a crush on this boy? Is it okay for dad to actually be away right now?” I asked jokingly. She scoffed getting in the car and starting it.

    “Oh, shut it. I would never in a million years think that way about this boy. He’s like my son.” I gasp dramatically.

    “I’m gone for two years, and you’re already replacing me?” I ask. She pauses as if to think for a few seconds before she nods.

    “Indeed I did.” I laugh and shake my head. Yuta laughs at our conversation from the back. I turn around and point my finger at him.

    “You best watch it boy. I’ll be doing this to you when you get a brother or sister.” I tell him. He laughs and raises his hands in the air.

    When we arrived at the house, I took my bags upstairs and washed up a little before going downstairs and properly greeting my family.

    "We are so happy that you're home." Chula said wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me tight.

    "Yeah we missed you, bro." Fame said patting my shoulder.

    "Yuta, you've grown." Cha said ruffleing his hair. He smiled and hugged her.

    It must have been a lot, very overwhelming, for Yuta. He wasn't the most confident in speaking Thai. He was amazing at it, but was tons more comfortable speaking Japanese, and because I took a class in high school, and was there for two years, we would speak it together.

    "We missed you guys. I'm so glad you came home this year. Last Christmas everyone asked where you were." Mom said rubbing me cheek.

    I smiled and nodded. "Well, I have good news then." I said looking to Yuta who smiled and nodded with me. "After Christmas, Yuta and I will be going back to Japan, but only to wrap things up because we are moving back here." I announced.

    Mom squealed and hugged us tightly.

    "But what about Japan? Won't you miss it?" Fame asked. Yuta nodded.

    "Of course we will, and because of that, we'll go back and visit sometimes." He told them.

    "We missed you sweetheart." Mom said kissing my cheek before going back to cooking dinner.

    The front door opened, catching everyone's attention. We all turned to the doorway as someone walked in.



Thoughts on the first chapter?

I'm so sorry it took so long to get this out. I hope you enjoy all of it.

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